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Confirmation that the traffic conditions of re - « China tour log ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-05 浏览:289

I would like to ask, under the overpass, traffic lights are changing the law is, is not unified? For instance, traveling from west to east to the junction to turn right. Green turn right, the last-designate of the pedestrian crossing from north to south of the light is red or green ah?
my car with his car battery with rubbing. I have full responsibility for the traffic police contractors that want to turn right straight. If it is straight from the red light running, then how the contractor?
Confirmation has come out of the accident can change the re-trial? Even if the needs of the junction surface of the monitor can then call as evidence?
add: there is no right to turn right when the turn signal to turn right at any time. Have the right turn signal, then according to some traffic lights show.
there is the law of the lights. Lights turn right, I turn right from west to east to south, from north to south and that the sidewalk is a red light or green light, this is very important.

overpass west to east from the traffic lights, is not there turn left, go straight, turn right three arrows?

not tell you very clearly, but say , that is, turn right by the traffic lights control, we have to wait for the green light when the red light change to come through? ?

in that direction from your point of view, your car to turn right, may be: a green light to turn left + right turn or straight + the green light turn right, turn left and basically does not prohibit the straight, but a separate right turn allowed the green light to such a situation. +

turn left turn right into the green, you can turn right into the car, from north to south of the non-motor vehicles and pedestrians there is a red light is not green, or else will affect the car turn left, non-motor vehicle and pedestrians have to cross the road into the non-motorized Road, turn right, it will affect the cars. straight +

the green light turn right, the same token, from north to south of the non-motor vehicles and pedestrians there is a red light. So

of car polish and car battery, do you suspect him of red light running.

If this is the case, you turn right, he straight, but because of red light running, the responsibility of the other side. In fact, there is another

case, the sidewalk from north to south is the green light last few seconds, he can be adopted, half gone, but the red light changed, and can continue through, this does not闯红灯count. And automotive, as yellow light can be changed just at the junction of the, ah, may the other direction is green, and in that direction have already started the car, but you can continue, and this is not the red light running.

like this is the case, so we should go straight turn right, you have responsibility.

three arrows, if not traffic lights, turn right into the car and there is no relationship between the traffic lights, turn right into the can has been. You can turn right when the red light, but he can also be straight, but also such a situation, you have to let him. When the green light to turn right, he may be a red light running, or it may be when the green light did not pass through the in, so no red light running is not very good for Chuang determined. Monitor

so, do not know if the two directions of traffic lights can be photographed at the same time, if it is law and order with the probe, the general in the police station and have a good understanding of people, you can go and see, and may be useful to change the fines imposed by traffic police . If it is traffic control aspects of the probe, such a ruling, they certainly will not easily let you see. They view the probe was conducted in an illegal and criminal activities and serious road accident.

have a lot of the issue of the fines imposed by traffic police: car insurance, pedestrian, non-motor vehicle without insurance, in case an incident occurs, the responsibility of all those included in the driving side; the so-called people-oriented, the protection of the disadvantaged party, the responsibility of the driver award . These are unreasonable.

If you have sufficient evidence that it is the fault of the other side, of course, can change the traffic police to fine you.

wish you good luck ~!2008-05-22















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