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原产地证书使领馆认证 Certificate of Origin Embassy Certification
原产地证书使领馆认证 Certificate of Origin Embassy Certification

原产地证书使领馆认证 Certificate of Origin Embassy Certification

原产地证书使领馆认证 Certificate of Origin Embassy Certification 相关信息由 深圳市普莱斯顿贸易有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 原产地证书使领馆认证 Certificate of Origin Embassy Certification 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.com/b2b/chma16.html 查看 深圳市普莱斯顿贸易有限公司 的详细联系方式。



我们是深圳市普莱斯顿贸易有限公司,我们已经在认证领域有超过4年的工作经验了,最近三年之内办理了超过40个国家;2万各种证书。为了方便中国企业和贸易商更好的了解市场,节省费用,提{gx}率,为大家提供yz服务,以便大家节省宝贵时间和费用! 我司主营业务有: 一、代理驻华各国大使馆(领事馆)认证加签;(埃及、越南、土耳其、阿根廷、巴西、沙特、委内瑞拉...等驻华大使馆) 二、承接代理全国商会证明书、贸促会认证、国际商事证明书; 三、代理原产地证CO、亚太产地证、普惠证(FORM-A) 、东盟产地证(FORM-E)、中国智利产地证(FORM-F)、中巴产地证(FTA)、中国-秘鲁原产地证、中国-新西兰原产地证、中国-新加波原产地证、台湾优惠产地证-ECFA、中国-哥斯达自贸区优惠原产地证等各类产地证; 四、提供香港转口产地证、香港总商会加签、香港厂商联合盖章; 五、代理翻译,香港公司年审!
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In recent years, the certification of embassies and consulates in commercial documents as one of the non-tariff barriers in many countries is quietly rising.Accreditation of embassies and consulates means that a country's diplomatic agencies and their authorized agencies confirm the seals of the notary organs or some special organs of the country or the signature of the competent personnel of the organs on the foreign-related documents.It is a process in which a country's embassy or consulate in another country, according to the relevant provisions of the country's entry and exit laws and regulations, verifies the relevant certification documents of the people or goods entering the country, confirms that the last signature or seal on these documents is true, and signs and seals the documents.Certified whole data may be recognized by the authorities concerned as having been used in the document due to its extra-legal effect.Embassy and consulate certification includes civil certification and commercial certification.Since the certification of embassies and consulates in the international trade is all about commodity certification, the following we focus on the commercial certification of embassies and consulates.


In international trade, all measures that restrict the import of foreign commodities except tariff are considered as non-tariff barriers, including strict restrictions on the origin, price, guarantee, quality and technical specifications, health and safety of imported commodities.However, the certification by embassies and consulates can restrict the origin, price, quality and other aspects of export commodities. In fact, it is the non-tariff trade barriers set by importing countries to other countries' export commodities.


The accreditation of embassies and consulates related to entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions is mainly conducted by the inspection and quarantine institutions at all levels.Animal and plant export quarantine certificate and certificate of origin, mainly including general certificate of origin, processing and assembly certificate, transit certificate, commodity inspection certificate, animal and plant quarantine certificate, export mechanical and electrical products license.At present, the most commonly used is the certificate of origin of the general number of embassy and consulate certification.


The impact of embassy and consulate certification on China's export trade:


1.The long time for handling the certification of embassies and consulates obviously restricts China's export of goods to countries requiring the certification of embassies and consulates.


2. The higher cost of embassy and consulate certification has the most direct impact on China's exports to the certified countries.


3. Some countries require the certification of some trade documents to be handled at the same time, which makes the authentication work of embassies and consulates more complicated.


4.Some countries require the authentication of their embassies and consulates to be accompanied by relevant documents or documents, which makes the authentication more difficult.


5. Some countries have regulations on the certification of cultural species, which makes it more difficult to apply for the certification.


6. Some countries have special regulations on the documents of diplomatic and consular personnel, which increases the difficulty and cost of the authentication of diplomatic and consular personnel.





郑重声明:产品 【原产地证书使领馆认证 Certificate of Origin Embassy Certification】由 深圳市普莱斯顿贸易有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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