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Aggravated discharge of fireworks in the amount of air pollution ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-10 浏览:358

yesterday, according to municipal environmental protection departments to monitor, because the city Heavy fog, aggravated discharge of fireworks to air pollution.

According to the State Environmental Protection Administration, the atmosphere at the person in charge, discharge of fireworks on air quality, pollution is a big, set off firecrackers will release a lot of harmful gases, such as: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide. Sulfur dioxide will form acid rain, can be a strong corrosion of buildings and industrial equipment. The nitrogen dioxide can irritate the eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and will form nitric acid droplets, but also produce acid rain. Of course, set off firecrackers in the process not only produces two harmful gases, such as gunpowder did not burn as well as the rest of the dust are the kind of pollution. In yesterdays health caused by adverse effects.

In addition, set off firecrackers to produce noise pollution. The ideal sound environment in the 15 to 40 dB, the sound environment, sound is 60 decibels below the sound of firecrackers and the excess of 100 dB or so, far more than the ideal sound environment. Set off firecrackers noise on peoples cardiovascular system and nervous system, people irritable, irritability, will also affect sleep, resulting in fatigue.

500 Dun Lantern Gun Leather largest

Lantern Festival, the city set off firecrackers to achieve the highest level since the Spring Festival. Sanitation Department cleaned up the gun leather scraps of paper more than 500 tons, a record high during the holiday season.

It is understood that since the Spring Festival this year, in addition to sanitation workers overtime to clean, the city district has invested a certain amount of machine guns sweep clean car leather scraps of paper. According to incomplete statistics, the citys gun leather scrap of litter, the highest since a record holiday, reaching more than 500 tons.

It is understood that residents in the city this year, fireworks and firecrackers is characterized by a large, medicine foot, many types of patterns, such as Paint and fruit box packaging, like the size of the fireworks account for a significant proportion, therefore, resulting in a larger package Garbage also many things. Sanitation machines sweep the face of bulky garbage trucks can not do anything with the only manual removal.









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