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Tourism is now the highest in the world will be the Office of ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-07 浏览:310

Shanghai will be the first high refresh again, 492 meters high, 101-storey Shanghai World Financial Center will be the structure of todays highest sightseeing Office Building.

[Building Secret] 20 gold-plated bolts symbolizing good luck

Today, the Shanghai World Financial Center last a steel girder will be loaded onto a building at the top, that is, the first layer 101. But this last steel beam is a unique. Reporter was informed that the root steel will be used 20 gold-plated steel bolts and other connected to the whole root It also appears glittering steel. Construction side Shanghai Construction Group have told reporters that a solid gold-plated bolts degrees higher than the ordinary bolt, but the golden symbol of吉祥如意.

World Financial Center after the completion of its internal structure in the end look like? Investment in buildings for journalists方森detailed of this building ultra-high-rise building. Tourists coming into the building to see will be the store. 2 from the ground floor, underground 1,2,3 layer in a large-scale commercial areas, will accommodate 50 restaurants, shops, here for the employment office personnel, hotel guests, visitors services. And then go upstairs, Layer 3 -5 layer for all types of conference facilities. Office facilities are concentrated in the 7-storey -77 layer, a floor area of about 3300 square meters and equipped with restaurants, coffee shops and other office support services and facilities, the region can accommodate 10,000 people office, the main class for the internationalization of large enterprises.

Top 79-storey hotel in

If the tourists want to live here comfortably one night, then have to take the elevator on the 79th floor. -93 Of the 79-storey building is elegant and comfortable layer of the top hotel. It is understood that this is named s top hotel. Number of rooms of about 180 (sets), with an average per-room area of about 60 square meters, is located on the top floor of the restaurant, SPA, gym, conference rooms and other supporting facilities.

with the nearby Grand Hyatt hotel difference is, hotel mainly cater to seek privacy, personalized service of noble guests. The Grand Hyatt Hotel relatively large scale, mainly off the face of business.

in the air

as a tourist, of course, wanted to find a the commanding heights overlooking the Huangpu River scenery. The commanding height of the future in the global financial center. The top layer 94-100 between the mosaic of an inverted trapezoidal the feeling in the air.

reporter learned from the World Financial Center, designed to understand that the United States KPF Architects, the Shanghai World Financial Center comes from the shape and framework of This is a geometric shape can be more artistic sense of high-rise.
involved in the design of the East China Architectural Design can significantly diminish the sense of tourists.

Department building in the 472 meters,

World Financial Center in the 472 meters away from the ground 100-storey offices, also designed length of about 55 meters of the s world of human skyscrapers reach the maximum height.

It was learned that after the completion of the World Financial Center has nearly 10 refuge floor, which is equipped with fire fighting, ventilation and other equipment. After the completion of the building will also set up three specialized disaster control center, on the whole building to building key parts of the monitor. Due to a high degree of specificity of the building, the buildings fire safety facilities, compared with ordinary buildings, the number of more points and more special.

[operators looking] on rent per square meter more than three U.S. dollars

despite a global financial center to be completed next spring before delivery, But the most recent days, the management consulting to its office space lease price of the phone has been an endless stream. According to a global financial center management, currently published by the daily rental price is more than three U.S. dollars per square meter. At present, the Park Hyatt Hotel in addition to move in, there are also ranked top three in Japans Mizuho Corporate Bank and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. Reporter has learned that some large multinational companies in Japan also intends to move.

demand, is currently the Pudong Lujiazui area small office the status quo. Since 1995, the first Class A office buildings Yonghua Building put into use, the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone has attracted over 120 financial institutions stationed. At present, the area of Grade A office space vacancy rate of only 1.9%.

housing office will provide a strong

owns 230,000 square meters of office space as a Global Financial Center put into use undoubtedly will be a small Lujiazui area office supply houses to provide a strong office. Lujiazui functional regional CMC relevant person in charge said that at present, Lujiazui Finance Trade Zone project has made it clear, we will have to start the construction of a total of 12 commercial buildings, the ground a total construction area of 1,281,700 square meters, which will be fundamental in the future completed two or three years.

It is worth mentioning that the Pudong Lujiazui central area of the Jinmao Tower in addition to the existing and under construction as a Global Financial Center, the third super-high-rise buildings being planned. It is located in the heart of Lujiazui stone bridge to the north, Garden Road, east to Dongtai Road Z3-2 Block, once through international tender to identify the owners, and the Jinmao Tower and built Shanghai World Financial Center in the T-junction formation of the three posture.

[expert opinion] Shanghais ultra-high-rise building construction should slow down the pace of

the current volume of high-rise building in Shanghai has reached over 2000 buildings, of which more than 100 meters of super-tall buildings have long been more than 300 Shanghai high-rise building development space there is how much? Senior Engineer, Shanghai Institute of Science and Technology Building朱春明of the view that 朱春明suggested that in the development of ultra-high-rise building process, to economic and urban environment, the current demand and to find a balance between sustainable development point. Shanghai high-rise building construction should slow down the pace.

this, the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Research Institute Senior Architect Light Wu said that the city if the ultra-fast development of high-rise building may bring about various social problems and environmental issues, such as traffic congestion, the greenhouse effect and so on, so ultra-high-rise building construction should be strictly controlled.


上海将是{dy}个高再次刷新, 492米高, 101层的上海环球金融中心的结构将是今天的第,整个建筑预计将在明年春天完成。在第上方的建设将有一个独特的倒梯形“风洞” ,东亚中国建筑设计研究院有限公司有关负责这一报道的形式,除了考虑建筑形状,游客和其他因素的影响,以及其他的重要作用,可以有效地削弱了风。在“风洞”的上方地面四百七十二米远离100层处,设计很长55米宽, 10米的“观光天阁” ,高,将成为当今世界人类摩天大楼进入{zg}高度,上海也将是世界上{zg}的观光办公楼。

[大厦秘密] 20个镀金螺栓象征吉祥

今天,上海环球金融中心持续钢梁将吊装到大楼顶部,也就是{dy}层101 。但是,这{zh1}的钢梁是一个独特的。记者获悉,根钢将用20个镀金钢螺栓和其他连接到整个根似乎也闪烁钢。施工方上海建工集团已对记者说,一个坚实的镀金螺栓度高于普通螺栓,但黄金象征吉祥如意。

环球金融中心完成后,其内部结构,最终会是什么样子?投资方森大厦为记者详细“解剖”这一建设超高层建筑。游客进入大楼看到的将是商店。 2从地面,地下1,2,3层的大型商业领域,可容纳50家餐馆,商店,这里的就业办公室人员,酒店客人,游客服务。然后上楼去, 3层-5层为各类会议设施。办公设施都集中在7层-77层,楼面面积约三千三平方米和配备有餐厅,咖啡厅和其他办公室的支持服务和设施,该区域可容纳1万人办公,主要为国际{yl}大型企业。


如果游客想要在这里生活舒适的一个晚上,然后再乘电梯上79楼。 -93 79层的建筑典雅,舒适层顶端酒店。据了解,这是命名为“公园”酒店是由凯悦集团经营世界{dj0}酒店。房间数量约为180 (套) ,平均每间客房面积约60平方米,位于顶层的餐厅, SPA ,健身房,会议室和其他配套设施。

与附近的君悦酒店不同的是, “柏悦”酒店主要迎合寻求隐私,个性化服务的高贵宾客。君悦酒店规模相对较大,主要是从面临的业务。

“风洞” ,肖像的“漂浮”在空中

作为旅游,当然想找一个制高点俯瞰黄浦江景色。的制高点将来在环球金融中心。最上层之间的花叶94-100段的一个倒梯形的“风洞” 。在“风洞”的中心位置,建立了一个跨“风洞”旅游桥。游客站在桥,河两岸的美景尽收眼底,连金茂大厦,俯瞰对象已成为人们会发现“漂浮”在空中的感觉。

记者从世界金融中心,旨在了解,美国KPF建筑师事务所,在上海环球金融中心来自形状和框架“世界融合”的概念,将高楼“的解释“天堂和地球连接链接。广场棱柱与大弧线相互交织在一起,突出了垂直高度的建设。设计中的高级别区域建设中的“风洞” ,这是一种几何形状可以更艺术意义上的高层。
参与设计的东方中国建筑设计研究院有限公司负责人说: “风洞” ,除了考虑建筑的形状,形式,以方便市民前往旅游和其他因素,另一重要的职能是有效地削弱了风。当台风来了,游客在超高层建筑可能会感到轻微摇晃。和“风”可以大大减少意义的游客。

部建设472米, “旅游天亭”

在世界金融中心472米处地面100层的办公室,还设计长度约55米的“观光天阁” ,高将超过世界上{zg}的观光厅四百四十七米高度西恩塔在加拿大。这也是在当今世界人类的摩天大楼达到的{zg}高度。




需求,是目前浦东陆家嘴地区的小型办公室的现状。自1995年以来,{dy}次A级办公楼永华大厦投入使用,在陆家嘴金融贸易区已吸引了120多个金融机构驻扎。目前,该地区的甲级写字楼的空置率只有1.9 % 。



值得一提的是浦东陆家嘴中心区的金茂大厦除现有的和正在建设作为全球金融中心,第三个超高层建筑正在规划中。这是坐落在陆家嘴石桥以北,花园路,东至东泰路Z3 - 2座,一旦通过国际招标来确定业主,与金茂大厦和建造上海环球金融中心在T型路口形成三个姿势。


目前货量高层建筑在上海已达到2000多个建筑物,对其中超过100米的超高层建筑早已超过300上海高层建筑的发展空间有多大?高级工程师,上海科学技术学院建筑朱春明认为, “寸土寸金”的上海,超高层建筑施工,适合城市发展的需要,但超高层建筑不应作为主要城市建设的方向发展毕竟,大量的超高层建筑的出现,城市变成了“石屎森林” ,其中的风险,削弱了城市的生活方式,甚至同城市的文化和历史风貌的“脱节” 。朱春明建议,在发展超高层建筑的进程,经济和城市环境,当前的需求,并找到一个可持续发展之间的平衡点。上海高层建筑建设应放慢速度。


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