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分析谁去带领中国消毒柜行业产业« oursolo.net

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-19 浏览:153





今天的消毒柜行业的发展,已初步形成,“楼梯结构”,即万和,康宝两个组成了民族品牌的品牌,线二线品牌科荣,索奇,美国,海尔代表和非mp的品牌与三线填补。从表面上看,在整个行业全面展开,实际上是急躁的态度,充分地在进步和潜心研究,追求少数公司外,有相当的厂商数量仍停留在复制在“思考”从市场上很多产品同质化(这可以看出),很少大小不同千篇一律的产品,有时意想不到除了不一样,其它商标是相同的现象(这很有可能是在OEM方面的投入,同时运作的产品生产方面的时间,其实,这样做是混淆视听,扰乱不仅为自己,甚至也受到消费者的规则); 1再次因消毒剂其自身的特点,使许多非品牌制造商可以很容易地有能力,但这些厂商的营销力量非常薄弱,根本无暇顾及终端市场,有的甚至停留在商品的“一次性购买出“阶段,特别低价格的同时商品出售的一次xj易,这意味着这是”票“交易,不要指望的售后服务提供了支持,这是一个严重的增长,促使整个消毒柜行业很不稳定,这似乎是一个行业的健康发展非常不协调。




但是,我们必须看到,目前消毒柜行业分散的,强有力的品牌,为大多数非小厂品牌,大多数地区缺乏品牌厂商(目前1亿台的制造商,年产量只有康宝,万和2 ,小规模工业的消毒柜的重要原因,整体实力薄弱);产业集中度不够,两个zm仍低于百分之二十五的品牌康宝,万和各自的市场占有率。相对于小的家庭非常强劲的电热水器,微波炉,xd,这种“自我的中国家电”迫切需要“发明振兴景观”内阁在这种模式下,电器低迷,消毒柜行业呼吁强势品牌的出现,以yl行业现状,规范市场。


与此同时,该国为了引导行业健康发展,规范竞争,以积极发挥政策的导向功能。 2000年9月,在国家卫生部在消毒柜行业会由中华预防医学核证机关所,推出了“国民健康金桥重点工程”产品,希望塑造品牌,使健康产业的发展。













总之,一个品牌是{wy}的优势无法完成的宏伟事业,有点“孤独”消毒柜行业健康发展将面临的是如何的情况应该怎么办?如果它不是一个“非典危机”消毒柜行业,很难想象,即使在黑夜里寻找消毒柜行业{lx1}的健康发展“打赢运作。” 7月19日,在消毒柜万和倡导行业{lx1}的12家企业成立了“健康联盟”,从根本上谁下的xd旗帜,mj概念欺骗其他消费类电子产品,而且还借此机会向xd企业联盟的品牌整合产业,共谋健康发展。


Analysis of who is going to lead the industry in China disinfection cabinet industry

Since 1988 the birth of our first Sterilizer, China disinfection cabinet industry through the course of fifteen. Fifteen years in this period, Chinas economic developed cities, the consumer awareness Sterilizer far less than other home appliances? Why in the air-conditioning, color TV, microwave ovens popular in foreign countries at the same time, disinfection cabinet exports almost zero? Why disinfection cabinet industry market turbulence non-brand-name disputes rather than letting a hundred flowers blossom and win-win development? China Sterilizer way industry went wrong?

disinfection cabinet industry today is faced with up and down the bumpy road of pursuit, because it trades, consumer awareness is still a vague concept; industry competition from traditional manufacturers to dominate the professional arena, transition to Large household appliances brand pressure Fengyun City. Faced with this market situation, as the founder of disinfection cabinet industry and the rise in recent years, New Horizons, how to lead the industry in China Sterilizer face, to meet new market challenges, shape industry disinfection cabinets so brilliant?

industry development: The Long Way朦朦fog

the last century at the end of the eighties, my first Sterilizer Company in Guangdong Shunde Herbalife was born, which opened a disinfector development a new era. New home appliances such as a popular trendy products, for which also benefited greatly from some manufacturers, and as the founder of Herbalife are benefiting more undone, and its effect not only repair was the most beautiful office building, also equipped with the most luxurious central air-conditioning system disinfection cabinet also and for a time considered to be the most promising home appliances. However, disinfection cabinet to present the development of the industry, but they did not have the imagination and wishful perfect. According to incomplete statistics, Chinas urban household TV penetration rate of 117%, a penetration rate of 91% of washing machines, refrigerators a penetration rate of 80%. At present, urban families Sterilizer 17% ownership rate was only about county-level cities and townships have a rate less than 5%. All these data show evidence of the past fifteen years, disinfection cabinet industry is lagging far behind it, and invented by the Chinese themselves have come to the household electrical appliances Cross Street.

development of today and this is a serious growth, prompted the entire cabinet disinfection industry is highly unstable, which appears to the sound development of an industry very uncoordinated.

from a brand perspective, it can be said that the history of the development of the industry disinfection cabinets are the epitome of China subsequent Kangbao, Wan and the two hung hegemony, to the present development of the industry began to brand the geographical division of the road. Although the market is increasingly powerful in the absence of strong brands, but quite well-established but growing number of regional brands, such as Sochi in Beijing and the Northeast, Branch-wing, such as in Zhejiang and Fujian, have shown strong vitality. This is because national brands have removed the funds, the network strength is very difficult to find the advantage of leading the industry, and perhaps this is disinfecting cabinet industry after fifteen years of development, but still not be able to complete an important reason why sophisticated bar.

counter this emerging disinfection followed by home appliances products, in Chinese eyes, it does not seem to have any sense of the high-tech content of the halo over, making access to low-threshold, which lead to

aged hero:壮志未酬

leading the hearts of the people, disinfection cabinets and the refrigerator is not the same , rice cookers have become an essential kitchen products, has not really recognized that disinfection disinfecting cabinet, storage, cleaning function. Currently, Chinas most widely used family of brick or wood kitchen cabinets storage utensils, this traditional approach simply can not resist the invasion of various bacteria, very easily lead to disease through the mouth and hazardous to their health. Disinfection of the birth of the counter so that the alternative to the traditional kitchen cabinets, disinfection cabinets closed-wide storage, with disinfection functions, results are obvious, effectively a good start with the mouth clearance, the total announced in the past, traditional kitchen cabinets. After 15 years of development, disinfection cabinet industry has been in process maturity. Products from the first clumsy, monotonous design to the current market popularity of digital temperature control, digital print, etc., and toward the simple, and cyber-based, and fashion direction. It can be said that disinfection cabinet industry on the inherent characteristics of the industry has been basically mature.

However, we must see that the current decentralized disinfection cabinet industry, the lack of strong brands, the majority of small factories for non-brand, regional brand manufacturers majority (currently 100 million units annual output of manufacturers only Kangbao, million and two, small-scale industries are disinfecting counters the weakness of the overall strength of the important reasons); industrial concentration enough, two well-known brands Kangbao, Wan and their respective market shares are still less than 25 percent. Compared with robust in much of the small household electrical appliances in the electric water heaters and microwave ovens, disinfection cabinets this , in the face of such a pattern in the doldrums, disinfection cabinet industry calls for the emergence of strong brands, to lead the industry status quo, regulating the market.

as early as 1999 there were disinfecting cabinet industry as the two stars standards, mandatory drying out a number of counter products and non-brand-name manufacturers. This exercise also targets a certain extent, to rectify the chaotic state of production order and competitiveness, and promote the disinfection cabinet broad industry restructuring, large-scale adjustment.

At the same time, the country in order to lead the healthy development of this industry, and regulate competition in order to actively play a policy-oriented functions. September 2000, the State Ministry of Health in disinfecting cabinet industry will be taken by the Chinese Preventive Medicine certification authority, launched the products, hopes to shape the brand to make a healthy industry development.

and in recent years, the integration of industry competition, leading enterprises Kangbao, Wan and performance as well as positive. Disinfection cabinet industry as the founder, Martin naturally does not want to become a the tragic atmosphere.

and private enterprises from the million and more eager to dominate the political arena to show momentum, beginning in 2000, frequently force has launched a , although the major media have given a comprehensive tracking reports, has become the industry together Sterilizer beautiful scenery, but there is no counter to the sluggish market in the number of disinfection vitality.

Kangbao, million and the integration of competitive actions are invariably adopted the strategy, but market share is really Kangbao, million and would like to do? Analysts have pointed out that since 2000, Herbalife, Wan and frequently resorted to integrate the market since the killer, causing the entire industry Sterilizer unprecedented price war, disinfection cabinets prices fell, the result of price wars is that the market has rarely seen non-brand-name products, and industry competition become more intense. However, the total number of enterprises have their survival, particularly in recent years are just the rise of many domestic rookie, and some big home appliances brand took the opportunity to get into the same awareness of opportunities that will arise, one after another attack, a huge industry involved in disinfecting cabinet .

Kangbao, million and be able to complete the great cause of reunification is difficult to conclusion, and the emerging brand with strong brand appliances intervention can get the ?

integrated industry: Where is the way I dare

Sterilizer industry overview, it is not like other home appliances brands are playing less, but actually played more than eye-openers. Why should not appear disinfection cabinet industry Galanz exclusive Ngau Tau microwave market phenomenon? This is, of course disinfection cabinet industry has its own particularity, but the total personality contains general, we try to look for from these commonalities among the industry to integrate the

technology development enterprise competitiveness are the key technologies have not necessarily successful, but no technology can not be sure that the success of enterprises, technology is no doubt a foothold in this business. Most Chinese enterprises is not a fatal weakness or lack of core technology, disinfection cabinet industry is China

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