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我经常被静电电击,请问怎么办? « City life wiki 城市百科

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-15 浏览:279







I have often been static electric shock, may I ask how do?

the winter, only a decline in temperature, I have often been static electric shocks on my hands come into contact with any iron object could suddenly be electric shock. Is this hows going on? pairs of physical harm do, how to prevent ah?

to maintain a certain indoor air humidity in autumn and winter will produce static phenomenon, because these two seasons the air dry, low humidity, so that static electricity easily accumulate in dry indoor object surface, the human body can be charged, once the exposure to these objects there is accumulation of static electricity discharge can occur. Therefore, to prevent static electricity discharge and, the most fundamental measure is to maintain the proper humidity of indoor air. Let dry indoor air to maintain a certain humidity, the average family is now able to do the easy way out is to put Jipen clean water at home, or frequent watering, if heating of the family, the best water on the radiator near the evaporation The more water vapor can improve the indoor air humidity.
to prevent static electricity generated by TV TV work at the particles because the particles generate static electricity. These electrostatic particles continuously distributed, make interior surface of the electrostatic accumulation of more and more. So, first of all, watching TV let the indoor air circulation, it is best to open the windows; second, watching TV, at least among the people and TV to keep more than 2 meters distance, watching TV after going to wash your face, wash your hands, this will eliminate the static surface particles, but also to keep hands, face clean, healthy.
adopt other effective measures to prevent one, wear cotton underwear. Cotton clothes are not charged substances, in the dry autumn and winter, if the wear cotton clothes that can prevent static electricity harassment. Second, the barefoot to reduce the accumulation of static electricity in the body surface. At home, often barefoot to promote surface accumulation of electrostatic discharge, if the home heating and freezing Buzhuo feet, should be more barefoot, which also have certain health benefits. Third, easy to live on the items can be used before contact with a wet rag and wipe the look slightly, you can be its surface static elimination. Fourth, if you need more frequent contact with electrically charged objects, to prevent static electricity and the most convenient way is to wear a pair of cotton gloves or rubber gloves.
static electricity can also cause a potential human health threat, such as changes in body surface potential difference, destruction muscle, heart, nerve conduction between organizations, so that-cell dysfunction, decreased brain activity, causing fatigue, lethargy, partial headache, may also induce arrhythmias, in short, the human body static electricity may be psychological, physiological cause a certain extent. Pacemaker patients with heart disease, are most afraid of static attacks.

Source: Family physicians reported that

It does not matter, and some people may be more sensitive to static electricity, I also often have this experience, but the appropriate electric shock can also be bactericidal Well, no, and Do not worry.

is mainly caused by dry winter, the body will not be much hurt, some people may feel dry skin, itching. May be appropriate to increase the indoor humidity in peacetime, in the hands before touching electrical appliances before touching look at water or heating pipe, to lay down their electricity, additional laundry, the last gold spun fabric softener supple look, but also very good. I have heard people say that the shoe heel at a pushpin nails, but also the release of static electricity. You try.

If one is afraid something has been met with shock, on the hand holding a key, their hands before touching the tip with the key contact with what we call cutting-edge discharge. Then in the hands touched on the hook. The northern winter, dry, and now people wear many of which are chemical fiber garments, which all cause static electricity causes. Static electricity on the body is not always good. Or try Shaochuan chemical fiber clothes. Another is to take some measures.06-01-09

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