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Drunk smoke can still do? « Industry info 工业信息

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-16 浏览:236

Category:catering food

drinking intoxicating who also know that smoking can also be heard intoxicating, this is true? in the end how much harm it?

cigarettes made of tobacco. Lit a cigarette, at around the release of 6800 kinds of chemical substances harmful to human health, there are about 3800 kinds, which contains cancer-causing substances, such as tar; some of the respiratory tract mucosa inflammatory stimulus, such as tar irritants; some can stimulate the sympathetic nerve cause vascular thrombosis, vascular intimal damage and irregular heart beats, such as nicotine.
cigarette in the combustion process produces carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide inhalation in the lung is actually a minor gas poisoning, impede oxygen transport and help to reduce peoples movement and speed up aging. The most obvious victims of the heart, when the myocardial oxygen supply is insufficient, which may induce angina or myocardial infarction. Smoking will also hurt the unborn fetus. Pregnant women smoking easily Letting Them miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, infant mental disorders and a lower body weight after birth. Generated when the toxicity of cigarette burning substances such as What are the effects?

1. Nicotine: It is the most important ingredient in smoke is a toxic alkaloid, it will cause the release of several phenol ammonium, so that smokers peripheral vasoconstriction, systolic and diastolic blood pressure rise, accelerated heart rate, myocardial oxygen consumption volume, blood glucose increased.

2. Carbon monoxide: a would interfere with the use of oxygen exchange of toxic gases, smoke about 5-10 times greater than non-smokers will lead to decline in the availability of oxygenated hemoglobin, resulting in the use of chronic oxygen is not enough, thereby affecting the central nervous system functionality.

3. Cigarettes also contain many lung irritants may directly stimulate the bronchial mucous membrane, the destruction of their function and permeability, resulting in chronic lung disease.
the impact of smoking on various diseases

1. Coronary artery disease: Each year about hundreds of thousands of people in the United States die from coronary heart disease from smoking, but smokers were caused by coronary heart disease as non-smokers of eight times.

2. Cerebral vascular disease: Smoking is another cause of is one of the important risk factors.

3. Atherosclerosis disease: smoking bad situation of their peripheral blood circulation and the level of deterioration was significantly faster than non-smokers.

4. Hypertension: smoking, while not a direct result of the factors high blood pressure, high blood pressure but will cause deterioration of the direct cause of death. At the same time smoking, will interfere with the efficacy of anti-hypertension drugs, so that high blood pressure can not be effectively controlled.

5. Diabetes: Smoking makes blood sugar rise, will also interfere with the absorption of insulin, which is why diabetes control are adversely affected.

6. Chronic lung disease: long-term smoking causes chronic lung disease, resulting eventually in chronic heart and lung failure.

7. Pregnant smokers the opportunity to decline, and it will delay the growth of the fetus in the womb, so that the average fetal weight of 170 grams less, after the birth of child growth and intellectual development will be affected.

8. Smoking can interfere with gastric mucosal repair, so the opportunity to smokers of its gastric and duodenal ulcers than in non-smokers a high.

9. Cancer: Smoking risk of getting lung cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, urinary organ cancers. Smoking on mankind is s health sake, please immediately stop smoking bar!

smokers smoke inhaled while smoking has become Tributaries of the mainstream smoke contains smoke 2 times the nicotine, tar stimuli 3 times, 5 times the carbon monoxide and 50 times the tar carcinogens. Non-smokers can smoke passive smoking, and thus cause cancer, asthma, and respiratory and cardiovascular system diseases.

non-smoking pregnant women, from smoking a tributary of the spouse of nicotine and carbon monoxide inhalation of smoke, gas through the blood into the embryo, affecting fetal nutrition and normal development, may lead to miscarriage, premature baby, or thin.

smoking spouses of women, compared with the non-smoking men married to women, average life span of a short 4 years.

smoking will affect their children cigarettes contain harmful substances, to set a bad example for their children.
smoke damage meter. Some smokers may feel that their own smoking style, but if all day smoking, became yellow fingers and teeth, clothes and hair exudes Yi Gu moldy smell the smoke, oral odor and soot the smell of the same cylinder. At this time, you are also confident in their own instrument do?

smokers often cough, bronchial inflammation, but also gradually develop into pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary heart disease.

tobacco can induce gastric ulcer, colon cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer smoking is coronary heart disease, an important risk factor for stroke.

Therefore, smoking is , affecting their health and shorten life expectancy.

wise people learn how to use money to buy healthy, rather than using the money to buy mortality.

1, elimination of tension: tension in the work situation is the main cause of smoking do you? If so, then take away all the smoke around your equipment, changing work environment and work procedures. In the workplace, put some sugar-free chewing gum, fruit, juices and mineral water, do a few short rest, to the outdoor sports movement, sports a few minutes will do.

2, weight issues: quit smoking often gain weight after a marked increase in the general increase of 5-8 pounds. Smokers after smoking cessation reduce the bodys basic metabolic rate, and will eat more food instead of smoking, so smokers gain weight after quitting smoking in the short period of time will increase by several kilograms, but can be through the strengthening of the body The amount of exercise to combat weight gain due to increased physical activity can speed up metabolism. The best snack is fat-free food. In addition, drink plenty of water, so that stomach is not empty.

3, to enhance awareness of smoking cessation: a clear goal to change the working environment and the old habit of smoking-related, ex-smokers will take the initiative to think of determination not to smoke. Need this kind of awareness, that is to quit after a few days of taste and smell will be better.

4, search for alternatives: quit smoking after the main tasks is to be tempted in the case of non-smokers to find an alternative approach: to do some skill games, so that two hands are not idle, through the brush to mouth do not want to produce a smoke taste, or through an exciting conversation to divert attention. If you like the morning after drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette, then you must be the daily morning coffee into tea.

5, bet: A number of past smokers had quit smoking a good bet the experience, the effect is one of the public smoking, and to seek to get friends and colleagues for their support.

6, less to the party: just started to quit smoking is to avoid being tempted. If there is a very good friend to invite you to join the party, but to the party people are smoking, then at least in the smoking cessation; initially be politely refused to participate in such gatherings, there is no smoking until you feel up to.

7, swimming, playing and washing steam bath: the current games to improve mood, impulse to talk about addiction, sports would calm jittery nerves and will burn calories.

8, discarded smoking utensils: ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes will be a stimulus for ex-smokers, were all that they should be thrown away.

9, to divert attention: stop smoking, especially in the early, spend more money will bring in some fun activities in order to divert attention from smoking at night Do not front of the television as you normally would spend, you can go to massage, listen to CDs, surfing on the Internet, or with friends on the phone to discuss the stock market.

10, stand the test of re-smoking: quit smoking after quitting smoking does not mean that failure of one or a cigarette after smoking is not , but careful analysis of re-smoking reasons, to avoid future repetition of


类别: 餐饮食品


香烟在燃烧过程中产生一氧化碳。一氧化碳吸入肺中,实际上就是轻微的煤气中毒,妨碍氧气运输,使人的运动力减低,加速衰老。受害最明显的是心脏,当心肌供氧不足时,可以诱发心绞痛或心肌梗死。 吸烟还会伤害未出世的胎儿。吸烟的孕妇容易放生流产、死产、早产,婴儿心智障碍以及婴儿出生后体重较轻。 香烟燃烧时产生的毒性等物质究竟有那些影响?




1. 冠状动脉疾病:每年约有十万人在美国因吸烟死于冠状动脉心脏病,而吸烟者引起冠状动脉心脏病者为不吸烟者之8倍左右。

2. 脑血管疾病:吸烟也是引起“中风”的重要危险因子之一。

3. 粥状动脉硬化疾病:吸烟者其末梢血液循环不良情形及恶化程度均明显比不吸烟者快。












烟草可以诱发胃溃疡、肠癌、口腔癌、喉癌…… 吸烟也是冠状动脉硬化性心脏病、脑卒中的重要危险因素之一。













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