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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-02-11 浏览:183


The blueprint for such an assault, drawn up by two hackers working for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is part of an aggressive push by Beijing to achieve “electronic dominance” over each of its global rivals by 2050, particularly the US, Britain, Russia and South Korea.蓝图对于这样一个殴打,制定了由两名黑客工作,为人民的解放军(解放军) ,是一个积极的推动,由北京实现"电子主导权" ,它的每一个全球性的竞争对手,到2050年,特别是美国,英国,俄罗斯和韩国。

China’s ambitions extend to crippling an enemy’s financial, military and communications capabilities early in a conflict, according to military documents and generals’ speeches that are being analysed by US intelligence officials.中国的野心延伸到瘫痪敌人的财政,军事和通讯能力,早在冲突中,据军方的文件和将军们的发言后表示,现正分析,美国情报官员。 Describing what is in effect a new arms race, a Pentagon assessment states that China’s military regards offensive computer operations as “critical to seize the initiative” in the first stage of a war.描述什么是有效的新的军备竞赛,五角大楼评估说,中国的军事进攻方面,电脑操作,因为"批判掌握主动权" ,在{dy}阶段的一场战争。

The plan to cripple the US aircraft carrier battle groups was authored by two PLA air force officials, Sun Yiming and Yang Liping.该计划以削弱美国航空母舰战斗群是由两名解放军空军官员,孙亦铭和杨丽萍。 It also emerged this week that the Chinese military hacked into the US Defence Secretary’s computer system in June; have regularly penetrated computers in at least 10 Whitehall departments, including military files, and infiltrated German government systems this year.它也出现在本星期表示,中国军队侵入了美国国防部长的电脑系统,在6月;经常侵入电脑,在至少10个英国政府部门,包括军事档案,并渗透到德国政府系统今年。

Cyber attacks by China have become so frequent and aggressive that President Bush, without referring directly to Beijing, said this week that “a lot of our systems are vulnerable to attack”.网上攻击中国已经变得这么频繁和侵略表示,布什总统没有提到直接到北京,这个星期说, "我们很多的系统容易受到攻击" 。 He indicated that he would raise the subject with Hu Jintao, the Chinese President, when they met in Sydney at the Apec summit.他表示,他将提出此事hjt,中国国家主席会面时,在悉尼举行的亚太经合组织首脑会议。 Mr Hu denied that China was responsible for the attack on Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary.hjt先生否认说,中国是负责任的这次袭击是对罗伯特盖茨,美国国防部长。

Larry M. Wortzel, the author of the US Army War College report, said: “The thing that should give us pause is that in many Chinese military manuals they identify the US as the country they are most likely to go to war with.拉里米伍尔泽,作者的美国陆军战争学院的报告,说: "这件事应该给我们耐人寻味的是,在许多中国军事手册中,他们确定了美国,成为国家,他们是最有可能兵戎相见。 They are moving very rapidly to master this new form of warfare.” The two PLA hackers produced a “virtual guidebook for electronic warfare and jamming” after studying dozens of US and Nato manuals on military tactics, according to the document.他们正在非常迅速地掌握这一新的战争形式" ,这两个解放军黑客制作了一个"虚拟教程电子战干扰"后,学习数十名美国和北约手册上的军事战术,根据该文件。

The Pentagon logged more than 79,000 attempted intrusions in 2005.五角大楼未登录超过79000企图侵入, 2005年。 About 1,300 were successful, including the penetration of computers linked to the Army’s 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions and the 4th Infantry Division.约1300宗申请成功,其中包括普及程度的电脑连接到军队的第101和第82空降师和第4步兵师。 In August and September of that year Chinese hackers penetrated US State Department computers in several parts of the world.在8月和9月的这一年中国的网络黑客侵入美国国务院电脑,在世界若干地区。 Hundreds of computers had to be replaced or taken offline for months.数百台电脑,不得不更换或采取离线几个月。 Chinese hackers also disrupted the US Naval War College’s network in November, forcing the college to shut down its computer systems for several weeks.中国黑客,也打乱了美海军战争学院的网络,在11月,迫使学院关闭了其计算机系统的数周之久。 The Pentagon uses more than 5 million computers on 100,000 networks in 65 countries.五角大楼利用了500多万计算机100000网络在65个国家。

Jim Melnick, a recently retired Pentagon computer network analyst, told The Times that the Chinese military holds hacking competitions to identify and recruit talented members for its cyber army.吉姆melnick ,最近退休的五角大楼电脑网络分析师告诉nysb说,中国军队举行黑客比赛,以确定和招聘人才的成员对网络的军队。

He described a competition held two years ago in Sichuan province, southwest China.他形容比赛举行前两年在四川省,中国西南地区。 The winner now uses a cyber nom de guerre, Wicked Rose.赢家现在已改用数码这起事件,有险恶的上升。 He went on to set up a hacking business that penetrated computers at a defence contractor for US aerospace.他接着就成立了一个黑客入侵业务,侵入计算机在国防承包商,为美国航空航天。 Mr Melnick said that the PLA probably outsourced its hacking efforts to such individuals.问melnick表示,解放军可能外包黑客努力,以这样的个人。 “These guys are very good,” he said.马丁库斯说: "那些都是非常好的, "他说。 “We don’t know for sure that Wicked Rose and people like him work for the PLA. "我们不知道,肯定有险恶的玫瑰和人民喜欢他的工作,为人民解放军。 But it seems logical.但这似乎是合乎逻辑的。 And it also allows the Chinese leadership to have plausible deniability.”这也使得中国领导层有可能deniability " 。

In February a massive cyber attack on Estonia by Russian hackers demonstrated how potentially catastrophic a preemptive strike could be on a developed nation.在今年2月的大规模网络攻击,爱沙尼亚,俄罗斯黑客展示了如何潜在的灾难性先发制人,可于一个成熟的民族。 Pro-Russian hackers attacked numerous sites to protest against the controversial removal in Estonia of a Russian memorial to victims of the Second World War.亲俄罗斯的黑客攻击,众多工地,以抗议引起争议的搬迁,在爱沙尼亚的俄罗斯纪念受害者的第二次世界战争。 The attacks brought down government websites, a major bank and telephone networks.攻击dd政府网站,一家大银行和电话网络。

Linton Wells, the chief computer networks official at the Pentagon, said that the Estonia attacks “may well turn out to be a watershed in terms of widespread awareness of the vulnerability of modern society”.林顿水井,行政计算机网络正式在五角大楼说,这爱沙尼亚袭击"很可能会成为一个分水岭,无论在人们普遍认识到的脆弱性,现代社会" 。

After the attacks, computer security experts from Nato, the EU, US and Israel arrived in the capital, Tallinn, to study its effects.袭击事件发生后,计算机安全专家表示,由北约,欧盟,美国和以色列抵达首都塔林,以研究其效果。

Sami Saydjari, who has been working on cyber defence systems for the Pentagon since the 1980s, told Congress in testimony on April 25 that a mass cyber attack could leave 70 per cent of the US without electrical power for six months.萨米saydjari ,他一直致力于对网络防御系统,为五角大楼20世纪80年代以来,美国国会说,在证词中对4月25日,一次大规模的网络攻击可能离开,百分之七十的美国,没有电力,为6个月。

He told The Times that all major nations – including China – were scrambling to defend against, and working out ways to cause, “maximum strategic damage” by taking out banking systems, power grids and communications networks.他告诉nysb说,所有主要的国家-包括中国-被扰防范,并努力寻求事业,"{zg}战略损害",采取了银行系统,电网和通信网络。 He said that there were at least a thousand attempted attacks every hour on American computers.他说,已有至少1000名企图袭击每一个小时就美国计算机。 “China is aggressive in this,” he said. "中国具有侵略性的, "他说。

Programmed to attack 程控攻击

Malware: a “Trojan horse” programme, which hides a “malicious code” behind an innocent document, can collect usernames and passwords for e-mail accounts. 恶意程序:一个"特洛伊木马"方案,其中隐藏了一个"恶意代码"背后的一个无辜的文件,可以搜集用户名和密码,电子邮件帐号。 It can download programmes and relay attacks against other computers.它可以下载方案和中继攻击其他电脑。 An infected computer can be controlled by the attacker and directed to carry out functions normally available only to the system owner.被感染的计算机可以控制的攻击,并指示进行功能通常只限该系统的主人。

Hacking: increasingly a method of attack used by countries determined to use electronic means to gain access to secrets. 黑客:日益成为攻击的方法所采用的国家决心利用电子手段获取机密。 Government computers in Britain have a network intrusion detection system, which monitors traffic and alerts officials to “misuse or anomalous behaviour”.政府电脑在英国有一个网络入侵检测系统,该系统监控交通和警报官员"滥用或不恰当的行为" 。

Botnets: compromised networks that an attacker can exploit. 僵尸网络:毫不妥协的网络攻击者可以利用。 Deliberate programming errors in software can easily pass undetected.故意编程错误,在软件可以很容易通过未被发现。 Attackers can exploit the errors to take control of a computer.攻击者可以利用误差控制一台计算机。 Botnets can be used for stealing information or to collect credit card numbers by “sniffing” or logging the strokes of a victim’s keyboard.僵尸网络可以用来窃取资料或收集信用卡号码,由"嗅探"或伐木笔画一个受害者的键盘。

Keystroke loggers: they record the sequence of key strokes that a user types in. Logging devices can be fitted inside the computer itself. 击键记录:他们记录序列的关键招一个用户类型英寸测井装置可安装在电脑内部本身。

Denial of service attacks: overloading a computer system so that it can no longer function. 拒绝服务攻击:超载的一个计算机系统,以便它能够不再起作用。 This is the method allegedly used by the Russians to disrupt the Estonian government computers in May.这是该法所称使用的是由俄罗斯人破坏爱沙尼亚政府电脑可能。

Phishing and spoofing: designed to trick an organisation’s customers into imparting confidential information such as passwords, personal data or banking details. 钓鱼式攻击和欺骗:旨在伎俩某组织的顾客到传授机密信息,如密码,个人资料或银行资料。 Those using this method impersonate a “trusted source” such as a bank or IT helpdesk to persuade the victim to hand over confidential information.使用这种方法冒充"可信任的来源" ,如一家银行或它求助,以说服被害人交出机密资料。 (Michael Evans) (迈克尔埃文斯

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