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Contamination of evidence difficult owners have no rights to see ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-16 浏览:278

core tips

According to the China Indoor Decoration Association of Environmental Monitoring Center, China annually by indoor air pollution caused by the death toll has reached 111,000 people, or about 304 people die every day of indoor air pollution. Shocking behind the figures is the ongoing renovation to pollution incidents. However, due to relevant laws and regulations of the lag, the victim is very difficult to find those responsible consumers the road of human rights even more difficult.

pollution pain

excessive gamma-ray effects continue for centuries

decoration pollution as a result of disputes arising from the continuing, and even consumers begin to describe the decoration is Decoration pollution by consumers, some experienced abortion, and some long-term infertility, but also of suffering from incurable diseases.

Miss Li people in Tianhe District, bought a new house, commissioned by Fine decoration decoration company. But who would have thought two months after moving, she began to hair loss, headache, dry skin, sleep quality has also declined. Miss Li spent several thousand dollars, please come to test the monitoring bodies of air, only to find the home of gamma rays, formaldehyde are exceeded, and the decay cycle will continue on for centuries, that is to say her life will be affected, her hair the the main reason.

doctor said that fortunately discovered early, because gamma rays are the culprit for leukemia, if the long-lived lead to disastrous consequences.

when Miss Li with a monitoring report on the company review found that the decoration, the decoration company that used in the decoration plate, part of the decoration stone purchased, there is a part of Miss Li, the two sides bickering, and ultimately had no choice but to Miss Li自认倒霉.

Stone radiation overdose victim infertility 3 years

2002 years 2 months, the wedding of Mr. Huang decoration new houses. Room of the bath, washbasin using some kind of high-grade granite materials, but it was not until last year, his wife had been infertile. By the hospital for examination, it was Mr. Huang might be an overdose of radioactive radiation, low sperm survival.

Mr. Wong testing organizations to find one detection, several other houses the air can, radioactive radiation and toilet TVOC (a kind of test items that total volatile organic compounds) seriously overweight.

Mr. Wong granite material is suspected that the culprit, it found a vendor, but the vendor insisted that the material they certainly achieved, if we do not believe that taken on its own censorship. This gives Mr. Huang had a big problem:

shocking figures

indoor floating more than 20 kinds of carcinogens

It is understood that the modern living room with the air up to more than 300 kinds of volatile organic compounds, which easy to cause harm to humans, and even cancer have more than 20 kinds, construction and decoration materials, furniture, paint, paint, synthetic fibers, etc. are the main pollutants. Guangzhou City Administration of Industry and the recent renovation of the building material samples showed that the overall pass rate of 91.4 percent, more than in previous years has been a substantial increase, but the wood-based panel of formaldehyde exceeded the more prominent phenomenon.

due to formaldehyde has strong adhesion, and also to strengthen the plate hardness and pest control, anti-corrosion function, so the majority of enterprises to use by the polycondensation of formaldehyde from the urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive manufacture of man-made sheet. However, the domestic wood-based panel adhesive technology enterprise system and more control of their experience of workers, so the quality of glue very poor stability, the use of low-grade plastic processing residues from the plate and did not participate in the reaction of formaldehyde will be released to the surrounding environment.

Guangzhou Environmental Monitoring Center professionals told reporters:

According to reporters from China Indoor Environment Monitoring Committee is aware that many consumers are used in the decoration of qualified green building materials, but the decoration After the air is still polluted. The Commission宋主任analysis, this is mainly decorated unit in the overall design and construction process on the result of neglect.

rights too

difficult set of evidence is very difficult

in recent years, many victims and decoration companies, construction materials are playing a lawsuit, but in the end win very few people, the responsibility of man-made it difficult for consumers to find damage to their .

Guangzhou City, Ze-Hao Li Jian lawyer law firm, said the evidence of such a lawsuit is very difficult, because a lot of renovation of housing materials, in the end simply can not confirm what kind of material caused by the indoor environmental pollution; At the same time, pollution caused by the decoration is also more complex, in which case, the other very easy to shirk its responsibility.

In addition, some consumers requested the ranks of the guerrillas of the decoration, people simply can not be found afterwards.

Li lawyers said that the decoration of pollution, if the decoration company in advance and the consumer signed a contract for a job package material agreement, then there is decoration companies can not shirk. Regardless of whether the contract the two sides clear, completed delivery of the decoration, the decoration company should ensure that the indoor environment standards. But for the economic perspective, a great number of homeowners have opted for contracting-not-included the fitting-out approach, which has led to, if there are problems easily decoration companies to shirk their responsibilities.

detection of You

easily discouraged people to several thousand dollars

reporter learned from the Environmental Monitoring Center understand that the general area of the middle of a house through a four - item (formaldehyde, benzene, volatile organic compounds, etc.) the air testing, probably will be around 1,200 yuan, so that a house三室一厅, testing fee will be 4,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan, many people are so discouraged. City, which said 12,315 people, the current renovation of the actual cases of contamination should be much larger than the number of statistics.

Canton City Council to consider, because of the decoration is a technique involving professional conduct, consumers difficult burden of proof, in the risk of contamination are often at a disadvantage after the injury status of national laws and regulations should be promulgated as soon as possible, such as requiring decoration company signed with the responsibility of the owner like to ensure that the indoor environment standards after renovation. He said that Shanghai last year on the introduction of a compulsory local standards ( ), the first time, after the decoration of indoor air quality requirements of the inclusion of housing inspection, requiring that if the fitting room of formaldehyde after , benzene and other harmful gases exceeded, the owner may be refused housing, decoration companies can even brought to the Court.

decoration tips

see logo to buy building materials

advised the public to the formal shopping malls and stores to buy building materials, the purchase of goods should pay attention to the logo, that is, Model , name, batch number, standard number, Make, plant, production date and validity period complete, remember to obtain a certificate, such as purchase invoices.

stone tile categories: attention to radioactive pollution, especially those of granite and other natural stone, a relatively high content of radioactive substances should be strictly in accordance with the standards stipulated by the state to choose, if the dealer does not report or consumer testing testing report do not trust, you can get samples to the indoor environment detection unit detecting radioactive.

plastic paint coating categories: furniture, paint, wall paint and decoration, such as the use of various adhesives. Such material is caused by indoor air pollution a major source of benzene, it is necessary to pay attention to selecting and informal manufacturers products, the best manufacturers to set up shop to buy, or choose not to benzene in the water-based materials.

artificial plate categories: such as a variety of composite flooring,大芯板, MDF, etc., as well as贴面板. This is caused by indoor pollution a major source of formaldehyde, preferably in the decoration before the use of formaldehyde elimination agent to eliminate harmful substances in the plate.






装修污染,因此引起的纠纷不断,甚至消费者开始描述装修是“狼入羊圈。 “装修污染的消费者,一些经验丰富的人工流产,有的长期不育,而且还患有不治之症。



时,李小姐与监测报告的审查发现,公司的装饰,装修公司所用的装饰板,装饰的一部分,石购买,有一部分李小姐自己的, “谁在为此,目前还不清楚是什么材料导致污染“ ,双方争吵不休,最终只好自认倒霉李小姐。



黄先生测试组织找到检测,还有一些其他房屋的空气,放射性辐射和厕所TVOC (一种试验项目,总挥发性有机化合物)严重超标。

黄先生花岗岩材料是怀疑匪徒,它找到了一个供应商,但供应商坚持认为,他们肯定取得的材料,如果我们不认为对自己的检查。这让黄先生有一个大问题: “已经翻新三年,是拆掉厕所提交吗? ”黄志光最终将“休眠” 。



据了解,现代客厅的空气更高达300多种挥发性有机化合物,这很容易造成伤害人类,甚至癌症有超过20种,建筑和装饰材料,家具,油漆,涂料,合成纤维等主要污染物的排放。广州市工商行政管理局最近翻修建筑材料样本表明,总体合格率为百分之91.4 ,超过前几年已大量增加,但人造板甲醛超过了更加突出的现象。


广州市环境监测中心专业人士告诉记者说: “不合格建筑材料所造成的室内污染有长期,缓慢释放的污染可以持续4-15年。 ”

据记者从中国室内环境监测委员会了解到,许多消费者在装修使用合格的绿色建材,但装修后的空气污染仍然是。委员会宋主任分析,这主要是装修单位的整体设计和施工过程的结果忽视。他说: “目前,实木地板和复合地板铺装衬板是一种传统以下施工技术,但使用室内环境造成的污染这一进程是很常见,这主要是因为路面下面的地板上大芯板和其他人为取得小组含有甲醛,不能封闭处理和通风处理可以很容易造成过度甲醛。 “



在最近几年,许多受害者和装修公司,建筑材料发挥了诉讼,但最终获胜的人很少,负责人为消费者很难找到损害他们的“条例草案” 。






记者从环境监测中心了解到,一般地区的一所房子中,通过4 -项目(甲醛,苯,挥发性有机化合物等)的空气测试,可能将达到1200元,这样一所房子三室一厅,测试费将4000元至5000元,许多人因此气馁。市,其中12315人表示,目前的装修污染的实际情况应当远远大于一些统计数字。

广州市议会审议,因为装修是一个涉及技术专业操守,消费者很难举证责任,在污染的危险往往处于劣势地位伤后的国家法律和规章应颁布尽快,如要求装修公司签订的责任,业主要确保室内环境标准整修后。他说,上海去年就采用了强制性地方标准( “标准验收的住宅装饰” ) ,首次装修后的室内空气质量的要求列入住房检查,要求,如果拟合后室的甲醛,苯和其他有害气体超过,车主可以拒绝住房,装修公司甚至可以提请法院。







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