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通常吃什么能gssm« City life wiki 城市百科

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-22 浏览:326



约三分之一的时间睡觉第三,如果睡眠效果不好寿命,这确实是一个很痛苦的事情,尝试下面的食谱,也许你会帮助。 1小时睡前的一杯牛奶加蜂蜜。
牛奶含有L -色氨酸,cjsm。蜂蜜葡萄糖,维生素,镁,磷,钙可以调节神经系统功能,缓解紧张,cjsm。不过,也有利于保持血糖整个晚上平衡,从而避免早醒。











What to eat normally it can improve sleep

there any ways to improve sleep

First of all, Gaidiao bad habits and cultivate a good living from the law is the key. Recommends:
1. Bed only for rest, insomnia patients do not in bed reading, eating;
2. Sleep, thinking only aggravate insomnia, in order to disperse energy, can take a few looks at the number of method or timing devices to enter sleep state television;
3. Do not place the bedroom alarm clock, alarm clock tick and indicators issued by the dazzling light that normal people go to bed will not sleep well;
4. Sport, regular activities, help to sleep, but insomnia should be noted that, before going to bed within two hours not to do strenuous exercise;
5. Night, do not drink coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages, do not smoke, because these things are all excited about the role of play;
6. To sleep, wake up time, can play a regular sedation. Therefore, the insomnia should be a fixed time to sleep as much as possible in a fixed time to get up, that is, on weekends, when you have to leave the case;
7. Will affect the sleep too full to eat dinner, so to avoid excessive dinner;
8. Nap for some people may enjoy, and for insomnia patients are not allowed. Anyone who sleep during the daytime, and then he do not complain that night to sleep.

lifetime of about one-third of the time sleeping, if the effect of sleep is not good, it really is a very painful thing, try the recipe below, perhaps you would be帮助. 1 hour before going to bed a cup of milk plus honey.
Milk contains L-tryptophan to promote sleep. Honey glucose, vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium can regulate the nervous system function, relieve nervous tension and promote sleep. But also helps to keep blood sugar balanced throughout the night, thus avoiding early awakening.
insomnia in the today, if we adopt the well-therapeutic side, in addition to adverse responses, and there is a certain hypnotic effect. Are special to you recommend a few easy-to-production of therapeutic side, for the selection:

pig heart Zao Ren Tang pig heart 1, Suanzaoren, Poria each 15 grams, 5 grams of Polygalaceae. The pig in half eager, wash clean, put the net pot, and then washed Suanzaoren, Poria, Polygala tenuifolia into one by adding appropriate amount of water set the fire, with fire boiled skim floating foam
, Small Huodun to move after the Serve cooked pig heart. 1 day, eating heart soup. This soup has the blood of Yang Xin, Yi Gan Ning function of God. Can cure heart and liver blood deficiency caused by heart palpitations restlessness, insomnia and more dreams, memory loss embolism.

Gastrodia Gastrodia jambalaya to take 5 grams, 100 grams of rice, chicken 25 grams, bamboo shoots, carrots, 50 grams of dried mushroom, taro, each one, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar amount. Gastrodia soak 1 hour or so will be to make it soft, then cut into Suimo chicken, bamboo shoots and washed carrot cut into small pieces; taro, peeled, washed with water, fat mushroom, cut into filaments. Wash rice in the wok, put a knife to change the big sugar and other condiments, Zhu materials, Small Thermal thick boiled rice-like, one time a day for lunch or dinner food. This rice has brain fit, calm sleep effect. Can cure dizziness, insomnia and more dreams, consciousness forgetfulness embolism.

longan tea, longan meat 25 grams of rock sugar, rock sugar 10 grams. The longan flesh washed with rock sugar into the cup, the boiling water, stamped with nausea for a while, you can drink. Day 1, with the red with the drink, with drinking water with Tim, the last to eat longan meat. Heart and helpful as this tea, soothe the nerves of the function of puzzle. Can be thought-over rule, lack of energy, insomnia and dreaminess, palpitation forgetfulness.

Polygalaceae Polygala Zaoren 15 grams of porridge, fried Suanzaoren 10 grams, 75 grams of japonica rice. Rice panning clean, clear water into an appropriate pot, add washed Polygalaceae, Suanzaoren, with Zhu Chengyu fire boil shift small fires can be used as late-night eating. The porridge-ning Anshen, Jiannaoyizhi of efficacy for treating the elderly due to Jingji blood deficiency, insomnia, forgetfulness embolism.

100 Almeida God drink wheat, 25 grams each lily, lotus seeds and meat, Shouwu 15 grams of each vine, date 2, 6 grams of licorice. To wheat, lily, lotus seeds, Shouwu rattan, jujube, licorice were washed with cold water, soak for half an hour into the net pot, add water to 750 ml, with the fire boil, a small heat and simmer 30 minutes. Filter juice, stored inside the thermos bottle, even the stew twice, and placed in a ready Jieke drink. This drink has Prostisol, heat soothe the nerves of the effect. Consciousness can cure Restless, upset easy to dry, insomnia and dreaminess, palpitation and shortness of breath, sweating embolism.

Bozi Ren Bo Ziren 15 grams of stewed pig hearts, pig hearts 1, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, onion pieces appropriate. The pig heart washed clean, cut into thick slices and put it into the same amount of water Bozi Ren pot, add wine release, salt in a small fire Dunzhi rotten pig soft-hearted, add soy sauce, chopped green onion Serve. Table consumption. This soup has raised Anshen, the effectiveness of Runchang catharsis. Can be attributed to lack of government effort to palpitations restlessness, insomnia and more dreams embolism.

longan Longan Porridge Gorgon, Gorgon each 25 grams, 100 grams of glutinous rice, Suanzaoren 20 grams honey 20 grams. The sticky rice, Gorgon were washed into the appropriate amount of water pot, add longans, fire boil, remove the small heat and simmer 25 minutes, then add Zao Ren, boiled for 20 minutes before eating honey transferred. Taken two times morning and evening hours. This porridge has brain puzzle, the function of Yishen Gujing. The elderly can cure neurasthenia, mental depression, liver and kidney virtual loss embolism.

Jiaogulan Gynostemma Jujube Decoction 15 grams, red dates 8. Two materials were washed into the amount of water pot, cook low heat 20 minutes. 1 day, eating dates soup. This soup has brain puzzle, calm and soothe the nerves of the function. Can cure Shenpi channel power, loss of appetite, insomnia, forgetfulness, night urinary frequency more than embolism.

before going to bed an hour or so a cup of honey or milk to help sleep

bedtime milk06-01-12

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