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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-03-24 浏览:207


Consider the range [B,T) of storage immediately before a further letter is added in, and let s be the upper bound of T-B. Observe that we can identify three (possibly empty) zones within the digits that compose any number in the range; for example if s = 1000 then [B,T) might be


     [1319314 ,
      1320105 ]
     │││ │
zone 1 2 3

Remember that T-1, not T, is the highest number in the range.


Zone 1 consists of digits that are common to every number in the range, and thus are unaffected by the choice of remainder. These digits may be committed to the transmitter or to storage.


Zone 2 consists of n digits forming a number or , where d is a single digit and b is the base of the encoding. In our example n=2 and d=2. Zone 2 is the digit that may be affected by the choice of remainder, but which are not required in order to distinguish between two numbers in the range. We shall call these the delayed digits, and (d,n) identifies the possible values of the delayed digits. By convention, if n=0 then d=0.


Zone 3 consists of the rightmost w digits, and is sufficient to distinguish between any two numbers from the range.


Consider the range [B',T'), with committed digits c, and delayed digits represented by (d,n). Let x be the committed digits after resolving the delay high, i.e.


then we shall express [B',T'] as



where B=B'-xs, and T=T'-xs. For example, [1319314,1320105) becomes 13,(2,2),[-686,105). The remaining width is T-B and if we combine c,(d,n),[B,T] with the partial remainder then we create the range c,(d,n),[B+i, B+j]. If B+j≤0 then we may resolve the delay low: if B+i≥0 then we may resolve the delay high. Figure 3 shows all the interesting possibilities that can arise.

其中B=B'-xs和T=T'-xs。例如,[1319314,1320105)变成13,(2,2),[-686,105)。其余的宽度是T-B和如果我们把c,(d,n),[B,T]与其余部分,我们创建的范围c,(d,n),[B+i, B+j]。如果B+j≤0,那么我们可以解决拖延低:如果B+i≥0的话,我们可以解决拖延高。图3显示了一个有趣的可能性,所有可能出现。

We have now reduced the ranges to a form that we can implement easily since if the range is c,(d,n),[B,T) then:



    d is a single digit

    n is a small integer

    c need not be held in the encoder/decoder.

We have one further refinement before our algorithm is complete. It is most unlikely that the number of delayed digits will ever grow very large, but we may wish to impose an upper limit, One way in which we may force resolution of the delay is to reduce the top of the range, or to increase the bottom of the range. Thus, for example,


    13,(2,3),[-660,140) => 13,(2,3),[-660,000) => 13199,(0,0),[340,1000)
    13,(2,3),[-140,660) => 13,(2,3),[000,660) => 13200,(0,0),[000,660)

This wastes at most one bit of storage.


Figure 3    Illustrating c,(d,n),[B,T] + [i,j]
图3         例析c,(d,n),[B,T]+[i,j]

This shows the effect of encoding a letter as partial remainder to the range 13,(2,2),[-686,105], and adjusting the resulting range so that the remaining width is as high as possible without exceeding 1000.


Case 1. The letter encodes in storage width 791 as [000,080)


    13,(2,2),[-686,105)+[000,080) => 13,(2,2),[-686,-606)
    => 1319,(0,0),[314,394) => 13193,(0,0),[140,940)

Case 2. The letter encodes in storage width 791 as [620,700)


    13,(2,2),[-686,105)+[620,700) => 13,(2,2),[-066,014)
    => 13,(2,3),[-660,140)

Case 3. The letter encode in storage width 791 as [700,791)


    13,(2,2),[-686,105)+[700,791) => 13,(2,2),[014,105)
    => 1320,(0,0),[014,105) => 1320,(1,1),[-860,050)



Sort order : The sort order of encoded messages is the same as the sort order implied for uncoded messages by the alphabetic order chosen in the implementation of the frequency algorithms. In [2] this is called the strong alphabetic property.


Prefix codes : Prefix encoding (e.g. Huffman encoding) is the most popular encoding for removing alphabetic redundancy, so it is pleasing to find that any prefix encoding can be generated or read using the range encoding algorithm that we have developed.


Consider a message encoded using a prefix encoding, where any letter 'a' encodes to a string of digits of length ua and numerical value va. The same message will encode to the same encoding using the range encoding algorithm if we define and for all 'a', where b is the base of both encodings.


The corollary is that any messages encoded in a single context will form an encoding that can be treated as a prefix encoding if for all 'a', fa is a power of b and Fa/fa is an integer.


Recognising end of message : The decoder is driven by whatever wants the message, and it is the responsibility of the driver to recognise the end of a message. If the driver continues to ask for letters after the end of a message, it will get spurious letters. If the message is not self delimiting we must add a letter 'end-of-message' to the alphabet.



Since f and F map letters in context to probabilities, we should properly talk about fca, Fca, and Lca, where fca is the probability of encountering the letter 'a' in context c, and similarly for F and L. In our example up till now there has been only one context; we shall now derive F and L for an example involving several contexts.


In 1952 Oliver modelled [5] a typical television signal as drawn from an alphabet of m levels, where each letter had probability of differing from the previous letter by n levels in either direction, where k<1, and p is a function of the previous letter.


Each level is encoded in the context of the preceeding level, and it can be shown that:


This can easily be implemented if the encoder holds a list of the values of for 0≤i≤m.


Lcj is the highest letter 'a' for which Fca<j, i.e. the highest such that:


Thus L too can easily be implemented given a list of the values of for 0≤i≤m.


The context of improbable letters

s reflects the largest integer that our encoder is built to handle, and until now we have assumed that frequency algorithm f can only be used with an encoder parameterised by s if for all contexts c and letters 'a', s/b≥1/fca, or fca=0. By fca=0 we mean that letter 'a' is truely impossible in context c. We shall now consider how we can simply transform any f, F and L so that they meet this constraint.


Consider a context x where r is the width in which we must encode the next letter. The range of the letter is . If this range is null, i.e. , then we cannot encode the letter 'a' When we encounter such a range, then we will steal one value from the next non-null range above, namely , to represent the context marker Cy, which marks the fact that the next letter is coded in the context y. The range of Cy is .


Now all letters e such that will result in the generation of Cy, except perhaps the highest such letter. We shall identify the range of letters that do as [α,β) where α is the lowest such letter, and β is next letter above the highest such letter.


Let us consider a letter 'a' for which the range is not null, i.e. . If the next possible letter below 'a' causes the generation of any context marker Cz, then the range of 'a' is reduced to , since the value is stolen to represent Cz. If this reduced range is null, i.e. , then letter 'a' must also generate context marker Cz.


Thus the range of letters [α,β) that generate the context marker Cy is all those letters whose range is included in the range of Cy.


The context y is a context of improbable letters in which we encode the letter that caused the generation of the context marker Cy.


F and f are defined in the context y by:


If we can calculate Fxa-Fxe directly as a floating point number, where 'a' and e are any two letters, then we do not have to work in double precision even when encoding improbable letters. This process may be repeated to any depth, and thus we may (for example) perform any encoding on an eight bit micro processor.


Note that the algorithm still generates prefix codes if for all 'a', fa is a power of the base, and Fa/fa is an integer.



We are now able to separate the task of describing redundancy from the task of removing it. If we can describe it concisely, we can remove it cheaply.


For the sake of brevity, we merely state that messages encoded using range encoding will have an average length little more than digits longer than the theoretical optimum. This paper will also be published as a University of Warwick Theory of Computation report, where we shall justify that statement, and include an APL model of a range encoder and decoder.



I am greatful to my employers, IBM, for a valuable education award that has enabled me to attend Warwick University to write up this and other ideas. I am particularly grateful to my supervisor Dr. M. S. Paterson, for his help in the preparation and presentation of this algorithm.


Post script

Since writing this report, two papers by J. J. Rissanen have been brought to my notice [6,7]. The ideas in those papers and in this appear to be closely related, and it will be interesting to compare them in detail.

由于编写本报告的,由JJ 60.3两个文件已经向我提出通知[6,7]。在这些文件的想法,并在这似乎是密切相关的,这将是有趣的比较详细的。


[1] A method for the construction of minimum redundancy codes.
    Huffman D. A. , Proc. I.R.E, vol. 4D, no. 9 1952, pp 1098-1101

[2] Variable length binary encodings.
    Gilbert E. N. , and Morre E. F., Bell system tech. Journal, vol 38, 1959, pp 933-967.

[3] Adaptive data compression
    Andrews C. A., Davies J. M., and Schwartz G. R., Proc. of IEEE, vol. 55 no 3, March 1967, pp 267-277.

[4] Data compression and adaptive telemetery.
    Kortman C. M., Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Sunnywale, California.

[5] Efficient coding
    Oliver B. M., Bell system tech. Journal , July 1952, pp 724-750

[6] Generalised Kraft Inequality and Arithmetic Coding
    Rissanen J. J. , IBM journal of R&D, May 1976, pp 198-203

[7] Arithmetic coding
    Rissanen J .J., IBM research report no. RJ2174, 30 Jan 1978

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