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液晶背光源和一般LED照明,以刺激增长,促进新的照明革命« oursolo.net

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-08 浏览:211


iSuppli公司预测,2007年整体LED市场营业额将增长百分之13.7在2006年左右和2012年,2012年约为14.6复合年增长率将达到一百二十三点〇 〇亿美元。 2005年和2006年全球LED市场营业额增加了2.1%和8.7%。这些数字包含所有的表面贴装器件(SMD)和通孔封装LED灯和字母数字显示LED -包括标准亮度,高亮度(HB)和超高亮度(超高亮度)发光二极管。

以上的中,大部分预期增长将是由超照明应用的高亮度和高亮度发光二极管使用。 2012年,超高亮度LED发光二极管将占了百分之31左右的整体营业额,比2005年高出4%。下面的图表显示了iSuppli公司2006-2012年的总体LED市场规模的预测。


“的新型LED的增长阶段,对移动设备的钥匙,背光显示,固态照明市场继续有强劲的需求,这是刺激LED市场增长的主要因素, “iSuppli的总监兼首席分析师Jagdish Rebello博士说,”汽车内部照明,电视和笔记本电脑,以及大屏幕液晶背光,这些新兴市场也将促进LED产业的增长。此外,固态照明技术的发展也将LED在装饰照明和建筑照明市场找到新的领域。“


最近,小屏幕液晶显示器和移动设备按键背光仍然是{zd0}的LED应用市场。 2007年,这些应用将占到整个LED市场营业额超过25%。



液晶背光模块的成本(BLU)的仍然是远远高于传统的CCFL背光,但两个成本很快就要到来。 LED背光,并且性能上的优势,如更高的对比度,更快的开机时间,宽色域,但没有水银还有助于其在液晶显示器使用。

一些LED供应商,蓝光制造商,液晶面板制造商和电视/显示器OEM制造商,现在已开始使用大屏幕LED液晶背光。 LED背光的大屏幕液晶也开始使用商业货运。



LED已被用于各种室内和室外装饰照明应用领域,而且也开始如利基有针对性的火炬,花园和街道照明灯,普通照明应用。 LED照明这些用途是照明,家庭和商业领域开放市场。



LCD Backlight and General LED lighting to stimulate the growth promoting new lighting revolution

2005 and 2006 the turnover of solid-state lighting industry has maintained a moderate single-digit growth rate, but in 2007 the industry turnover is expected to promote the LED double-digit growth rate.

iSupplis forecast, in 2007 the turnover of the overall LED market will grow 13.7 percent around 2006 and-2012 compound annual growth rate of about 14.6 percent by 2012 will reach 12.3 billion U.S. dollars. 2005 and 2006 the global LED market turnover increased by only 2.1% and 8.7%. These figures contain all the surface mount device (SMD) and through-hole packaged LED lamps and alphanumeric display LED - including standard brightness, high-brightness (HB) and ultra-high brightness (UHB) LED.

above the expected growth of a large portion will be used for lighting applications from ultra-high brightness and high brightness LED. 2012, ultra-high LED brightness LED will account for the overall turnover of around 31 percent, much higher than in 2005 when 4%. The chart below shows the iSuppli Corporation of 2006-2012 the overall LED market size forecasts.

a key driver of market growth

LCD backlight is still the main LED application

recently, small-screen LCD display and keypad on mobile devices backlight is still the single largest LED application market. In 2007, these applications will account for the overall LED market turnover more than 25%.

LED aiming at a larger size LCD backlight

beginning in 2007, notebook and intuitive, such as LCD TVs larger size LCDs backlight, LED is becoming an important application of the next.

LCD backlight module (BLU) of the cost is still much higher than traditional CCFL BLU, but the cost of the two is fast approaching. LED BLU and has performance advantages, such as higher contrast, faster boot time, wide color gamut, but not mercury also helps it to be used in the LCD.

some LED suppliers, BLU manufacturers, LCD panel makers and TV / Monitor OEM manufacturers, has now begun to use LED as a large-screen LCD backlighting. The use of LED BLU for large screen LCD also started commercial shipments.

LED: the future of general illumination

luminous efficiency more than 100 lumens / watt high-flux LED development, as well as the emergence of innovative design, the LED does not require the use of AC inverter can be work, thus promoting the LED closer to the mainstream general illumination market.

LED has been used for a variety of indoor and outdoor decorative lighting applications, but also the beginning of targeted torch, garden lamp and street lighting, general lighting applications, such as niche. These uses for LED lighting is lighting the area of family and business to open up the market.

In addition, the worlds more to step up legislation to prohibit the use of incandescent, encourage the use of energy-saving light source. The near future, compact fluorescent tubes (CFL) will prohibit the use of incandescent benefit from legislative action. But lower than the long term, solid-state lighting will outweigh the advantages of LED with the cost difference between the CFL. Moreover, with the LED performance continues to improve, the cost difference will be further narrowed.

iSupplis long-term future of lighting is LED. The market is expanding, and have reason to invest in innovative design and creative solutions. (07-11-20)

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