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How to apply for passports to be? What is a visa? « China trip 中国行

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-06-25 浏览:322

to ask how to apply for a passport? How long will it take to run? be paid how much? is not necessarily for me to go? visa what does this mean? visa How much does it cost? which countries do not need a visa? Thank you, .

private passports for Chinese citizens first need to exit the grounds, such as relatives, friends and so on. Generally require the following steps:

A, outside the invitation. Can be outside of relatives, friends an invitation to send their own letter, the invitation to the outside, a clear request to be invited to write the name, the reasons for the invitation and invited the destination, it can be with individuals as a result of an invitation to apply for private passport. Invitation to write the best in Chinese, so save the cost of translation (Public Security Bureau of the translation request to a specific sector translation, translation of the invalidity of their own). In an invitation letter at the same time the requirements attached to the invitation in an effective proof of residence outside, such as the invitations passport page, visa page, or in other living outside proof.

B, to the local and municipal public security bureau office outside the passport application form, fill in an application form in accordance with the content.

C, the application form will be sent to the competent authorities to carry out personnel files政审, filled out by the personnel files政审advice sector. If the file is in the talent exchange center for the talent exchange centers政审, the processing unit when the letter of introduction to bring the request as stated in the work of the unit during the non-offense conduct and discipline to allow exit.

D, with政审complete the application form, in a letter of recommendation (at the request of the same政审), two 2-inch color photo to the local municipal public security bureau to apply for a passport is generally 15 working days (five days per week) can get. For the attention of tens of millions of passport must apply to the personnel department in charge of政审, if the non-I personnel department was in charge of the Public Security Bureau found out that the law will have a record of the Public Security Bureau, later applications may be difficult. Unit is so worried aware that when processing a passport must also be looking for units for processing.
visa is a sovereign countrys passport or other travel document on the endorsement stamp to show to allow across their borders, or through border formalities, but also can be said to be presented to them a endorsement of proof.

What is the role of visa

visa is a sovereign country to safeguard national sovereignty, dignity, security and the interests of one of the measures taken. Visa is a sovereign state across their borders to implement an important management tool. A citizen of a country to other countries if you want to travel, settle, trade, study, etc., in addition to himself there must have passports or travel documents, another necessary condition that must obtain a visa to the country. Otherwise, it is impossible to travel.

What type of visa

generally based immigration visas are divided into: an exit visa, entry visa, immigration visa, entry and exit visas, re-entry visas and transit visas, such as the six categories.

some countries (regions) to apply for a visa in accordance with the immigration matter, the issuance of visas are divided into: diplomatic visa, official visa, immigration visa, non-immigrant visa, courtesy visa, tourist visa, work visa, student visa, business visa and other visas and their families.

At present, most countries in the world of visa are: diplomatic visa, official (officials) and the general visa visa.

visa Chinas current diplomatic visa, courtesy visa, service visa and four ordinary visa. access code

what is meant by some countries

order to facilitate the identification and management, to apply for a visa in accordance with the different subject, with a variety of letter marked on the visa issued. This letter is the access code.

code currently used by the largest number of visas the United States, which have a non-immigrant visa, code-named as many as 18 kinds, each subdivided into a number of types. Following is a brief introduction:

(1) A type of visa (that is, the diplomatic visa) issued by the object, respectively:

A-1: a foreign government accredited to the United States, ambassadors, ministers, career diplomats, and members of consular officers and their families;

A-2: other foreign government officials, employees and their family members;

A-3: A-1 and A-2 category visa winners entourage, servants, private employees and their family members.

(2) B category visa (that is, business travel visa) for the issuance of the object: B-1: to business trade, such as study visits for the purpose of dealing with relevant affairs staff of the short-term stay; B-2: short-term visits, tourists.

(3) C-type visa (ie, transit) for the issuance of the object:

C-1: aliens in transit;

C-2: in transit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York aliens;

C - 3: transit of foreign government officials, aides, servants, private employees and their families.

(4) D-type visa (that is, crew members, seamen visa) for the issuance of:

States on international flights of the crew and the seafarers on the ship.

(5) E category visa (that is, investors in international treaties or agreements visa) issued by the object, respectively:

E-1: According to international treaties or agreements to do business in the United States and their spouses and children;

E-2 : In accordance with international treaties or agreements the investors in the United States and their spouses and children.

(6) F-type visa (ie student visa) for the issuance of the object:

F-1: students who (that is, those who study at their own expense);

F-2: F-1 visa recipients of the spouses and children .

(7) G-type visa (that is, employees of international organizations visa) issued by the object, respectively:

G-1: The Government recognizes the presence of a foreign government organizations, international agencies, Permanent Representative of the Chief, on behalf of the work of subordinate staff and these staff members of the family;

G-2: The Government recognizes the presence of a foreign government organizations, other international agencies on behalf of the members and their families;

G-3: Government has not recognized foreign government organizations, representatives of international institutions and their family members or non - members of international organizations on behalf of foreign governments and their family members;

G-4: International agencies and officials, employees and their family members;

G-5: the above-mentioned G1-G4 visa winners entourage, servants, private employees members and their families.

(8) H category visa (that is, temporary staff and trainers to receive a visa) for the issuance of the object:

H-1: with special professional skills of the foreigners temporary work;

H-2: a result of domestic the lack of certain types of work or temporary employment of foreigners;

H-3: a wide range of training to receive the foreigners;

H-4: the above H-1 ~ H-3 visa for spouses and children of winner.

(9) I-type visa (that is, journalists visas) issued for the:

in the United States national news, radio, television and other organization representatives, journalists and their spouses and children.

(10) J-type visa (that is, a visiting scholar exchange visa) issued by the object, respectively:

J-1: According to the bilateral exchange of visits approved plans to send students and scholars, advanced students and a variety of scientific research personnel;

J-2: a visa for spouses and children of winner.

(11) K-type visa (that is, marriage visa) issued by the object, respectively:

K-1: need to go to the United States and foreigners married to U.S. citizens;

K-2: winner of the adult children visas.

(12) L category visa (that is, multinational staff of the visa) issued by the object, respectively:

L-1: the United States subsidiaries of foreign multinational corporations, international business offices stationed in the United States or temporary work;

L-2: a visa for spouses and children of winner.

(13) M-type visa (that is, non-academic student visa) is issued to the United States for the host university or vocational college for foreign students studying full-time.

(14) N-type visa (that is, along with some special immigration visas for parents and children) for the issuance of the work of some international organizations during his tenure in the United States carried by the families (parents and children).

(15) O category visa (that is, with an outstanding talent visa) issued by the object, respectively:

O-1: in science, education or business, sports, literature and art are subject to domestic or internationally recognized person;

O-2: the above-mentioned sports or artistic people in his entourage.

(16) P-type visa (that is, an outstanding sports entertainment industry and talent visa) is issued for the outstanding performance of the entertainment industry personnel, to participate in the competitions outstanding athletes in individual or group.

(17) Q category visa (that is, cultural exchange visa) issued by the United States for short-term those who take part in cultural exchanges.

(18) R-type visa (that is, the religious worker visa) is issued by the United States for short-term vocational and religious work.

(19) staff members of national defense research projects target the issue of visas with the United States Government national defense treaty of equality and mutual benefit of staff appointed (non-visa code).

(20) persons with disabilities and education for the issuance of visas to the United States to carry out projects in education and training of disabled persons (without a visa code).

In addition, Chinas visa and there are many code names, code-named the issuance of these objects are:

(1) C:, said crew members and other man-made holder of a visa;

(2) D: that the visa to settle here;

(3) F: that doing business in China or visit visa;

(4) G: that the transit visa;

(5) L: China tourism or visiting relatives, said the visa;

(6) X: that learning time in half a year to China over visa;

(7) Z: that China work visa or employment;

(8) W: that issued to diplomatic or consular authorities of the members of the visa.

passport to get your account where they are residing, and then to the local immigration office to apply for it, leaving the country in general is 200, as well as photography, you can according to the outside, if where according to generally 50. Visa, then you should go to countries that permit this to be in accordance with the type of visa you to charge2006-06-11





D、 带政审完整的申请表、单位介绍信(同政审时的要求),两张2寸彩照到当地地市级公安局办理护照,一般15个工作日(每周5个工作日)可以拿到。办理护照时注意千万一定要到人事主管部门办理政审,如果到非本人人事主管部门办理被公安局查出,将在公安局有违法记录,以后再申请可就难了。就是担心让单位知道,在办理护照时也必须找单位办理。





有的国家(地区)根据申请签证者的入境事由, 把颁发的签证分为: 外交签证、公务签证、移民签证、非移民签证、礼遇签证、旅游观光签证、工作签证、留学签证、商务签证以及家属签证等。
























G-1:政府承认的外国政府派驻国际机构组织的首席常驻代表、代表下属的工作 人员及上述人员的家属成员;


G-3:政府未承认的外国政府国际机构组织的代表及其家属成员或者非国际机构组 织成员的外国政府代表及其家属成员;











J-1:根据政府批准的双边交换访问学者计划派遣的留学生、进修生及各种科学 研究人员;













(16)P类签证(即杰出的娱乐行业和体育界人才的签证)的签发对象为杰出的娱乐行业的表 演人员、参加比赛的杰出运动员中的个人或团体。


(18)R类签证(即宗教工作者的签证)的签发对象为短期赴美进行职业性宗教工作的人士 。













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