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红木家具养护大约有核桃油是{sx}的固化剂« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-24 浏览:244

钱先生还提醒大家,买红木家具,{zh0}把握“好好选择使用财产”的原则,即在北部用于购买在北方生产,与南南合作有关的生产选举,因为,根据空气湿度不同,物料干燥程度,在不同湿度条件不同,膨胀或收缩的使用将这样的话,容易损坏的家具。 06.9.18

Rosewood furniture conservation has about walnut oil is the preferred curing agent

Rosewood furniture in China and the United States because of its shape, as well as the expensive and highly collectible value consumers. Rosewood furniture and also very much about conservation, the preferred curing agent is walnut oil.
Jimei Beijing (Show map)Dashijie home side the Department of rosewood furniture tower person in charge of money Zhigang told reporters, walnut oil is a good conservation agent, made from walnut processing, with a faint scent. Because of its non-chemical composition, belonging to the natural environment-friendly oils and fats, at the same time it is a dry, rub in the hardwood furniture, dry after the formation of a layer of protective film can reduce the moist air of the atmosphere penetrated to prevent chapped happen Furniture .
with walnut oil conservation election season the best two quarters in the early spring and early autumn, since the summer of easy to stay in the furniture surface trace Khan, in particular, tables and chairs are susceptible to wear, and winter dry dust, and dirt easy to form. In the use of walnut oil has dipped cloth to clean the surface of furniture, we have to appropriate the oil too polished, wood can not be absorbed, to stay on the surface are not easily absorbed by the oil tainted with dust.
In addition, the furniture in a clean surface, preferably first or鸡毛掸子soft texture of the brush to dust the surface of furniture removed, and then wipe dry cloth. Do not wipe with wet cloth, as cloth in water and air in the lime-sand mixture to form particles, one by the friction, easy to wear and tear of furniture surface. If the surface coated with a rosewood furniture stains, you can蘸取a small amount of water-soluble or oil-based cleanser to clean. Inappropriate use of chemical brightener so as not to damage the paint film hair sticky. In addition, the mahogany furniture of the interior is also very high humidity requirements, too dry can be put in the interior of fish tanks or the use of humidifiers, damp summer air can open the desiccant air-conditioning.
Mr. Qian also reminded everyone to buy mahogany furniture, the best grasp the principle, namely, in the north used to buy production in the North, the South with the South on the production of the election because, according to air humidity different, the degree of drying materials are different in different humidity conditions, the use of expansion or contraction will be the case, easy to damage the furniture. (06-9-18)

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