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我现在如何在这种心情不好« Live in China 混在中国

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-02-27 浏览:150







一些情绪反应当大脑有很强的兴奋,在这个时候如果一个或几个新的兴奋,可以抵消或冲淡原来的中心建立的优势。中学生的情绪较为激烈的变革时期,人们很容易对一些小事情怒气冲天。 Qiangyanuhuo危害健康,将被允许发泄有害干扰,{zh0}暂时避免一下,让他冷静分析,寻找更多的合适的解决办法。例如,当一个特定的测试不理想,不必整天叹息,自责,你可以玩所有游戏,散步或做如听喜欢的音乐,等等,其他一些,放松活动他们的情绪松散下来,为失败的原因,客观的分析,努力取得良好的结果下一次。











我觉得你现在心情不好,不应该得到其他原因,这将是更加恼人。你还不如跳两个健身房有氧运动,随着音乐,活动,独特的节奏打开你的每一个关节,使麻烦地狱,在教练面前寻找阳光(sunny),热情的运动,你的汽车被动员起来,随之而来的兴奋你的神经也很活跃,出汗满足热水澡后,一个舒适(Schick)的毯子躺下,看喜剧电影,甜美的(Midea)睡眠的感觉,第二天是一个新的开始,什么解决不了的问题! !


I now how to do this in a bad mood

I now how to do this in a bad mood

1 to find the reasons for poor mood.

When you are depressed or worried, do not this goes on, the key to identify the causes and whether other people will misunderstand you, or they are at fault if they do identify the problem, I want to way to deal with it. If no cause, then you may be in a mood cycle trough period or dangerous period , it may be due to the weather and other environmental impacts, over a period of time enough. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Professor Dahl Lollard a study found that lack of sleep a great impact on our emotions, he said: The lack of sleep persons, those things people worry more about their emotions.

2 using deep breathing method.

When you are too tense, fear, through the relaxation of the body to ease the psychological tension. You can breathe deeply in one breath, then slowly exhale, this process can relax the muscles quickly. While continuing to imply that they relax, relax , to concentrate on the interesting things that stop a few minutes. Repeat these steps can be up to alleviate some of the bad mood. This method of deep breathing is very simple, whether in the hypothetical scenario or the actual scenario, can be repeated practice. This relaxation method is invented in 1972 by the bug.

3 to divert attention.

some emotional reaction when the mind has a strong excitement, at this time if the establishment of one or several new excitement can be offset or dilute the advantages of the original center. Secondary school students are in the mood more intense period of change, it is easy for some small things towering rage. Qiangyanuhuo hazardous to health, will be allowed to vent harmful tampering, it is better to avoid temporarily a bit and let his cool-headed analysis, to find about more suitable solution. For example, when a particular test is not satisfactory, do not have to sigh all day, self-blame, you can play every play, for a walk or do some other relaxing activities, such as listening to favorite music, etc., so that their emotions loose down and objective analysis of the reasons for the failure and strive to achieve good results the next time.

4 appropriate to vent their emotions.

to maintain emotional stability is not about you feeling cold, no matter what emotional reaction, but not do without the onset of restraint. It is common emotions encountered cry sad thing, of course, a happy face will be glad to do, of course, but the performance should be appropriate, but not too much, for too long. For example, the death of their loved ones is a sad thing that forcing oneself not cry but harmful to the health of the body, the tears, you can take away the body of harmful substances can also reduce the sadness and tension. However, if there is more than crying, and keep on the part of non-normal. Encounter troubles, find intimate friends pour out what to say to say it, you can make calm himself down. When your heart flooded with anger to vent to others, you can find some substitute to carry out a vent, such as throwing a few wrestling is not a bad doll, playing a few very thick trees and so on. We must learn to vent their emotions, that is venting the object, place, occasion and methods should be appropriate to avoid harm to others.

5 Institute of concessions.

to learn self-criticism, do not put all the responsibility onto others. They must learn to broaden the mental capacity, so they have a good personality and generous mind. For the trivia, there is no need to spend a lot of time to debate and struggle, there is no need to weigh every assertive or aggressive. To realize that everyone has strengths and weaknesses of each person s talents are limited, and can not be everything more than others. Otherwise, you are often trapped in resentment, anger and self-blame and other negative emotions.

Oh, you do not feel Well, good that I do not know? Takayuki I think you do not feel a reason, then you come to me, I can help you,快啊, to unhappiness, one will not help feel good pull on the pull

Reference: He meets a sense of micro-

to learn to their own conditioning, the good in everything, so that the event of the Security, it will naturally get better. I wish you happiness.

then you need to laugh! If not, then laugh. You are always thinking that funny word, you will laugh! Hehe.哈哈!

went for a walk, or find friends to play, in short, is to keep our noses to do one at home, so the most uneconomical.

think it was even worse than you

I think you are now in a bad mood, it should not obtain other reasons, and that would be more annoying. You Might as well jump two gym aerobics, with the distinctive rhythm of music, activities, open each of your joints, so that troubles hell, looking at the sunny front of coaches, passionate movement, your motor is being mobilized, with the attendant excitement of your nerves are also active, sweating gratification after a hot bath, a comfortable blanket to lie down, watch a comedy film, a great sleeping sweet sensation, the next day is a new the beginning, what can not solve the problem! !

think about happy things or watch TV skit.04-12-12

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