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Shanghai Bank to pick up the property market, “Nuggets” could be ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-07 浏览:203

the face of rapid warming of the Shanghai property market, commercial banks began to use their brains from the in the hope in order to take food off the mortgage market.

breakdown rate minimum ten-year lending rate is only 7.02%

high-profile Bank of Shanghai yesterday announced today the introduction of personal property utilizing the three major financial plan : personal property as collateral, not only can evaluate the value of real estate is now 7 percent of the loan, and as long as 10 years in the credit period, the loan customers only by a one-year lending rate of delivery of interest. The face of intense competition in the current mortgage market, the interest rate floor again to refresh.

this year, the central bank has raised lending rates four times, more than 5-year lending rate has risen to 7.56 percent, this is undoubtedly so that the public bear the repayment of loans under much greater pressure. On the other hand, the property market as prices rise again, many people hope to gain from the real estate value-added real benefits. Above are urging banks in mortgage loans seek to make innovative changes, which reduce the cost of mortgage loan customers is the most pressing issues.

The Bank of Shanghai prime example of is exactly what people thought. Bank of Shanghai, according to the relevant person in charge who has a personal property of the public may apply to mortgages. The official also cited three kinds of public bidding for the type of loan:

First of all, for personal property has not yet been secured, the applicant may permit holders of real estate and related personal identification information to Shanghais bid for the bank directly. The maximum limit is to assess the value of real estate into the 7, credit period of up to 10 years. Credit limits as a result of a certain year, and the banks by 1-year lending rate (7.02 percent) to implement. As the mortgages do not generally have the space to float downward, Bank of Shanghai had fallen by half since the same points.

Secondly, with regard to personal property has been in his line mortgages, Bank of Shanghai said that the applicant may apply for Bank of Shanghai interbank loans to non-trading him to the Bank of Shanghai Bank loans, it may still to honor the discount.

Finally, with regard to personal property has been mortgage banks in Shanghai, the applicant can directly bid for the original lending bank personal integrated mortgage. Credit period with the remaining period of the general mortgage, the amount remains in effect during the period without a certain year.

Bank of Shanghai in the high-profile mortgage market reached before the other banks in Shanghai have begun to try pushing a variety of innovative mortgage products, these products are mostly for moving personal value-added real estate financing needs and design The. However, regulatory authorities are assessing these innovative ways to market the potential impact, of which, the most worrying is part of the loan funds may take this opportunity to inflow of capital markets.

breakthrough in second-hand housing loan limit up to 8-cheng

breakdown in the interest rate floor was at the same time, second-hand housing loan limit is expected breakthrough. Yesterday, the 21st century real estate, announced with Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to establish relations of cooperation, through the use of model of lending to help the second-hand housing buyers to obtain a higher loan amount.

According to the 21st century real estate-related sources, in the 21st century real estate purchase second-hand housing, home buyers can七成Industrial and Commercial Bank of China received the highest of second-hand housing mortgage loans, in addition, the company will also help buyers Bank of China to obtain personal credit revolving loan. The sum of two loans, loans for home buyers can reach a maximum amount of the total price to 8 into a 7.5-cheng. Although the total amount of loans is more than the bank provides mortgage ceiling, but because of these two operations in the two banks, and there is no violation of banking policy for the existing provisions of mortgages.

So far, six second-hand housing buyers participated in the lending activities, and through the 21st century real estate from the bank received a total of more than七成mortgage.

21 century real estate in China, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Shanghai, said Zhang Weiping, the 21st century real estate has been with China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, such as the establishment of cooperative relations. At present, the 21st century real estate in Shanghai, more than 120 stores, scope of business throughout all regions of Shanghai.

上海银行拿起房地产市场, “掘金”可二手住房贷款七成

面对迅速升温的上海房地产市场,商业银行开始使用他们的大脑的“掘金” 。上海银行或一个单独的部分实行优惠政策, “{zd1}比率击穿” ,或通过中间人加上他的“打破限制” ,希望以采取粮食从抵押贷款市场。

故障率{zd1}10年期贷款利率只有7.02 %


今年以来,央行提高贷款利率的4倍,超过5年期贷款利率已上升到百分之7.56 ,这无疑是使公众承担偿还贷款的压力下要大得多。另一方面,房地产市场的价格再次上升,许多人希望得到来自房地产增值的实际好处。上述敦促银行在按揭贷款寻求创新变革,降低成本的抵押贷款的客户是最紧迫的问题。


首先,个人财产还没有担保,申请人可证持有人的房地产及相关的个人识别信息,以上海申办银行直接。{zg}上限是评估房地产价值的7成,贷款期限最长为10年。信用额度是由于某一年,银行的1年期贷款利率( 7.02百分之)实施。由于抵押贷款一般不有下浮空间,上海银行已经下降了一半,因为同样的点。





崩溃利息楼是在同一时间,二手房贷款限制预计突破。昨天, 21世纪不动产宣布,中国银行,工商银行的中国建立的合作关系,通过使用“银行+银行”模式的贷款,帮助二手房购买者获得较高的贷款金额。


到目前为止, 6个二手房的买家参加了“银行+银行”的贷款活动,并通过21世纪不动产从银行共收到超过七成按揭。

21世纪不动产在中国,高级副总裁兼总经理,上海,说章委瓶, 21世纪不动产已与中国工业和商业银行的中国银行,中国,如建立合作关系。目前, 21世纪不动产在上海,有超过120家商店,经营范围全国所有地区的上海。

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