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安全专家19专家证书« oursolo.net

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-16 浏览:159





19 safety experts expert certificates

China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association attaches great importance to rely on industry experts to promote work in all areas. Not long ago, the safety professional committees enlarged group of experts was held in Zhejiang Jiashan. China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association, the Secretary-General Zhang Bai-heng, attended the meeting. During the meeting, the Committee of Experts of safety glass professional presentation of certificates ceremony.

Chinese architectural glass and industrial glass Glass Association Professional Committee of experts recommended by the enterprises and institutions, professional Committee for examination, and through online publicity. Yang Jianjun, such as the backbone of 19 domestic large and medium-sized enterprises, research institutes, intermediary agencies and other industry experts employed in the professional committee of safety glass.

meeting first by the China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association Deputy Secretary-General Lee to go to the experts and read out by the representative of China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association regarding safety glass to hire professional experts in the decision of the Commission Expert Group, as well as 19 Group of Experts on the list of experts. Zhang Bai-heng, director of the professional committee member of safety glass, Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited, Vice President, R D Yang Jianjun, director of the Center issued a certificate of experts, professional committee chairman Yang Jianjun to take part in the meeting Assistant General Manager Rod Bose AG, Luo glass glass processing group Xie Jun, General Manager, Beijing North glass Safety Glass Co., Ltd. General Manager Gao Qi, Beijing Party building in the new research director of the Center for Science and Technology Dr. Liu Zhongwei experts and other experts presented a certificate.

The meeting marks the China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association, the professional work of the Committee of safety glass full. (07-12-10)

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