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Visa issue abroad « China tour log 中国旅游日志

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-06 浏览:198

Which friends go to the United States know how to handle business matters for overseas visa?

business visa need the following information:
application materials required of all applicants are required to
in the original interview material with the following:

1. a valid passport: B1/B2 visa applicants passport than the applicant must be valid in the United States is expected to stay at least six months longer. If your passport will be valid in your time to leave the United States is expected to be satisfied with six months, or your passport has been damaged, or the passport had a visa issued by a blank page, please come to interview you before you apply for a new passport.
2. a photo: in 6 months filming X5 cm 5 cm square of white background color according to the positive. Please use glue to paste photos of in the English DS-156 application form, rather than staple. 3. Visa application fee receipt for the original you can CITIC Industrial Bank in any branch in China visa application fee payment of 810 yuan. Please note that once the application fee can not refund the payment, even if the applicant has been rejected or given up their applications. Applicants are required to submit visa applications to produce the original receipt for an application fee of two parts. Only in line with the A-1, A-2, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, C-3, NATO and the United States government-sponsored visa applicants can be exempted from application fee.
4. completed DS-156 Nonimmigrant Visa Application Form (all non-immigrant visa applicants are required to complete).
5. completed DS-157 non-immigrant visa additional information sheet (over 16-year-old non-immigrant visa applicants have to fill in).

carry the support of the proposed materials

1. to explain why you will certainly return to China of evidence: to produce economic, social, family or other aspects of your binding document to help you prove your brief stay in the United States After the intention to return to China. Due to the different personal circumstances, the applicant should produce the evidence varies. The following documents can help your visa officer to assess whether they intend to return to China: account of this, ID cards, proof of employment, payroll, have normal access to records of law books, real estate certificates, purchase invoices, a marriage certificate, childrens birth certificates, family photos and so on.
2. invitation: If you are invited to a visit to the United States residents, then provide the following information will help your application: to invite information, visit the United States The purpose of pre-arranged travel schedule. If you simply travel to the United States, then you do not need to produce a letter of invitation.
3. funds to prove: that you have the ability to work without pay in the United States to stay the entire period, such as payroll, have access to the normal rules of record book. (Please note that bank to apply for a one-on did not help.)
4. If you carry out business activities in the United States:
please bring the following information to come face-to-face: You will pay a visit to where the meeting which staff met to discuss what the process and you intend to buy which products in the United States. The following documents may apply for some help: The United States issued a detailed letter of invitation partners that the purpose of the applicant be detected in the United States or purchase of machinery, software or other equipment related information, such as product brochures or product catalog. If not enough drama
flower detail please visit the Central American Bank for more information http:// Finally, I wish you the visa, the United States pleasure trip!2008-03-19


1. 有效护照:B1/B2签证申请人的护照有效期必须比申请人预计在美停留的时间长至少六个月。如果您护照的有效期在您预计离开美国的时候将不满六个月、或您的护照已损坏、或护照上已无空白的签证签发页, 请您在前来面谈之前先申请一本新护照。
2. 一张照片: 于6个月内拍摄的5厘米X5厘米见方白色背景的彩色正面照。请将照片用胶水粘贴在英文的DS-156申请表上,而不是用订书钉。3. 签证申请费收据原件 您可以在中信实业银行在中国的任何分行支付签证申请费810元人民币。请注意申请费一旦支付即无法退款,即便申请人被拒签或放弃申请。申请人必须在递交签证申请时出示申请费收据原件两联。只有符合A-1, A-2, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, C-3, NATO和美国政府赞助的签证申请人可以免交申请费。
4. 填写完毕的DS-156 非移民签证申请表(所有非移民签证申请人均须填写)。
5. 填写完毕的DS-157非移民签证补充信息表(满16岁的非移民签证申请人须填写)。


1. 能够说明您为何一定会返回中国的证据: 出示经济、社会、家庭或其它方面对您具有约束力的文件,以帮助您证明您在美国短暂停留后有意返回中国。由于个人情况的不同,申请人应出示的证据也各不相同。下列文件可以帮助签证官评估您是否有意返回中国:户口本、身份证、雇佣证明、工资单、有正常规律存取记录的存折、房产证、购车fp、结婚证、子女csz、家庭合影等等。
2. 邀请信: 如果您受邀访问美国的某位居民,那么提供下列信息将对您的申请有所帮助:邀请人信息、访美目的、事先安排的旅行时刻表。如果您只是单纯赴美旅游,那么您无需出示邀请信。
3. 资金证明: 证明您有能力无需工作即可支付在美停留整个期间的费用,例如工资单、有正常规律存取记录的存折等。(请注意银行存款证明单对申请没有帮助。)
4. 如果您赴美进行商务活动:

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