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科技股为主的初审,再由黑,绿皮书« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-31 浏览:212



永发文件是如何进行环境保护方面的工作? “污染的高强度生物自由生产瓦楞原纸制浆技术”是如何?在研究和发展过程中,经历了曲折的过程里去了?草浆造纸对中国的影响?带着这些问题,记者与该公司董事长李京民的{dj2}专访。





李敬民:1997年2月,我们有一年多的反复试验以来,“双引擎涡轮螺旋桨飞机提取亚铵法制浆黑液,”新技术,终于成功,它标志着亚铵法半化学浆造纸技术,污染控制技术取得了重大突破,获得国家专利。在制订外地经验的基础上,我们采用了多效蒸发技术,制浆酒和纤维分离,水的单中,黑液加工成胶。 15000000 2003元投资,建成了{zd0}的300吨/日的水平喷雾黑液蒸发系统(6五体效应),日处理造纸黑液1500?2000立方米,日产300吨粘合剂不仅从源头控制污染, ,年利润超过1000万元。在粘合剂中的处理,同时,超过40.000亿元投资,清华紫光的专利技术和环保在上海该公司的移动悬挂链曝气废水深度处理设备的使用,不仅保证了30万吨/ 1造纸废水所有标准,以及废水的80%以上的重用率标准。



李敬民:激进的黑液制浆,造纸企业,不仅是我们希望的梦想,也是专家,科学和技术人员努力探索的风景。然而,十多年来,没有人能够捕捉纸浆业的制高点,成为没有人到一个空白。我们专门对困难的问题组织科研人员进行了研究探索,经过多年的测试,最终研发的“生物性污染,高强度瓦楞原纸的制浆技术的自由生产的成功。” 2005年4月9日由山东省科技厅组织,德州沪平永发纸业有限公司“的生物污染,高强度瓦楞原纸的制浆技术”正式通过了技术鉴定自由生产。该技术使用的黑液生物处理第六鲁本植物,而这种生物液适用于烹调,小麦秸秆分解生产B级瓦楞纸,对制浆黑液回收的实现。的技术和亚铵法半化学制浆造纸工艺相比,72%?75%粗纸浆得率,提高了14至15个百分点。取代铵硫酸盐蒸煮药品,节约水的生产,吨纸张,以降低成本近300元。同时xc了亚铵法制浆过程浓黑的解决办法处理过程中,一个重要的经济和社会效益。这项技术已经在大规模生产正式运作后,取得了良好效果。根据调查结果证实,在国内外没有,这项技术被称为“高级”程度确定的类似试验。





李敬民:我们将坚持科学发展观,走工业化和经济的新周期。我们正与有关科研部门,大专院校,积极探索对中水回用技术,实现闭环实现“零排放”,从而彻底解决污染问题,并进一步降低成本,提高竞争力的产品。按照“以市场为导向,以标准化为重点,以经济效益为中心”的经营理念,走可持续发展道路,努力实现收入,利润和税收增加一倍的目标,创造100万吨的管理,对美元,百年繁荣数十亿美元收入的大型企业级的绿皮书的现代化。 06.9.7

Technology-dominated first by the black-green paper

In building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society of today, the paper industry as a pillar industry of national economy, one of the important, how to change the traditional mode of development, to abandon the high-energy consumption, high pollution, production and development of green paper?

as a company specializing in the production series of large-scale high-strength corrugated base paper enterprises in Shandong Shanghai Ping Yongfa Texas Papermaking Co., Ltd. Relying on scientific and technological innovation, with businesses starting point positioning, inclusive of the mind and the scientific concept of development guidelines boldly practice, successfully developed the )from the fundamental solution to the pulp and black liquor treatment and disposal problems, to explore a Green Paper development.

Yongfa paper are how to carry out environmental protection work? s chairman Mr. Li Jingmin.

do not attach importance to environmental protection enterprises are not promising, do not attach importance to environmental protection, the lack of a sense of social responsibility when the family is not clear

Journalist: environmental protection is the lifeblood of enterprises, the traditional paper industry are high-energy consuming, high polluting industries, your in business management, facilities, staff training and so on are how to promote the environmental protection work?

李敬民: I think, a great importance to environmental protection enterprises are not promising, a great importance to environmental protection enterprises, when their families are not clear, a lack of social responsibility of entrepreneurs is not a successful entrepreneur . Environmental protection in the enterprise context, we focused on a five-point, first, to strengthen leadership, the company five are willing to invest, the company has spent more than 140 million yuan of funds management, and constantly improve the pollution control facilities, and strengthen management tools to ensure that the stability of the effluent discharge standards.

Journalist: environmental pollution problem is increasingly dependent on scientific and technological progress. Technology innovation is the soul, Yongfa paper is how to rely on scientific and technological innovation one step-by-step development of the?

李敬民: February 1997, we have more than a year of trial and error, the s mobile hoisting chain deep aeration wastewater treatment equipment, not only ensured the 300,000 tons / a papermaking wastewater All standards, and standards of wastewater reuse rate of more than 80%.

biological pulping processes are in high-tech scope of a major breakthrough in paper-making process are a revolution in high-watt paper manufacturing industry, a new starting point for

Journalist: It is understanding, Yongfa Paper straw in recent years has been searching for paper-making raw materials as the main innovation, the successful development of has passed experts, can you tell us in this regard the situation?

李敬民: radical black liquor pulping, paper-making enterprises is not only our dream of hope, but also the number of experts, scientific and technical personnel struggling to explore the scenery. However, more than a decade, no one can Capture the paper pulp industry, the commanding heights and became a nobody into a blank. We specialize in organization of scientific research personnel of the difficult issues have been studied to explore, through years of testing, the final R level.

Journalist: Can you introduce us, have any impact on the paper industry, there will be what kind of significance?

李敬民: s National Congress, the Plenum and the National Assembly the spirit of the sixth green, are adhering to the scientific concept of development the development of recycling economy, the creation of a conservation-minded society concrete manifestation.

from a business perspective, the company the full implementation of the pollution-free pulp and paper technology is the paper industry as a major technological revolution, not only to further expand the development of new business space, but also reduces production costs, enhance the enterprise the market competitiveness of the enterprise of scientific development has laid a solid foundation; from the industry point of view, non-polluting production of high-strength corrugated paper pulping technology in the same industry is already in the country and the world, and effectively promote the entire paper industry sustainable development of society, with a wide range of promotional value.

adhere to the scientific development concept, to take a new industrialization path and circular economy and building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly enterprises

Journalist: do large enterprises and stronger, we must uphold the scientific concept of development and follow new industrialization path and circular economy and building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly enterprises. As when the family, how to plan your business future?

李敬民: We will uphold the scientific concept of development, taking a new cycle of industrialization and economy. We are working with relevant scientific research departments, tertiary institutions, to actively explore the middle of the water reuse technology, to achieve closed loop to achieve business philosophy, path of sustainable development, and strive to realize the income, profits and taxes doubled the goal to create one million tons production, income tens of billions of dollars, a hundred years prosperous large-scale enterprise-class modernization of green paper. (06-9-7)

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