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microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪Hoggan Health肌力检测仪 ergoPAK microFET3  Hoggan  Scientific, LLC ergoFET microFET4   microFET5  microFET6
microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪Hoggan Health肌力检测仪 ergoPAK microFET3  Hoggan  Scientific, LLC ergoFET microFET4   microFET5  microFET6

microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪Hoggan Health肌力检测仪 ergoPAK microFET3 Hoggan Scientific, LLC ergoFET microFET4 microFET5 microFET6

microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪Hoggan Health肌力检测仪 ergoPAK microFET3 Hoggan Scientific, LLC ergoFET microFET4 microFET5 microFET6 相关信息由 米力光国际贸易有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪Hoggan Health肌力检测仪 ergoPAK microFET3 Hoggan Scientific, LLC ergoFET microFET4 microFET5 microFET6 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.com/b2b/micforce.html 查看 米力光国际贸易有限公司 的详细联系方式。



AMCA 210 风洞
LW-9014 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9081 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9015 全自动风量及压力量测装置

LW-9266 风扇PQ特性测试装置
LW-9348 风扇PQ特性测试装置

LW-9099 小型气流装置之控制及噪音自动量测装置
LW-9389 界面材料热阻及热传导系数量测装置
LW-9286 高导热系数材料热扩散系数与热传系数量测装置
LW-9614 平面材料热扩散系数与热传系数量测装置
LW-9091 散热模块热阻量测装置
LW-9172 散热模块热阻瞬时检测装置
LW-9052 接触压力量测装置

LW-9222 笔记本电脑仿真热源产生装置
LW-9334A 热管热阻及{zd0}热传量测试装置
LW-9280 热管热阻及{zd0}热传量(Qmax)在线检验装置
LW-9510 均温板热阻性能测试装置
LW-9150 IC封装组件Rjc量测装置
LW-9022S 自然对流恒温腔室-小型
LW-9022 自然对流恒温腔室-标准型
LW-9022 自然对流恒温腔室-高脚架型
LW-9022M 自然对流恒温腔室-中型
LW-9022L 自然对流恒温腔室-大型
LW-9022P 自然对流恒温腔室-程序温控型
LW-9022H 自然对流恒温腔室-高温型
LW-9022TH 自然对流恒温恒湿腔室
LW-9022S 自然对流恒温腔室-小型
LW-9383 LED Tj 热阻量测装置
LW-2234 自然与强制对流热传风洞
LW-2245 燃烧风洞
LW-2499 热传风洞
LW-2616 垂直水平两用热传风洞
LW-6200T 热传风洞
LW-9016 热传风洞
LW-9118 立式热传风洞
LW-9300T 热传风洞

LW-9014 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9081 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9015 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9185 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9120 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9293 全自动风量及压力量测装置
LW-9545 8000Pa高静压型 全自动风量及压力量测装置

LW-9099 小型气流装置之控制及噪音自动量测装置
LW-2116 风洞
LW-2240 极低速风洞
LW-3660 风洞 风力发电机特性测量
LW-3840 风洞 风力发电机特性测量
LW-3890 风洞
LW-4544 风速计校正用风洞
LW-6200 风洞
LW-8565 闭回路水平次音速风洞
LW-9069 热线测速仪校正用风洞
LW-9133 三维流场可视化风洞
LW-9300 风洞
LW-9300R 风洞
LW-9544 风洞
LW-2114 高速水洞
LW-2330 水洞
LW-3457 水洞
LW-9002 流场可视化及量力用立式水洞
LW-9065 水洞
LW-9093 流场可视化水洞
LW-9174 水平水洞
LW-9513 水洞
LW-9020 流场可视化水槽
LW-9134 流场可视化水槽
LW-9117 雷射光页产生装置
LW-9397 霍普金生压杆试验机
LW-9398 霍普金生拉杆试验机
LW-9361 霍普金生扭杆试验机
LW-9396 击穿试验机

详细信息 我也要发布信息到此页面

microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪Hoggan Health肌力检测仪 ergoPAK microFET3  Hoggan  Scientific, LLC ergoFET microFET4   microFET5  microFET6

Muscle Testing Technology that Fits in the Palm of your Hand – Palm Gauge

The wireless microFET2 Digital Handheld Muscle Tester is an accurate, portable Force Evaluation and Testing (FET) device. It is designed specifically for taking objective, reliable, and quantifiable muscle testing measurements. It is a modern adaptation of the time-tested art of hands-on manual muscle testing. The microFET2 aids in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Now with wireless capability, you can enjoy freedom from inconvenient cord tangling and being wired to the data-collecting computer. No more cables, cords, or wires.

This unique, handheld device is battery operated, weighs less than a pound, and is ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. The microFET2 uses sophisticated digital technology. Strain gauge elements within the transducer react independently to measure external forces from multiple angles. This patented system enables the gauge to detect even subtle changes in force regardless of the direction in which it is applied.

The microFET2 has the following specifications:

1.    Selectable units of measure: pounds (lbs.), Newtons (N), or kilogram-force (kgf)

2.    Accurate measurement to 1% of full scale

3.    Two threshold settings for muscle testing: Low Threshold – 0.8 lb. to 300 lbs. in 0.1 lb. increments and High Threshold – 3.0 lbs. to 300 lbs. in 0.1 lb. increments

4.    Self-activating “sleep” mode to extend battery life

The microFET software automatically performs calculations and validity checks, generates tables and graphs from testing data, creates high-impact session and comparison reports, walks the clinician through selected tests or entire protocols, and provides built-in pictures to demonstrate proper gauge and patient positioning. (At this time, the software is compatible with Windows operating systems XP or newer.)

Your Purchase Includes: Wireless microFET2 Digital Handheld Muscle Tester, Flat Transducer Pad, Curved Transducer Pad, Digit Transducer Pad, Muscle Testing Positions Wall Chart, Upper Body Test Recording Tablet, Lower Body Test Recording Tablet, User Manual, Product/Warranty Card, Calibration Certificate, and Carrying Case. 1 year standard warranty included, with extended warranties available. Free shipping in the U.S. and Canada is included. Recommended Companion Book Not Included With Purchase: Muscle and Sensory Testing, by Nance Berryman Reese.

1. 具专利,美国食品及药品管理局(FDA)批淮。

2. {zxj}的人因工程学设计,适合拿握,手部肌肉易适应。

3. 取代徒手肌力测试(manual muscle testing),有高达99.5%准确度。

4. 感应值高达200lbs

5. 可调低/高力值,视需要可扩大范围,双敏感性肌肉检测器范围。

6. {zd1}阈值可自0.8磅调到150磅,以0.1磅增加。

7. {zg}阈值可自3磅调到150磅,以1磅增加。

8. 可应用在身体各主要骨骼肌上,尤其是大块表浅肌肉(local muscles),本仪器提供身体各部位测试摆位表以资参考。按钮进行在线转换

郑重声明:产品 【microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪Hoggan Health肌力检测仪 ergoPAK microFET3 Hoggan Scientific, LLC ergoFET microFET4 microFET5 microFET6】由 米力光国际贸易有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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