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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-24 浏览:223


Last month I talked about how to write a device driver for radio-tuner cards. This month, I’ll cover video-capture devices, which share the same interfaces as radio devices.


In order to explain the video-capture interface I will use the example of a camera that has no tuners or audio input. This keeps the example relatively clean. To get audio capabilities, you can combine this month’s driver with last month’s driver example.


Before I get into the details of video-capture devices, a little background on the technology is in order. Full-motion video, even at television resolution (which is relatively low) is resource-intensive. These devices continually pass megabytes of data every second from the capture card to the display. Because copying this amount of data through a user application is often unfeasible, several alternative approaches to television tuners have been developed.


The first is to transfer the television image onto the video output directly. This is also how some add-on 3D-rendering cards work, dropping the video into any chosen rectangle of the display. These cards, which include most MPEG-1 cards that use a feature connector, aren’t very friendly in a windowing environment. They don’t understand windows and clipping rectangles, which means that the video window is always on top of the display.


Chromakeying is a technique used by cards to get around this. It is an old television mixing trick in which you mark all the areas you wish to replace with a single clear color not used in the image — TV people use an incredibly bright blue for this, while computing people tend to use a particularly virulent purple. This is because bright blue occurs on the desktop, and anyone with virulent purple windows has another problem besides their TV overlay.


The third approach is to copy the data from the capture card to the video card, but to do it directly across the PCI bus. This relieves the processor from doing the work but does require some intelligence on the part of the video-capture chip, as well as a suitable video card. Programming and debugging these cards can be extremely tricky. There are some complicated interactions with the display, and you may also have to cope with various chipset bugs that show up when PCI cards start talking to each other directly (rather than via the CPU).


To keep our example fairly simple we will assume a card that supports overlaying a flat rectangular image onto the frame-buffer output, uses chromakey for selecting the region on which to draw, and can also capture video into processor memory.


The functions supported by our video-capture driver are shown in Listing One.


static struct video_device my_camera
“My Camera”,
NULL, /* no write */
NULL, /* no special init function */
NULL /* no private data */

We are going to need a read function, which is used for capturing data from the card, and a poll function so that a driver can wait for the next frame to be captured.


There are several additional video-capability flags that did not apply to the radio interface. These are:


VID_TYPE_CAPTURE: We support image capture.


VID_TYPE_TELETEXT: A teletext capture device (vbi[n])

VID_TYPE_TELETEXT: 图文电视采集设备 (vbi[n])

VID_TYPE_OVERLAY: The image can be directly overlaid onto the frame buffer.

VID_TYPE_OVERLAY: 图像可以直接覆盖到帧缓存。

VID_TYPE_CHROMAKEY: Chromakey can be used to select which parts of the image to display.

VID_TYPE_CHROMAKEY: 色度键控可以选择显示图像的那一部分。

VID_TYPE_CLIPPING: It is possible to give the board a list of rectangles to draw around.

VID_TYPE_CLIPPING: 具有给出一系列矩形绘图区域的能力。

VID_TYPE_FRAMERAM: The video capture goes into the video memory and actually changes it. Applications need to know this so they can clean up after the card.

VID_TYPE_FRAMERAM: 视频采集卡直接进入视频内存,改变了视频内存。应用程序需要知道这一点,这样他们能够随后qc。

VID_TYPE_SCALES: The image can be scaled to various sizes, rather than being a single fixed size.

VID_TYPE_SCALES: 图像可以被拉伸到各种尺寸,而不仅仅是单一的固定大小。

VID_TYPE_MONOCHROME: The capture will be monochrome. This isn’t a complete answer to the question, since a mono camera on a color capture card will still produce monochrome output.

VID_TYPE_MONOCHROME: 捕获单色视频。这不是问题的完整答案,因为彩色采集卡的单色摄像头仍然可以产生单色输出。

VID_TYPE_SUBCAPTURE: The card allows only part of its field of view to be captured. This enables applications to avoid copying all of a large image into memory when only some section is relevant.

VID_TYPE_SUBCAPTURE: 采集卡允许只采集视野中的部分区域。这可以使应用程序在仅需要某区域的时候拷贝整幅图像到内存中。

We set VID_TYPE_CAPTURE so that we are seen as a capture card, VID_TYPE_CHROMAKEY so that the application knows that it is time to draw in particularly virulent purple, and VID_TYPE_SCALES because the video can be resized.


Setup is similar to last month’s radio driver. This time we are going to want an interrupt line for the “frame captured” signal. Not all cards have this, so some of them cannot handle poll().


static int io = 0×320;
static int irq = 11;

int_init mycamera_init(struct video_init *v)
if(check_region(io, MY_IO_SIZE))
printk(KERN_ERR “mycamera: port
return -EBUSY;
return -EINVAL;
request_region(io, MY_IO_SIZE,
return 0;

There is little changed here from the radio-card driver. We specify VFL_TYPE_GRABBER this time, since we want to be allocated a /dev/video device name.


static int users = 0;

static int camera_open(struct video_device
*dev,int flags)
return -EBUSY;
if(request_irq(irq, camera_irq, 0,
“camera”, dev)<0)
return -EBUSY;
return 0;

static int camera_close(struct video_device
free_irq(irq, dev);

The open and close routines are also quite similar. The only real change is that we now request an interrupt for the camera device interrupt line. If we cannot get the interrupt we report EBUSY to the application and give up.


Our example handler is for an ISA bus device. If it were PCI you would be able to share the interrupt and would have set SA_SHIRQ to indicate a shared IRQ.


We pass the device pointer as the interrupt-routine argument. We don’t actually need to do this, since we support only one card, but it makes it easier to upgrade the driver for multiple devices in the future.


Our interrupt routine needs to do little if we assume the card can simply queue one frame to be read after it captures it.


static struct wait_queue *capture_wait;
static int capture_ready = 0;

static void camera_irq(int irq, void *dev_id,
struct pt_regs *regs)

The interrupt handler is nice and simple for this card, since we are assuming the card is buffering the frame for us. This means we have very little to do except wake up anybody interested. We also set a capture_ready flag, as we may capture a frame before an application actually needs it.


The two new routines we need to supply are camera_ read, which returns a frame, and camera_poll, which waits for a frame to become ready.

我们需要提供的两个新函数是camera_ read,返回一帧,和camera_poll,等待一帧图像预备好。

Our wait queue for polling is the capture_wait queue (Listing Two). This will cause the task to be woken up by our camera_irq routine. We check capture_read to see if there is an image present and if so report that it is readable.


static long camera_read(struct video_device *dev, char
*buf,unsigned long count)
struct wait_queue wait = { current, NULL};
u8 *ptr;
int len;
int i;

add_wait_queue(&capture_wait, &wait);

current->state = TASK_RUNNING;
current->state = TASK_RUNNING;
current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
remove_wait_queue(&capture_wait, &wait);
current->state = TASK_RUNNING;

The first thing we have to do is to ensure that the application waits until the next frame is ready. The code here is almost identical to the mouse code in the October Gearheads Only column, which can be found at . It is one of the common building blocks of Linux device-driver code and probably one that you will use in any driver you write.

我们必须做的{dy}件事情是保证应用程序等待,知道下一帧准备好。这里的代码和鼠标驱动的代码几乎wq相同,十月份Gearheads Only栏目。它是Linux设备驱动代码的一个公共构建代码块,你在编写任何驱动时都可能用到。

We wait for a frame to be ready or for a signal to interrupt our wait. If a signal occurs we need to return from the system call so that the signal can be sent to the application itself. We also check to see if the user actually wanted to avoid waiting — that is, if they are using non-blocking I/O and have other things to get on with.


Next we copy the data from the card to the user application. This is rarely as easy as our example makes out. We will add the variables capture_w and capture_h here to hold the width and height of the captured image. We assume the card supports only 24-bit RGB for now.


capture_ready = 0;

ptr = (u8 *)buf;
len=capture_w * 3 * capture_h;
/* 24bit RGB */

len = count;
/* Doesn’t all fit */

for(i=0; i<len; i++)
(inb (io+IMAGE_


return i;

For a real hardware device you would try to avoid the loop with put_user(). Each call to put_user() must check whether access to user space is allowed, which is costly. It would be better to read a line into a temporary buffer and then copy this to user space in one go.


Having captured the image and put it into user space, we can kick the card to acquire a new frame. Next month we will talk about how to do that.


郑重声明:资讯 【(翻译)为视频采集设备编写设备驱动_一个萝卜_百度空间】由 企业资讯策划团队 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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