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联系人:任丽     手机:13880524796     地址:中国 四川 成都市 双流县
主营: 女靴;正装女鞋;时尚凉鞋;高贵拖鞋;

瑞雪鞋业始建于一九九一年,座落于美名其日:天府之国的休闲城市——成都。本公司是中国鞋业的新精锐力量,身创建以来积累了丰富的制鞋经验。已成为中国西部鞋都的中流砥柱。 面对广大客户,瑞雪秉承“脚踏实地,一步一脚印努力拼搏、创新实干”的精神逐步成长。“规范化、正规化、现代化、全球化”是瑞雪创业的不懈追求。我们始终本着:“以质量求生存、以创新求发展、思路决定出路”的成功理念迎接新一轮创业的到来。以“和谐、敬业、精诚、{gx}”的企业精神与世界同步。 “品质、时尚、人性”是瑞雪永远追求的风格。 不求{zd0},但求{zh0}。瑞雪壮志创鞋业。峰顶更上一层楼。 瞻仰未来,我们相信世界上每个地方都会留下“瑞雪”的足迹! 此外本公司也承接订做国内外各大型企业的女士zp(如宾馆、酒店、商场、娱乐会所、各种公关、白领等等<80双-500双起订) The auspicious snow shoe industry builds in 1991, is located in fine reputation its day: Land of abundance leisure city - - Chengdu. Since this company has been the Chinese shoe industry new sharp strength, the body founds gained in the rich shoemaking experience. Has become west China the shoes mainstay. Facing the general customers, the auspicious snow receives “conscientiously, a step footprint strives for success, the innovation is practical the spirit to grow gradually diligently”. “the standardization, the standardization, the modernization, the globalization” are the auspicious snow undertaking unremitting pursues. We throughout in line with: “strives for the survival by the quality, to innovate strives for the development, the mentality to decide outlet” the successful idea greets the arrival which new round starts an undertaking. By “harmonious, professional, absolute sincerity, highly effective” spirit of enterprise and world synchronization. “the quality, the fashion, the human nature” are the styles which the auspicious snow forever pursues. Does not strive for in a big way, but strives for well. The auspicious snow determination creates the shoe industry. On peak a yet higher goal. Will look at reverently the future, we believed in the world each place can leave behind “the auspicious snow” trail

【 16 年 免费会员 】
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