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Bread steps are what? « Industry info 工业信息

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-02 浏览:227

Category:catering food

I would like to ask you how to do a number of delicious and nutritious cake? Bread, there is what is required machines?

bread are made from flour, yeast, water, salt, as the basic raw material, through the modulation of dough, fermentation, shaping, táng hair, made of baking and other processes and the expansion of the soft products. Bread in general can be classified as follows:
1. By flavor categories
(1) staple food of bread: bread, staple food, by definition, that is, as the staple food for consumption. Staple food bread recipe is characterized by the ratio of oil and sugar is lower than that of other products. Staple food of bread in accordance with international practice, in order to calculate the amount of flour as a base, sugar consumption is generally not more than 10%, less than 6% fat. Mainly on the basis of bread is the staple food is usually consumed along with other non-staple food, so its unnecessary to add too many accessories. Staple foods include bread, flat bread items or top of the arc-shaped pillow, large round bread, French bread.
(2) Fancy Bread: many color varieties of bread, including bread stuffing folders, surface coating of bread, fried bread circle and the shape varies by species, and several other major categories. Its formula is superior to staples of bread, the ratio of its accessories belonging to the middle class. In order to calculate the amount of flour as a base, sugar consumption 12% ~ 15%, fat 7% ~ 10% of the amount, as well as eggs, milk and other accessories. Compared with the staples of bread, its structure is more soft, bulky, and tastes good, in addition to bread, the taste of their own, there are other raw flavor.
(3) conditioning of bread: part of secondary processing of bread, grilled bread and once again after the processing is made, the main varieties are: sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, three. This is actually derived from the staple food of bread products.
(4) Danish butter bread: This is a new product developed in recent years, due to the use of more oil formulations, but also in the dough in the bag into a large number of solid fat, it belongs to a higher grade of bread products. The product features while maintaining the bread, but also near Pie (Pie) and Melaleuca cakes (Puff) such as West Point class of food. Come on the market, due to the melted tasty, exotic flavor, and more on the aroma, much welcomed by consumers in recent years to obtain more substantial growth.
2. Classified according to the degree of processing
(1) Finished: bulk bread, packaged bread, cakes, snacks.
(2) semi-finished products: frozen bread.
3. Source of goods classified in accordance with homemade bread, bread vendor.
Second, the fermentation of bread dough bread fermentation principles
principle is mainly constituted the basic raw materials of bread (flour, water, yeast, salt) the characteristics of the decision.
1. The role of
flour is a flour protein, carbohydrate, ash and other ingredients, in bread fermentation process, play a major role in the protein and carbohydrates. Flour protein mainly by gliadin, wheat gluten, wheat and wheat albumin globulin, composed of glutenin, gliadin to the formation of gluten quality of water-swelling. This gluten mass-energy with carbon dioxide gas during fermentation of dough expansion and expansion, and can prevent the overflow of carbon dioxide to improve the doughs ability to protect air, which is the bread products the formation of swelling characteristics of an important condition for the soft. Flour carbohydrates are mostly in the form of starch exist. Amylase starch contained in the appropriate conditions, can starch into maltose, and then continue into the supply of yeast fermentation of glucose needed for energy. The transformation of starch in dough effect on the growth of yeast plays an important role.
2. Yeast Yeast is a biological effect
expanders, face to face group add yeast, the yeast dough can absorb the nutrients in the growth and reproduction, and produce carbon dioxide gas, so that the dough to form enlarged, soft, honeycomb-like organizational structure. Yeast fermentation of bread play a decisive role, but should pay attention to usage. If you use too much dough in the gas production increased, the dough inside the pore wall of the rapid thinning of the dough holders of gas within a short time is very good, but time is extended, the dough too soon mature, holders of gas become worse. Therefore, the amount of yeast gluten quality and products according to needs. In general, the amount of flour, fresh yeast dosage of 3% to 4% of the amount of dry yeast for the amount of flour is 1.5% ~ 2%.
3. The role of water
bread and water is an important raw material production and its main functions: water can make the full absorption of proteins in flour to form a gluten network; water can make flour water absorption and starch gelatinization heat; water can promote the amylase decomposition of starch to help the yeast growth and reproduction.
4. The role of salt
salt can increase the quality of gluten in dough density, increase flexibility, improve the gluten strength of the gluten, if the dough in the absence of salt, fat táng group will be staying behind the phenomenon. Salt can be adjusted rate of fermentation, there is no salt in the dough ferment faster though, but the fermentation extremely unstable, easily over-fermentation, fermentation time, difficult to master. More salt will affect the vitality of yeast to ferment slowly. The amount of salt, flour dosage is generally 1% ~ 2.2%.
In summary, the four elements of bread dough are closely related, are indispensable, and their interaction is the principle of dough fermentation lies. Other accessories (such as: sugar, oil, milk, eggs, modifier, etc.) complement one another, they not only improve the flavor characteristics, rich in nutritional value, on fermentation also has a supplementary role. Sugar is a source of energy supply of yeast and sugar content of less than 5% when you can promote fermentation, more than 6% would be inhibited fermentation, fermentation rate becomes slow; oil can play a lubricant role of fermented dough to make bread products the volume of swelling and loose; eggs, milk and fermented dough to improve the organizational structure, increase gluten strength, improve the gluten of the holders of gas and fermentation of endurance, so that the dough more expansion force, while the supply of yeast nutrient to enhance the vitality of yeast.


类别: 餐饮食品



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