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国内烟草包装BOPP薄膜的需求非常强劲« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-01 浏览:224



卷烟包装香烟膜称为电影,BOPP薄膜是一种。作为一个gdBOPP薄膜,烟膜相比,具有低热封温度普通包装薄膜,和更好的阻隔性能,高透明度,厚度均匀,等等。中国烟草业的BOPP薄膜,其中一个主要的用户。据统计,中国现有卷烟厂165。卷烟6675.0万大箱,国内烟膜总需求不断上升的生产能力。近几年包装行业,持续增长,而且国内对BOPP薄膜的需求量呈现快速增长趋势。 BOPP薄膜

目前不仅在许多场合正在取代传统的纸包装,并在许多领域的包装已被聚乙烯,聚丙烯,聚氯乙烯和其他一般包装薄膜,比替代双向拉伸聚酯薄膜(双向拉伸聚酯薄膜所取代),双向拉伸聚氨酯薄膜(博帕),双向拉伸聚苯乙烯薄膜等薄膜(的BOPS),膜边是聚丙烯树脂下游应用,最快的一个增长较快的产品,因此,BOPP薄膜产品已在替代性竞争一个成功的位置,一个强大的其他替代产品的竞争力。 06.9.8

Domestic tobacco packaging BOPP film with very strong demand

Huicong net plastic inquiry: Experts predict that the near future, the domestic market demand for plastic film may be an annual growth rate of 9 percent, Chinas plastic film market has broad prospects.

At present, Chinas production of polypropylene film is biaxially oriented film (BOPP), cast film (CPP)and other packaging films. Biaxially oriented film products are widely used in food packaging, and color printing, apparel and other industries. At present, China has a bi-oriented polypropylene film production capacity of about 900,000 tons / year, production of bi-oriented films for the 75% ordinary film, tobacco film accounted for only 10%, a number of tobacco manufacturers of tobacco products, the demand for membrane extremely strong .

cigarette packaging cigarette membrane referred to as film, BOPP film are a kind of. As a high-grade BOPP film, tobacco film as compared with ordinary packaging films with a low sealing temperature, and better barrier properties, high transparency, thickness uniformity, and so on. Chinas existing cigarette factory 165. Cigarette production capacity of 66,750,000 big boxes, cigarette membrane domestic aggregate demand has been rising. The packaging industry in recent years, sustained growth, but also domestic demand for BOPP film showed rapid growth trend. BOPP film

present not only in many occasions are replacing the traditional paper packaging, and in many areas of the packaging has been replaced by PE, PP, PVC and other general packaging film, than the alternative two-way stretch polyester film (BOPET ), biaxially oriented polyurethane film (BOPA), biaxially oriented polystyrene film (BOPS), such as thin-film edge is polypropylene resin downstream applications, one of the fastest-growing products, therefore, BOPP film products have been in the alternative competition in a winning position, a strong competitive impact of other alternative products. (06-9-8)

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