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步进电机驱动无阀计量泵« oursolo.net

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-03-13 浏览:153

特别是对综合传输系统(综合配镜系统)定制的峰值电压,是世界上{zxj}的精密步进电机驱动无阀计量泵。 VMP的电压差计量从FMI系列设置和级联泵从电机到第二步,FMI系列产品是现在人们普遍认识精密步进电机驱动无阀计量泵。




的产品包括以下特性:高精度步进调节(每步0.0144 UL)的,更高的化学兼容性(采用陶瓷和碳氟化合物构成流体通道);高负载周期(经测试达到84万次),电子控制器易于学习和掌握,记忆100个工作程序;支持脚踏开关和遥控,支持独立运行和面板安装;支持系统集成,仪表集成和多分布。




Stepper motor-driven valveless metering pump

Specifically for the integrated delivery system (Integrated Dispensing Systems) customized Vmp, is the worlds most advanced precision stepper motor driven valveless metering pump. VMP metering pump from a set of FMI and a cascade from the second step into the motor, FMI is a now widely recognized precision stepper motor driven valveless metering pump.

As a result of this structure, users can electronically change the pump stroke, which according to actual needs, the flow of the pump for high precision fine-tuning. The product without any external power and air, fully self-contained, can work independently, but also can be easily integrated with existing systems.

flow regulation through two independently controlled stepper motor with ingenious realize. No need for tools do not scale to reduce the risk of error.

cascade in which a stepper motor pump head by changing the angle to increase or decrease the pump stroke, thereby regulating the flow. For standard FMI pump, while guided only by manual adjustment screw to achieve. A second stepper motor control FMI valveless pump, for regulating the injection of feed speed and frequency of injection material.

the product includes the following features: high-precision stepper regulator (each step 0.0144 ul); higher chemical compatibility (using ceramic and fluorocarbon fluid constitute channel); high load cycle (tested up to 84 million cycles); electronic controller easy to learn and master; memory 100 work procedures; Supporting foot switch and remote control; to support independent operation and panel installation; support system integration, instrument integration and multi-distribution.

built-XL controller, to make our products more convenient settings.

Products provides a kind touch-screen interface, users can easily flow, injection velocity and feed injection is expected to complete the necessary number of cycles to regulate. Use the built-in 100 procedures, the user can be modified at any time online work.

In addition, users via a Palm Zire or all of individual metering pumps to be programmed, the device provides a more rich, intuitive graphical interface. Pump operation data can be returned by Palm, and then sent to the computer through the Palm Long-term preservation. In order to avoid non-local operators modified to run programs, products, provides a password feature. OEM upcoming version will also integrate a rich interface, which means that users can more flexibly through the Palm, PLC or computer program for metering pumps, metering pumps can also be a number of link, through the LAN control and programming . (07-11-15)

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