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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-01-08 浏览:124


Why HR Outsourcing?


Whether it is necessary to ensure the quality of human outsourcing services management software

业绩需求 - 改善管理效果并为企业赢利

Performance requirements - to improve management effectiveness and profitability for the enterprise
· 通过将自身不具有成本优势和专业优势的工作外包,使企业自身核心竞争力得以提升。

By itself does not have a cost advantage and professional advantages of outsourcing the work to enable enterprises to improve their core competitiveness.
· 降低事务性工作对人力资源管理核心的干扰,通过人力资源外包,在管理人员数量不变的前提下提升人力资源部门战略管理能力。

Reduce the transactional work on the core of human resource management interference, through human resources outsourcing, the number of personnel in the management of change under the premise of the ability to enhance the strategic management of human resources.


Enhance the brand value, reducing risk management, improve employee satisfaction

Enterprise: By working with the best suppliers to develop talent development channels for the realization of their positive brand interaction.

Human Resources: In the past individual operation by a specific work, but now the suppliers operate throughout the professional team. A more accurate grasp of policy, efficiency and effectiveness will improve mate.

* Staff: Human Resources Management from accepting the passive role of transformation services for the enjoyment of the active role of service providers. The change in identity is conducive to enhancing employee satisfaction.

业务发展需求 gx外包服务伙伴助企业实现迅速扩张

Business development needs - and efficient outsourcing partner to help companies realize rapid expansion of the


The rapid expansion of enterprises, will face what comes from human resources management challenges?
·挑战 1:全国各地分公司越来越多。需要专业的人事团队提供当地相关政策、社保信息及薪酬指导让企业对当地情况全面掌握。

* Challenge 1: The increasing number of branches across the country. Need a professional team of personnel to provide local relevant policies, social security information and guidance allow enterprises to pay full grasp of local conditions.
·挑战 2:HR部门的工作量越来越大,管理成本难以控制。提供专业的客服人员帮助企业整合资源,让总部对全国人力成本一目了然。

* Challenge 2: HR department's workload increases, the cost of management difficult to control. To provide professional customer service to help businesses integrate resources to the headquarters of the national labor costs at a glance.
·挑战 3: 通过一个在全国范围内具有人事外包实力且具合法资质的专业外包公司来为其提供服务,从而达到简化流程、节约时间、降低各地人力资源费用、提高员工满意度的目的,同时也突破了人力资源管理工作在跨地区业务快速发展中带来的管理瓶颈,扩大了企业HR的管理半径,突显人力资源的重要性。

* Challenge 3: Adoption of a nationwide has a staff strength of Juju outsourced legal qualification of professional outsourcing companies to provide services to simplify processes, save time, reduce the cost of human resources throughout, the purpose of improving employee satisfaction, while also broke through the human resources management in the rapid development of trans-regional business brought in the management of bottlenecks, expand the radius of the enterprise HR management, highlighted the importance of human resources.


    The corresponding related to human resources company, faces the same enormous pressures and challenges, how to standardize business processes, transactional work are quickly resolved, the use of human outsourcing services management software is imperative!


服务项目(services items)

 招聘管理 (recruiting/staffing management)


 合同管理(Contract Management)

 单位管理(Enterprise Management)

 录用退工(Hiring retired workers)
 补充保险福利处理(supplemental benefits)
 商业保险处理(business insurance)
 报表管理(report option)


 财务管理(Financial Management)

 系统管理(System Management)
 时间管理(time management)
 考勤处理(time tracking)
 休假处理(time-off management)
 最终用户培训 (end user training)

服务内容管理支持(management and support)

 招聘政策的整理 (staffing policy and regulation management)
 企业政策跟进(corporation policy compliance audit)
 系统中政策搭建、调整 (policy construction and adjustment)
 系统中流程规范设置 (system process flow define and setup)
 监控遵守政府规章制度状态 (government regulation compliance audit)
 政策咨询(包括企业内政策沿革咨询;国家及地方政策、法律法规咨询) policy and regulation consultation(including internal policy, government policy, low and regulation policy…etc.)
 国家税法及地方社会保险政策变化跟踪反馈、及时调整 (Tax law and local insurance policy change management and adjustment)
 其他国家及地方政策、法律法规动态跟踪,及时传递 (foreign policy and regulation following and communication)
 招聘市场,人才的分析(recruiting/staffing market analysis, talent analysis)

服务内容日常业务处理(day-to-day business management)

 根据企业需求,及时调整互软HRO软件系统参数配置及各种计算公式 (administrate and adjust the Intersoft HRO software products based on business needs)
 提供企业需要人才,对招聘面试过程进行管理(supply proper talent to corporations, manage the entire recruiting and selecting processes.)
 整理员工档案,保持员工信息,包括新员工、离职员工、变动员工、复职员工等(Organize and store employee data, including new hires, rehires, internal movement employees, retirees…etc.)
 日常数据(刷卡、考勤、薪资、保险福利、假期等)传输处理(day-to-day data management and transformation: time tracking, payroll, benefits, time-off…etc.
 日常数据处理:数据导入导出、数据确认(data import/export management)
 考勤计算、假期计算、保险福利计算、 薪资计算、计税处理
拨款、扣款、补发补扣等处理(time tracking, time-off, benefits, payroll calculation…etc.
 保险福利个人帐户(养老保险、住房公积金帐户等)动态统计分析(statistic analysis of benefits information.
 报表动态统计分析(report option analysis)
制作报表(payroll process, paycheck printing and distribution), report generation



InterSoft Mutual advantage of Human outsourcing services management software

高质量 由互软科技客服中心统一管理,实行高规格、标准化的服务;

High-quality  Customer service center by and from among the unified management of Intersoft science and technology, the implementation of high-specification, standardized services;
gx率 一地签约全国共享,各地快速响应,简化流程,马上行动;

High-efficiency  Off-site contract to share the country, local rapid response, streamline processes, immediate action;
低风险 定期系统免费升级维护,全国{zx1}政策及时调整;

Low-risk system, A free upgrade to maintain a regular basis, the National latest policy and timely adjustments;
专业团队 5年人事外包服务信息化建设服务经验,拥有专业的售前、售中、售后服务团队和资深经验的IT技术专家梯队。

Professional Team 5-year information technology outsourcing services and human services experience, with professional pre-sale, sale, after-sales service team and the senior echelon of experience in IT technical experts.


Software support   Intersoft Human  Outsourcing Services Management Software


7 * 24-hour hotline to provide services to

Have access to free expert advisory services, and peer resource sharing between the public relations services

Full security, to provide comprehensive application and software system security solution

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