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专家:中国的家电消费已进入第三阶段« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-22 浏览:151
















可以想像,随着海洋模式,将是需求激增很快被复制到中国市场,中国协会是家用电器的家电市场在2006年成立负责研究的热点供电从内部因素的婚礼,新国内市场消费需求,从外因看,从该品牌在世界上的压力,使其他中国家电制造商海尔的快速反应变为现实的行动。 06.9.18

Experts: Chinas home appliance consumption is entering the third phase

from 1-10000 yuan range, experts believe that China is entering the consumer appliance

the third phase of Beijing Digital China Research Institute of the home electrical appliance industry, principal analyst recently pointed out that China has experienced three major consumer appliance stage . The 20th century, the 80 to brand, quality-oriented sets of home appliances become the dominant, then the third stage are the main features.

It is understood that the concept of complete sets of household electrical appliances from overseas have been very sophisticated. In Japan, the most popular , in Korea, LG and Samsung have been in many hotels and family realize a single brand sets used universal. Chinese home appliance brand sets Raiders delay as soon as possible.

from 1-10000 yuan ranging

Haier Group took the lead to capture the new trends. Fall season, Haier advocate of complete sets of home appliances purchase. Haier appliances

Package Engineer to reporters about their huge legion Products: According to the various needs of consumers, Haier launched the U-home course, the Olympic course, time-course different category; for housing different units, Haier introduced a home course: One Room Elite packages, two rooms delicate packages, package and villas Room boutique classic course; for different income consumers Haier also aims to provide a variety of price points to the product package for consumers to choose from, from one million to more than 10 million packages classification, given full consideration to the consumer economy under pressure.

It is understood that from 1984 the development of a single refrigerator to have a white appliances, black appliances, beige appliances gate 96, including more than 15,100 categories of products group specifications, Haier has become the current product line on the Chinese market the most long, the most complete brand. According to Haier Appliances Package Engineer disclosed that as a huge Rubiks a service center for all complete sets of products, repair and upgrade services.

first started as a domestic appliance packages to explore the household electrical appliance enterprises, Haier more fully into account the technology of its extension. Haier e home has six excellent products standards are established as the national standard. Since 2005, Haiers all home appliances have been reserved network appliance interface, as long as the appliance to add the corresponding module can be upgraded at any time, realize the revolutionary network appliance family.

sets the birth of home appliances

China Fair Organizing Committee married recently published shows: every year there are about 10 million pairs of new hi knot marriage, the resulting amount of spending will be more than 300 billion yuan. Each of which married family household consumption for 16,533 yuan, second only to housing renovation cost of the wedding expenses in the second place. Move to new home in the family of complete sets of the consumers buy home appliances account for a large proportion of domestic well-known market research company Horizon Research Consultancy Group in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and three residents of the quantitative survey: about 80% The buyers will be the new home for their own sets of the acquisition of household appliances.

sophisticated sets of home appliances market demand not only in the expansion, with New Year Haier

consumer pursuit of mainly from the usual causes of work pressure and long working hours.

many high-income groups in spare time, more and more inclined to buy convenient ways and This is a group of career people who already have a basic composition, aged about 30 years of age, higher education, has a certain economic base. These people are generally experienced a single-minded in their career head-in day so tired especially eager to lay down their life, enjoy the convenience and full service consumer. In terms of age and economic situation of the basic look, these people constitute just sets the current consumption of the main force in home appliances.

appliances have been popular in foreign countries

early in 2003, across the IT and consumer electronics industries proposed by Philips as the theme of the digital family package solutions, including TV, computers, routers, MP3 players, refrigerators, washing machines and a full set of lamps and other home appliances. January 8 this year, Philips first time this set of products to sell in China. Siemens is also the first time in the beginning and the domestic digital home operators, and Wuhan, as the application of the pilot.

can imagine, with the ocean model will be the surge in demand soon be copied to the Chinese market, China look from external causes, from the pressure of the brand in the world so that other Chinese appliance maker Haier rapid response actions into reality. (06-9-18)

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