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“一日三餐”如何更好地安排如何? « City life wiki 城市百科

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-03-08 浏览:209








◎理想早餐的要素:在正常情况下,理想的早餐要掌握三个要素:晚餐时间,营养水平和主要副食品的平衡。一般来说,起床吃早餐,30分钟后,活动是最合适的,因为当时人们对最有成效的胃口。早餐不仅注重数量,更要注重质量。成年人计算,早餐主食量应在150至200克,热量应该在700千卡。当然,从事不同的劳动强度,年龄,热量为不同的人需要的是不同的。如果学生需要约500千卡的热量,中学生林则徐的热量约600大卡。在食物摄入量和热量,应占不同年龄的人天总食物摄入量和总热量30%为宜。一般应吃含淀粉的主食,如馒头,豆包,面包等,而且还适当增加富含蛋白质的食物,如牛奶,豆浆,鸡蛋等,再加上数量的配菜这些食物, 。科学






How to arrange better how?

How to arrange better how?

eat three meals a day eating, not just to fill his stomach, or Jie Chan, mainly to ensure that the body interval of time, if too short, the Dayton has not yet emptied of food in the stomach, we went to eat Under the Dayton food will not get proper rest the digestive organs, digestive functions will gradually reduce the influence appetite and digestion. General mixed food in the stomach to stay the time is about 4 ~ 5 hours, two meals at intervals of 4 ~ 5 hours more appropriate, if it is 5 ~ 6 hours basically meet the demand.

◎ clock with three meals a day: Modern studies have shown that, in the early, middle and late period of time these three years, the human bodys digestive enzymes are particularly active, which explains when to eat is controlled by the clock.

◎ brain and three meals a day: the human brain every day accounted for a significant proportion of human energy consumption, and the brain glucose energy supply can only be a day needs about 110 ~ 145 grams. The liver from each meal can only provide up to about 50 grams of glucose. Three meals a day, the liver that is able to provide enough glucose to the brain Wei Ren.

◎ digestive and three meals a day: solid food from the esophagus to the stomach takes about 30 ~ 60 seconds, in the stomach to stay four hours before reaching the small intestine. Thus, three meals a day interval of 4 ~ 5 hours, from the digestion point of view is reasonable.

in the choice of food three meals a day: three meals a day exactly what food choices, how to deploy, using what methods to cooking, all of which pay attention to, and vary. In general, three meals a day should be the thickness of the staple food and non-staple food mix, animal foods and plant foods have a certain percentage, preferably every day eat beans, potatoes and fresh vegetables. Three meals a day of science allocation is based on each persons physical condition and work needed to decide. According to food intake distribution, early, middle and late meals ratio of 3:4:3, if a person ate 500 grams a day staple food, then eat 150 grams each morning and evening, at noon to eat 200 grams more appropriate.

science with breakfast:
nutrition experts believe that breakfast is the most important day, a meal a day, eat a good breakfast, make people live longer. Eat a good breakfast means breakfast should be eaten a number of high nutritional value, less but better food. Because people have gone through a night of sleep, the first night eating has been basically depletion of nutrition in the morning only to supplement their diets in a timely manner in order to meet the morning of our working and learning needs. Breakfast in the design, select easy to digest, absorb, fiber-based foods that are high quality, preferably in the proportion of raw food accounted for the highest, and so will be the main source of energy a day.

◎ the importance of breakfast: expert after long observed that a person does not eat breakfast the morning after, the blood viscosity will be increased, and the flow of slow, constant, daily, will lead to heart attack. Thus, sumptuous breakfast in a days brain cells such nutrients can only be obtained from the glucose energy, after a night without eating but do not eat breakfast, blood can not ensure an adequate glucose supply, a long time people would get tired, weak, or even nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other phenomena, can not be energetically to work.

◎ elements of the ideal breakfast: Under normal circumstances, the ideal breakfast to master the three key elements: dinner time, the nutrient levels and balance with the main non-staple food. In general, the get up and eat breakfast 30 minutes after the activity is most appropriate, because by that time peoples appetite of the most productive. Breakfast will not only pay attention to quantity, but also pay attention to quality. Calculated by adults, breakfast staple food volume should be between 150 to 200 grams and calories should be around 700 kcal. Of course, engaged in different labor intensity and age, the heat required for different people is different. If students need about 500 kilocalories of heat, secondary school students Zexu about 600 kcal of heat. On food intake and calories, it should be accounted for different ages of man-day total food intake and total calories 30% suitable. Should generally be eating starchy staple foods, such as steamed bread, BEAN BAG, bread and so on, but also those with appropriate increase in protein-rich food such as milk, soy milk, eggs, etc. Coupled with a number of side dishes. Science

lunch with:
saying goes, s work and study. However, at noon to eat does not mean necessarily overeating, general can eat Ba Jiufen eat. If the white-collar workers work less labor groups in the choice lunch, an optional number of the Qing hot stems simple vegetables, a little white bean curd, part of the plant as a lunch with seafood.

Dinner - to be close to sleep, to eat less:
dinner closer to sleep, not eat too full, in particular, can not eat midnight snack. Dinner should be selected with more fiber and carbohydrate food. But the average family, dinner is a family three meals a day the only all together enjoying a meal, so most families, this meal all cooked very rich and healthy concept of this approach that some violation, Therefore, adjustments are still the same with the lunch is half an hour before a meal should be vegetables, fruit juice supply. Dinner should have more than a lettuce salad plate, which has all kinds of sprouts. Bean sprouts and seaweed can be used in the feeding volume, when wrapped, do change. Staple food and can be appropriate to reduce the amount of non-staple food in order to sleep exactly fasting state.

In general, poor blood circulation, most people at night, so the heat can choose more natural foods to make up for this phenomena, such as pepper, curry, cinnamon, etc. Jieke. Cold vegetables such as cucumber, snake melon, melon and other night, some with less. Dinner at 8:00 p.m. as

be completed, if any food after 8:00 right we are all bad food. If re-eating family dinner is only a kind of meat is best, not a variety of meat, increase the burden on the body too much. Do not eat any dessert after dinner, it is very easy to liver injury.

6:00, 12:00, 18:00 all eat once a more suitable

7 points, 12 points, 5.30 time05-11-26

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