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zm笑话weekend Jokes ---UN Survey_jingjing75_百度空间

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-01-31 浏览:142

笑话--联合国调查:U.N Survey…. wonderful weekend...))

A worldwide telephone survey conducted by the U.N. last month was a complete flop. The only question asked was:- "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?" 上个月由联合国进行的一项世界范围的电话调查wq是个失败。调查的{wy}问题是:“请你对解决世界其他地区粮食短缺问题的方案给出你的真实看法?”

The survey was a failure because of the following:由于下列答案,此调查是个失败:
In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant. In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant. In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant.

In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant, and Middle East nations didn't know what "solution" meant. South Americans didn't know what "please" meant and in the United States they didn't know what was meant by "the rest of the world." Incredibubble! 在中国他们不知道什么是" 看法" 的含义,在中东他们不知道什么是"解决方案"的含义,在南美他们不知道什么是"请“的含义,在美国他们不知道什么是”世界其他地区“的含义。


Non-Stick Nora’s dishwasher quit working so she called a plumber. As she had to go to work the next day, she told the plumber, "I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the invoice on the worktop and I'll send you a cheque." 诺拉的洗碗机坏了,于是她给水暖工打了电话。由于第二天她要去工作,她就告诉水暖工说:“我把钥匙放在垫子下,修好洗碗机后,把fp留在台子上,我会寄支票给你."

"Oh, by the way don't worry about my dog Spike. He won't bother you. But, whatever you do, do not, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot!" "I repeat; do not talk to my parrot!” When he got there he saw the biggest, meanest looking dog he had ever seen. But, as she said, he just lay on the carpet and watched him work. He didn't bother him at all. The parrot however, drove him crackers the whole time with his incessant yelling, cursing and name calling. Finally the plumber couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled, "Shut up you ugly looking bird!" "噢, 顺便说一下不要理我的狗spike, 它不会打扰你的。但是,你在任何情况下都不要对我的鹦鹉说话“,”我再重复一遍,不要和我的鹦鹉说话!“。 当水暖工到了她家后,他看到一只他所见过的{zd0}最难看的狗。就象她所嘱咐的那样,它(狗)只是爬在地毯上看着他工作。水暖工根本就不理它。而那只鹦鹉一直在发狂地不停地叫喊、诅咒和骂人。{zh1}水暖工实在不能忍受了喊到”闭嘴,你这只丑鸟儿!“。

To which the parrot replied, " Go get him, Spike!" 那只鹦鹉回说:"spike,去!把他抓来!"


Joey and his classmates had just finished an educational tour of the local fire station.
Before the kids could leave, the chief fire officer quizzed them. The fire officer asked little Joey, "What would you do if your clothes catch on fire?" Joey replied promptly, "I wouldn’t put them on."

Joey和他的同学刚结束了在当地的消防局的教育之旅。在孩子们离开前,消防队长给他们做了个测验。消防队长问小Joey:"如果你的衣服着火了,你会怎么做?" Joey 马上回答 :"我不会把它扑灭".

what's your raashee?

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