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过氧化氢是什么呢? « City life wiki 城市百科

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-07-03 浏览:204







是xd_ xxx_1_br>

的过氧化氢过氧化氢的解决方案而闻名,是一种无色,无味的液体。 3%过氧化氢酶和组织立法机关开会时通过氧化体内的群体sj活性xj只释放出氧分解发挥作用。本地应用程序可以产生气泡,将有助于xc脓块,血块和坏死组织,耐腐蚀,防臭和清洁作用。 3%过氧化氢也能控制yyj生长,常用于创伤,溃疡,脓窦,ss,耳骨脓液用于清洗。此外,3%过氧化氢zl局部zl面部黄褐斑。 1-1.5%的双氧水为扁桃体炎,口腔炎,牙龈炎脓漏,白喉,咽炎等患者可使用漱口水。化学名称是
过氧化氢,过氧化氢,分子式过氧化氢。过氧化氢在市场上出售的大多是30 - 35的产品,无色透明液体,腐蚀皮肤%的浓度。活泼,容易破裂,因为他们保存时你应该尝试的密封容器内,以防止暴露在阳光下(过氧化氢工厂包装是一个黑色塑料桶,或放在一个黑色塑料袋,瓶)下来,不应该长期贮存。
过氧化氢的工作物质是一种新的生态氧[原创],具有很强的氧化作用,其工作和漂白粉颜色非常相似。颜料也适用于去除污垢和提高清洁程度的自然冲刷。可以添加到洗涤液清洗,也可以分开处理。使用条件:10 - 15倍,70℃ - 80℃的热水为30 - 60毫升过氧化氢/每一件衣服。浸泡10分钟左右,浸泡在gz的翻转和柃清洗的过程。在纤维条件允许,适当的,包括一些碱性洗涤剂可以增加过氧化氢的能量。

添加式为H 2 O 2的加热易分解,形成氧气,光,水


Hydrogen peroxide is what for?

what hydrogen peroxide is used for?

30% hydrogen peroxide degradation of the biggest
hydrogen peroxide is a water garden each containing two oxygen atoms of the liquid, with strong permeability and oxidation of hydrogen peroxide used in medicine to wash the wound and local anti-bacterial. According to the latest study found that hydrogen peroxide is not only a medical supplies, or a great beauty Jiapin.
  direct contact with the external environment facial skin, often bacteria, dust and pollution, coupled with its own skin, sweat glands, sebaceous secretions and the formation of dirt, easily induced acne, dermatitis, furunculosis swelling and other diseases, thus affecting the skin Beautiful. Fumian with hydrogen peroxide can not only remove the skin of dirt, but also directly to the surface of the skin to enhance cell activity, inhibit oxidation of melanin, and the calm, delicate skin to become flexible. Operation Method: Wash face with facial cleanser, you use a towel dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide Fuyu face, each 5 minutes a day one time, 10 days for a course of treatment, the operation should be taken to avoid hydrogen peroxide into the eyes.

  In addition, there are dilute hydrogen peroxide hair color, features, fine hair is too long for those who are affected by beautiful women, may, after hair removal with hydrogen peroxide directly apply on the skin 2 times a day, so that grow in the future fine hair thicker and will not be black, but will become soft and the color is yellow

hydrogen peroxide solution of hydrogen peroxide, commonly known as hydrogen peroxide, a colorless and tasteless liquid, added to food can be broken down release oxygen, from bleach, antiseptic and deodorant and so on. Therefore, some merchants that need whitening foods such as: water, food, beef fat thermometer, and jellyfish, shark fin, shrimp, octopus, squid, canned fruit, and flour products such as hydrogen peroxide production process prohibited immersion in order to improve product appearance. A small number of food processing units will be moldy Aquatic soaking dried hydrogen peroxide bleaching treatment to re-sell or for the elimination of dead or sick birds, duck or pork, black surface, congestion, and Mildew, these high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide bleaching material soaked, then add artificial colors or Nitrite hair color for sale. Hydrogen peroxide can be through the formation of starch in food caused cancer, epoxides, especially the digestive tract cancers. In addition, the Industrial hydrogen peroxide contains arsenic, heavy metals and other toxic and harmful substances is even more serious harm to health of consumers. FAO and WHO in accordance with its reporting requirements for toxicity tests, hydrogen peroxide is limited to emergency measures in the milk, anti-corrosion purposes. China also stipulates that hydrogen peroxide can only be limited to use in their milk, and the only two places in Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, in the other residues in food are not allowed to have.

medical care for wound cleaning and anti-anaerobic treatment.

is used to disinfect wounds ~

is disinfected _ xxx_1_br>
cleaning wounds to prevent wound infection.

known as hydrogen peroxide solution of hydrogen peroxide is a colorless, odorless liquid. 3% hydrogen peroxide and tissue enzyme when the legislature meets only release free oxygen decomposition by oxidizing bacteria in vivo bactericidal activity of groups play a role. Local application can produce air bubbles will help to eliminate pus block, blood clots and necrotic tissue, with anti-corrosion, anti-odor and cleaning effect. 3% hydrogen peroxide can also control the growth of anaerobic bacteria, commonly used in trauma, ulcers, pus sinus, burns, ear cleaning bones pus. In addition, 3% hydrogen peroxide treated with partial cure facial chloasma. 1-1.5% of the hydrogen peroxide is available for tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis pyorrhea, diphtheria, pharyngitis and other patients to use mouthwash. The chemical name is
hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, molecular formula H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide sold in the markets are mostly 30 - 35% concentration of the product, colorless and transparent liquid, corrosive to the skin. Lively and easy to break down because of their save when you should try sealed containers to prevent exposure to the sun (hydrogen peroxide factory packaging is a black plastic bucket or put on a black plastic bags, bottles), and should not be prolonged storage.
hydrogen peroxide working substance is a new eco-oxygen [O], has a strong oxidation, its work and color bleaching powder are very similar. Pigments are also suitable for removing dirt and raise the natural washing of the cleaning degree. Can be added to the washing liquid when washing, also can be dealt with separately. Conditions of Use :10 - 15 times the 70 ℃ - 80 ℃ hot water between 30 - 60 ml hydrogen peroxide / per piece of clothing. Soak for 10 minutes or so, soaking in the attention to the process of flipping and Eurya wash. In the fiber conditions permit, appropriate to include some alkaline detergents can increase the energy of the oxidation of hydrogen peroxide.
relatively small spot-type stains tracks can also be use to 1:1 diluted with water to remove the point of leaching.

add formula H 2 O 2 heated easily decomposed to form oxygen, light and water

disinfect the wound.06-01-21

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