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我们宿舍中风的错误,以及无法承受咬,如何xcbug? « Live in China ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-16 浏览:284





























可能会在动物宿主体内,或从地面疏远依然存在,在客厅的地板,更成熟跳蚤角落出现,床,坑,洞和宠物经常活动的地方。对于地面免费蚤粉末或喷雾杀虫剂喷洒可以杀死。如果2.5%敌百虫粉,按40克/米2剂量机; 5%马拉硫磷粉,按50克/米2饮水机; 1%残杀威粉,按30克/米2阵列; 0.5%氯菊酯粉,根据40克/米2饮水机; 0.005%溴氰菊酯粉剂,按25克/米2分配器。 1%水溶液敌百虫马拉硫磷或1%的乳液,按照100毫升/平方米喷雾。







常用yw1%马拉硫磷,1.5%?2%的杀螟松,用量为200毫升/米2,控股效率高达1?2个月。 0.0125%?0.025%溴氰菊酯,0.1%?0.05%顺式氯氰菊酯,剂量为50?100毫升/米2,持有最多的效率3至4个月。

有毒飞绳灭蝇:这是利用家蝇喜欢停留在生活习惯上的吊坠绳子和一个灭蝇方法的使用。 2?4,直径棉(麻)绳或杀虫剂浸泡的布条,经过干燥等毫米,减少到1?2米,悬挂室内天花板,2?2.5米以上的地面。












体虱可用于农药或中文沉浸在对印染,喷雾或粉末机,药品中风线服装虱子草药。浸泡时可用0.1%倍硫磷在欧共体,湿透内衣30分钟后,用清水洗净。您还可以使用3%马拉硫磷粉,2%倍硫磷粉或1%残杀威粉,撒上内纱布背心袋,缝衣服褶皱等,每套衣服,药品20至30克,50克的床上用品, 24小时率高达100%的虱子消灭。 0.04%氯菊酯也可以使用,每件内衣100?150毫升的喷雾量。










●管理环境控制老鼠的食物来源,xc老鼠看不见的地方。 ●灭鼠措施,是铁门窗袋工作场所的应用,食品工业,建筑,应严格堵塞漏洞。
















We dormitory strokes bugs, and biting of the unbearable, how can we eliminate bugs?

spent a lot of pesticides are not effective, and bitten will not do, how should I do?

in the Beijing area, for example, Yao Shi clothing insects have as many as 38, the most common and most at risk are two types: black moth Cydia class fully clothed. Larvae, they rely on Yao Shi leather, sweater material survival. They just desperately Yao Shi clothing in order to sustain life. So, now you do not kill them, or the use of repellents unreasonable, then you will become a precious clothing of their meal.

At present, some production and research units of low toxicity and efficient use of pyrethroid insecticides such as organic as the decay drugs active ingredients, these products are less toxic to humans, moth effect than an ideal, and have a certain The Chi Xiaoqi.

use insect repellant when you should pay attention to, solid-state pest control agent to be placed in wardrobe at the four corners of the gap, or hanging in the cupboard, cabinet, in order to facilitate the natural evaporation of pharmaceutical, avoid the drug inside the folder into the clothing, so that pharmaceutical drugs can not be a natural evaporation to form fog.

moth for the liquid or aerosol sprays can directly be sprayed on clothing or inside cabinets.

how to deal with the cockroaches

difficult to eradicate cockroaches, also known as the cockroach, there are around 4,000, and there are 10 kinds of medicine-related.

German Cockroach, American Cockroach Periplaneta and Japan can be spread many diseases.


● Why is difficult to eradicate cockroaches prefer warm and humid environment, it is often hidden in cracks, such as hidden in the various channels around the cabinets and drawers, even refrigerators and other appliances, the so it difficult to find their trace.

● cockroaches are likely to survive. It is nothing to eat, those who ate fruit and a variety of food, human excreta and secretions, as well as paper, clothing, cigarette butts, drink tea Gener fullness and so can make it, but it is more love to eat sweet food.

● cockroach hatchability and reproductive rates are high, the mother cockroach eggs enclosed in egg production sheath, are well protected, even if the mother is dead cockroach, if their egg cases have not been damaged, can still be breeding of small cockroaches. It is also difficult to eliminate one of the reasons cockroaches.

● cockroaches like to come out in the evening activities, plus 75% of the time it is hidden in the cracks, so hard to find and deal with.

● the spread of cockroaches are strong, It can be caught in the goods or food being a passive zone home, you can also take the initiative to climb around, causing the whole unit, the whole building suffer.

How to prevent cockroaches

● plugging holes wiping joints. Blocked the doors and windows, cracks on the wall as well as outdoor or near the room into the interior of the various channels of the holes to prevent cockroaches from entering homes.

● Prevention of cockroaches caught in the food or other items being carried home. Such as in-patients discharged from hospital, they should clean up their own items, confirmed that no cockroaches and then take home.

● improve household sanitation, clean indoor health corners, to eliminate or minimize cockroach breeding sites.

● We have to unified action, the active participation of each household in order to effectively control cockroaches.

way to kill cockroaches will Miezhang

● powder sprayed in the corner, crevice, heating cover, mattresses and other hiding places for the next.

● sticky cockroach can use boxes, paper stick sticky cockroach cockroaches.

● baits on the cockroaches will be a place for rest and activity, such as cupboards, food cabinets, wardrobes and some other places not suitable for spraying pesticides. Dosing To do less, points as well as a wide range, taking a good collection of food, to enhance the effects of poison bait of the trap.

● the use of specific drugs on the cockroach fumigation devices, and fumigated.

● cockroaches hiding in crevices in the spraying of insecticides.

● wrap the dead cockroaches burned along with the egg sheath. Chiu-

pet flea

fleas, thermostat animal parasites, including fleas itch caused almost throughout the world. Apart from China, itching caused by fleas, the southern provinces is also more common Xenopsylla cheopis. Certain types of flea bite, suck blood, and can spread the plague, endemic typhus and other diseases.

If you keep cats indoors and dogs and other pets, or at home in rats, there could bring about fleas.

into a flea may remain in the animal host body, or alienation from the ground, appeared in more immature fleas living room floor, corner, beds, the pits, holes and pet regular activities take place. For the ground free flea powder or insecticide spray can be sprayed to kill. If 2.5% trichlorfon powder, according to 40 grams / m 2 dose Dispenser; 5% malathion powder, according to 50 grams / m 2 Dispenser; 1% propoxur powder, according to 30 g / m 2 Array; 0.5% permethrin powder, according to 40 grams / m 2 Dispenser; 0.005% deltamethrin powder, according to 25 grams / m 2 Dispenser. 1% aqueous solution of trichlorfon malathion or 1% of the emulsion, according to 100 ml / m 2 spray.

for home cats, dogs and other pets of the parasitic fleas, can be dubbed in liquid bath or partial painting Pharmacy. Taking into account the safety of humans and animals should be used and efficient low-toxicity pesticides. If 0.25% malathion, permethrin 0.1% (10% EC water diluted 100-fold), and 0.0025% of deltamethrin (2.5% EC diluted 1000-fold) and so on. Select any one of a cat or dogs body will be immersed in liquid for about 30 minutes, then rinsing with clean water, dry with hair dryer, washing one time every two weeks, continuous wash 1 ~ 2 times. Local applicator can be used by 1% propoxur, or 1% permethrin tune into a paste, or dubbed in alcohol doses, using cotton swab coated in cats and dogs neck, chest, abdomen, or ear, etc. within the margin.

drug fly disinfestation method of multi-

flies, is a common insects harmful to human health. In China, the spread of the disease are mainly flies Musca domestica and the big head. They are widely distributed, with the prevalence of infectious diseases is closely related to summer and autumn.

the main breeding ground for fly larvae in human, livestock, poultry droppings, corruption of plants and animals, garbage and animal secretions, the eradication of flies, the key is environmental management, that is, as far as possible to remove these breeding materials, while the use of chemical substances by means of to kill. And fly disinfestation methods commonly used drugs the following:

● drug eradication maggot fly larvae in the more public toilets septic tanks, garbage and other flies breeding, the use of 0.2% malathion emulsion, fenitrothion 0.2 % emulsion, fenthion 0.1% emulsion per square meter 500 ml spray, which can effectively kill maggot killing flies.

● drug eradication fly into space spray: This is a quick way to destroy into a fly. Common agents are 0.3% ~ 0.5% of dichlorvos, 0.5% ~ 1.0% propoxur, 0.1% ~ 0.5% permethrin, deltamethrin 0.005% and so on. Dosage is generally 0.5 ~ 1 ml / m 3.

residual spraying: This is a method of killing flies with a lasting effect. Is mainly used for toilets, flies and many other places livestock ring will be sprayed on the doors and windows, walls, ceilings, etc. to stop off at flies.

commonly used pharmaceutical 1% Malathion, 1.5% ~ 2% of the fenitrothion, dosage is 200 ml / m 2, holding efficiency of up to 1 ~ 2 months. 0.0125% ~ 0.025% deltamethrin, 0.1% ~ 0.05% cis-cypermethrin, the dosage of 50 ~ 100 ml / m 2, holding efficiency of up to 3 to 4 months.

poisonous fly rope fly disinfestation: This is the use of housefly like to remain in the suspender ropes on the habits and the use of a method of killing flies. 2 ~ 4 mm in diameter cotton (hemp) rope or strips of cloth soaked with pesticides, etc. After drying, cut to 1 ~ 2 meters, hanging indoor ceiling, 2 ~ 2.5 m above the ground.

general for every 10 square meters 2 ~ 3 can be. Soaking of pesticides available for 10% to 25% of the fenthion or Malathion EC, 1% ~ 2% permethrin emulsion, 1% ~ 1.25% of the deltamethrin emulsion, 0.2% of the cypermethrin emulsion and so on.

good effect in early spring

mosquito mosquito, the most important type of medical insects, not just blood-sucking, but also a number of diseases transmitted by blood-sucking. Known around the world more than 3000 kinds of mosquitoes, with the spread of disease, about 30 kinds. In China, by the mosquito-borne diseases are malaria, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis and dengue fever.

mosquito larvae breeding in the water, so the most effective anti-mosquito measures is to control mosquito breeding in the water, with particular attention to clear the courtyard outside the bottles, cans, flower pots and pools of stagnant water within the swamp, thereby reducing the living environment around the mosquito density. At the same time, we should be supplemented with chemicals to kill.

the current mosquito control methods are commonly used drugs the following:

● drugs Pyriproxyfen mosquito indoor bonsai, flower pots, flower beds and small containers such as kimchi altar, long-term water, easy to breed mosquitoes. Office of the pot so water can be put into 1% of trichlorfon in the water, the edge of stagnant water kimchi altar I can not use pesticides, but may be dropping a little oil, or the addition of 10 ~ 20 grams of salt.

● space for drug eradication of adult mosquitoes spray: Available 0.3% dichlorvos emulsion, 0.4% permethrin lotion spray to kill mosquitoes. General 15 square meters room, spray 5 ~ 10 seconds, close the windows and doors for 30 minutes after spraying, mosquito better.

residual spraying: The uniform liquid insecticide spraying in the indoor walls and ceilings, etc., parked off the surface of contact with mosquitoes after drug will be enough to poisoning. Common Pharmacy 2.5% deltamethrin, the dosage of 0.02 ~ 0.05 g / m 2, can maintain 2 to 4 months results.

drug soaked mosquito nets: immersion or spraying with insecticide-treated nets, commonly used pharmaceutical deltamethrin 2.5% WP or 10% permethrin EC, dosage was 25 mg / m 2 and 500 mg / m 2 . Pairs of curtains, screens, also do a similar deal, holders of efficiency of up to 3 ~ 6 months, or even longer.

how to kill the lice

lice, human and animal parasites in vitro permanent. Some parasitic human body lice and pubic lice, human body louse is divided into two kinds of lice and head lice. Transmitted diseases, mainly body lice, can transmit epidemic typhus, trench fever, relapsing fever and other diseases.

body lice can be used for pesticides or Chinese herbal medicine for lice in clothing for immersion dyeing, spray or powder Dispenser, medicine stroke lines. Available when soaked in 0.1% Fenthion EC, soaked underwear out after 30 minutes, washed with water. You can also use the 3% malathion powder, 2% fenthion powder or 1% propoxur powder, sprinkle with gauze bag inside the shirt, sew clothing folds, etc. Each set of clothes, medication 20 to 30 grams, 50 grams of bedding, 24-hour rate of up to {bfb} eradication of lice. 0.04% permethrin can also be used, per piece underwear 100 ~ 150 ml volume of spray.

using the above method should pay particular attention, clothing, must be rinsed clean after treatment to prevent poisoning.

hair for the parasite in the body parts of the head lice and pubic lice should be used in high-performance and low toxicity synthetic pyrethroid pharmaceutical, herbal, or vinegar to eliminate lice. If using one ten thousandth of permethrin dubbed eliminate lice lotions and shampoos, and methods are: permethrin 1 g, ethanol 10 ml, neutral shampoo 89 milliliters, dubbed in 1% of the original liquid. When diluted 100 times with, each with 30 ~ 50 ml to wet hair with the lotion soak, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with water, for 3 consecutive days. Vinegar 20 to 40 ml, rubbed on with the roots of hair lice, with a towel wrapped to retain night, the next day with the grate comb hair comb to remove nit (lice eggs), and then rinse with water, and so again a few times. Can also use Chinese herbal medicine 100, dubbed in 10% alcohol solution, soaking the hair once a week for each overnight stay in drugs, twice.

powder coated cloth

eliminate bugs bugs, also known as bed lice. Bug harm to human body is mainly the bite of blood-sucking at night, disturbing sleep. Bites, its saliva into the skin, can cause local irritation, itchy. If it has long been more bug bites can produce anemia, nervousness, and insomnia, a serious health impacts.

right bug powder and coated fabric used mainly methods to kill, methods include: powder with 2% fenthion, by 50 to 100 grams per bed amount evenly scattered on the bed board, etc., or to tune into a paste, smear the gap at the bed.

with 50% Fenthion EC or 50% Malathion EC, diluted 100-fold, according to 400 ml per bed usage, etc. on the walls and bed board spraying.

diluted with 50% Dichlorvos 200 times, according to 100 ml / m 2 spray, sprayed once every 30 days, consecutive 2 ~ 3 times.


mouse away from the rats in the world, the distribution is extremely broad, and human relations are very close. Rat harm to mankinds most serious problem is the spread of disease. Rodent-borne diseases around the world are mainly in 38, including 10 kinds of viral, rickettsial diseases 6, two kinds of leptospirosis, bacterial diseases 11 species, nine kinds of parasites.

● management environmental control rats food sources, remove rodents hidden places. ● anti-rodent measures the food industry in the workplace application of iron bag up the doors and windows, the building should be plugging holes tight.

● the use of Rodenticide Rodenticide divided into two categories: one for the acute rodenticides, and the other for chronic rodenticides.

acute rodenticides, such as fluoro-acetamide, tetramine, rats would die and so belongs to the State banned toxic drugs, their role in mouse fast, but extremely unsafe to humans and animals, easy to cause secondary poisoning or even three times a poisoning, there is no specific antidote, therefore, the choice of when Rodenticide avoid buying such acute rodenticides in order to avoid poisoning deaths.

rodent control should normally be safe and effective drugs for chronic rodent, such as cumatetralyl, chlorophacinone, bromadiolone and so on. Usually available wheat, rice, broken grains such as corn as a bait, not to use CFCs, but also can not use biscuits, instant noodles and so on, to avoid being eaten, baits must be selected food products in general do not have a dark blue or black as a warning color. Rodenticide concentration: cumatetralyl 0.0375%, 0.025% chlorophacinone, bromadiolone 0.005%. Amount of adhesive agent is 3% ~ 4%. To enhance the rat induced force, can be added about 5% sugar or 0.5% of the salt, can also be an increase of 0.1% of the MSG or 2% of the liquor.

bait should be put in a place accessible in mice, each 30 grams of bait pile the next day inspection, the number of fill to eat much, eat double, continuous inspection, delivery period should be at least 2 weeks.

to introduce you to a very simple and effective way, you do not prevent a try:
In addition to bug. The wine poured into the kang edge, bed cracks, bugs will die. Other insects may also
class method has been applied to eliminate.

a bottle of dichlorvos, an alcohol lamp, a pair of metal framework. a small iron plate. sealant number.
First, all the windows were sealed with tape, put iron into the iron plate rack and iron racks placed on the following lit kerosene lamp. and then poured into a small iron disk dichlorvos. After the rapid withdrawal of the door is also sealed. wait a long time, the door and windows are open. dry through the day.
this law, not only In addition to bugs, what cockroaches, rodents, jumping son, were all to get rid of lice can be.
method has been applied is to make two points, a time when attention can not be opened immediately into the five to prevent poisoning. The second is to leave a lit kerosene lamp of fire.

suggest that you sprinkle a week once a pesticide, 3-4 hours after spraying will not open the window, you can select Saturdays and Sundays we all go out, generally there will be no worms in the two subsequent .

must first figure out the habits of bugs, it is most like the hidden cracks in the wood, the specific activity in the dark night out of bites, you pull a lamp, they Congcong Wang bed board under the drilling.
In the past, our school dormitories have been hit the hardest, but also used a lot of ways. But the most effective trick is to bed board together thoroughly scalded with boiling water. That is really exciting, the students into bed board, wooden bed, wooden tables and chairs them altogether to move to the campus, which provides up to boiling water poured. Dried in the sun, then sprinkled with drugs Since then, the bug finally been completely eliminated.
intervals with wooden walls, you can also use this method, two Jiaotou boiling water, then spraying.

or twice a week with a pesticide can be. Do not be too afraid, but insects do, nothing to terrible啦!

rid of bugs, the best way one is a tool of plant

can go to the supermarket look at a lot of drive devices can be rid of bugs mouse,

plants: pyrethrum, Compositae Section perennial herbs of red grow in all parts of the South. Pyrethrum flowers contain pyrethrins on insects have a strong contact toxicity, stomach toxicity. It can control mosquitoes, flies, lice, fleas, bedbugs and other pests

can ask a professional pest control team, or try spraying with alcohol


spraying method, with 50% of the dichlorvos, every single Bed 4 ~ 7 milliliters drug, diluted 200 times with water, sprayed wine in bed seam, Qiang Feng, the sealed windows and doors more than three hours.

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