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如何选择正确的牙膏? « City life wiki 城市百科

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-02-27 浏览:134


选择牙膏,牙膏是不是{dy}个知道健康牙齿的法宝,它只是刷牙援助物资,与摩擦作用和qc牙菌斑,清洁,抛光牙齿表面,使口头清新的作用。目前,中国分为牙膏,氟化物牙膏和yw牙膏三大类使用普通牙膏。主要成分包括普通牙膏磨擦剂,清洗剂,润湿剂,防腐剂,香料,有牙膏一般扮演的角色,如果牙齿健康是更好,你可以选择普通牙膏。然而,随着技术的发展,人们发现氟化物可能是龋齿和多年的实践证明,氟化物与牙齿接触,所以牙齿容易在羟基磷灰石的形成氟酸解散组织的作用不可溶性磷的灰色石头,从而提高牙齿的抗腐蚀能力。研究表明,常用这种牙膏,龋齿发病率由40%左右减少。氟化物有氟化钠,氟化钾,氟化亚锡及单氟磷酸钠。但要知道氟是一种有毒物质,如果人体吸收过多会引起氟中毒,国家提供免费的含氟牙膏,氟化物应在400 - 1200Pm,特别注意,3 - 4年前,不适合儿童使用,因为牙膏1月8日至一月四号可能被吞食的肚子。yw牙膏是在普通加某些yw,牙膏刷牙时牙膏的基础上达到牙齿表面或周围的环境,通过yw作用,减少牙菌斑,它发挥作用的抗-龋齿和牙周疾病。目前,yw牙膏的人非常喜欢,而且对促进牙膏,预防效果或使用yw的疗效是一种理想的方式。但是,yw牙膏也有其消极的方面,首先,口不能保持太长时间,即被冲牙膏,难以在短时间内发挥yw的药效学和某些yw的剂量也必须是避免刺激口腔软组织,因此不能提高到适当和有效的浓度,牙膏本身的作用,往往阻碍了污垢在嘴里或限制的形态特征,因此很难实现真正的高发区。第二,在医药,往往会出现由于贮存时间长等化学变化,失去功效牙膏,有效的yw,都往往不理想,因为与到牙膏的气味,除了抗药性的问题,这些因素表明,长期yw长期使用不应该是一个牙膏,yw牙膏是一个好主意,但要真正达到预防的效果腔尚未作一些深入的研究。




How to select the right toothpaste?

how to select the right toothpaste?

to choose toothpaste, toothpaste is not the first to know the magic weapon for healthy teeth, its just brushing aid supplies, with the role and removal of friction plaque, clean and polish tooth surface, so that the role of oral refreshing. At present, China is divided into ordinary toothpaste used in toothpaste, fluoride toothpaste and medicated toothpaste three categories. The main ingredients include ordinary toothpaste friction agents, cleansing agents, wetting agents, preservatives, fragrances, has a general role of toothpaste there, if dental health is better, you can choose ordinary toothpaste. However, with technological development, it was discovered that the fluoride could be the role of dental caries, and years of practice proved that fluoride in contact with the teeth, so teeth susceptible to acid dissolution of the organization in the formation of hydroxyl apatite fluoride is not soluble phosphorus Gray stone, thus enhancing the corrosion resistance of teeth. Studies have shown that commonly used this toothpaste, dental caries incidence reduced by 40% or so. Fluoride with sodium fluoride, potassium fluoride, stannous fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate. But to know that fluoride is a toxic substance, if the human body to absorb too much can cause fluoride poisoning, the state provides free fluoride toothpaste, fluoride should be between 400-1200Pm, with particular attention ,3-4 years ago, not suitable for children to use, because 1/8-1/4 of the toothpaste may be swallowed their stomach. Drug toothpaste is toothpaste on the basis of the ordinary plus certain medicines, toothpaste when brushing teeth reach the tooth surface or the surrounding environment, through the role of drugs, reduce plaque, which play the role of anti-caries and periodontal disease. At present, drug toothpaste highly favored people, but also to promote the use of toothpaste, a preventive effect or therapeutic efficacy of drugs is an ideal way. But the drug toothpaste also has its negative aspects, first of all, toothpaste in the mouth can not remain too long, he incurs rinse out, making it difficult in a short time to play a pharmacodynamics of drugs, and doses of specific drugs must also be to avoid provoking the mouth soft tissues, and therefore can not be increased to adequate and effective concentration, the role of toothpaste itself is often hindered by dirt in the mouth or by morphological characteristics restrictions, making it difficult to achieve real incidence area. Second, the toothpaste in the medicine, which often occur due to long storage time other chemical changes, lose their efficacy, effective drugs are now often not desirable because with a smell into the toothpaste, in addition to the problem of drug resistance These factors suggest that long-term use of drugs should not be a toothpaste, medicated toothpaste is a good idea, but to really achieve the effect of Cavity prevention has yet to make some in-depth study.

, therefore, be faced with numerous varieties of toothpaste, we must first understand the performance of a variety of toothpaste, not blindly believe in product description, it is best to find a doctor by profession oral advice to the actual situation according to their own mouth choose the right toothpaste.

the actual situation according to their own mouth choose the right toothpaste.

Do not believe him, and fluoride toothpaste bad! he simply copied the propaganda fluoride toothpaste manufacturers only.
fluoride is a double-edged sword, a small amount can prevent dental caries, but more damage teeth! discoloration of the teeth, brittle.
particularly high fluoride areas in Guangdong even more can not be used.
In fact, I used the black girl well, supermarkets selling when theres nothing to buy. you go to the supermarket to see will know,
special sales without fluoride toothpaste who is interested. can only be distributed free of charge at the unit point.
domestic manufacturers add fluoride toothpaste is often excessive, there is no fixed national standards and restrictions.
toothpaste harmful silicon, silicon is the main component of sand and gravel, may I ask who can eat sand do?
The key is usually the daily protection of the teeth is the first key.

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