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“10 koc mi” club which 10 kinds of ah? « Industry info 工业信息

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-26 浏览:229

Category:catering food

Beijing seven taught that. Mom did not remember, know, help for help. Thanks!

therefore recommend everyone to use, eat whole grains have been on the right in good health and Well
10 koc mi doing porridge can be anti-cancer and ten types of meters are: lotus seeds, cereals, oats, black glutinous rice , wheat, Gorgon Fruit, Red Pearl Barley, buckwheat, millet, brown rice. Accurately be said that seven kinds of koc mi, including lotus seeds, APF and the Gorgon are often used in traditional Chinese medicine. Lotus Gan, Ping, Yang Xin kidney, nourishing the strong, astringent spleen intestine; Adlay of sweet pale slightly cold, rich in protein, vitamins B1, B2, can make the skin smooth, reduce wrinkles, is also said to be able to inhibit cancer cells growth; Euryale ferox contains a lot of nutrients beneficial to humans, such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, C, crude fiber, carotene, and so on, and easy to digest.
I generally koc mi Paoshang noon to 10 at night to do with the pressure cooker, it was something more refined, with an earthen pot boil, but it need not stop staring at the old was stirring. Porridge plus seven times as much water when the more appropriate, like the thin little more water can be more. We empty a try:)

10 koc mi material: brown rice + black glutinous rice + millet + wheat + buckwheat + Gorgon + oat + lotus + oatmeal + mixing equal parts red Adlay made at the same time cooked.
practice one: at night, it will be 10 koc mi a cup of water wash, add 7 cups of water into the smoldering inside the pot boil cook for 15 minutes to open and put it into outer pot stamped with the next morning before work or edible.
practice 2: the evening will be 10 koc mi cups soaked for four hours, into the rice cooker, add 5 cups boiled into the cooked rice, and after cooling, into the refrigerator the next morning before work, take proportionally 4 cups boiling water into a gruel.
Note: do not like the taste of a child Ruoyin eat, not fresh longan can be added dry or raisins. If sugar consumption, it can add boiled eggs 1, excellent flavor, memory super, homework一级棒.
Ingredients: 10 Valley health meters, according to a scientific analysis of its ingredients are beneficial to human health, more than 100 kinds of substances, such as vitamin B group (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12), C, A, E, K, D, mineral substances (Ca, Fe, magnesium potassium), trace elements (zinc molybdenum manganese germanium), enzymes, antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, biotin, the ability to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, removing clots, relieve nerve function, for constipation, high blood pressure , skin diseases, appendicitis, insomnia, angular cheilitis effect of no less than medicine, the most important thing is no side effects.
Xu physicians: a result of removal of sugar, rice bran and germ, remaining carbohydrates, can only provide calories and nutritional value is far below the 10 koc mi. Be long and healthy life, eat a wide array of food a day to supplement the daily metabolic enzymes required. Eat 10 koc mi, can prevent hardening of the arteries, stroke, gout, heart attack, cancer and other diseases of modern civilization.

10 kinds of meters are: lotus seeds, cereals, oats, black glutinous rice, wheat, Gorgon Fruit, Red Pearl Barley, buckwheat, millet, brown rice. Accurately be said that seven kinds of koc mi, including lotus seeds, APF and the Gorgon are often used in traditional Chinese medicine. Lotus Gan, Ping, Yang Xin kidney, nourishing the strong, astringent spleen intestine; Adlay of sweet pale slightly cold, rich in protein, vitamins B1, B2, can make the skin smooth, reduce wrinkles, is also said to be able to inhibit cancer cells growth; Euryale ferox contains a lot of nutrients beneficial to humans, such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, C, crude fiber, carotene, and so on, and easy to digest.

10 Valley health porridge
to health and longevity, eat a wide array of food a day to supplement the daily metabolic enzymes required.

eat 10 koc mi, can prevent hardening of the arteries, stroke, gout, heart attack, cancer and other diseases of modern civilization

Material: brown rice, black glutinous rice, millet, wheat, buckwheat, Gorgon fruit, oats, lotus seeds , cereals, compared with red Adlay

Ingredients: equal

grains firms have to sell more than 10 kinds, which can cook

approach 1: the evening, will be 10 koc mi mix a cup of water wash, add water 7 cup, into smoldering pot of boiling cook for 15 minutes, into the outer pot stamped the next day morning, before work can be eaten. Those who can be a little more for the consumption of three or four days.

practice 2: the evening, will be 10 koc mi cups soaked 4 hours, into the electric rice cooker, add water, cook 5 cups cooked rice, and other cool refrigerator. The morning before work the next day to take discretionary water 4 cups boiled rice porridge.

Note: do not like the taste of a child Ruoyin eat, not fresh longan can be added dry or raisins. Or do not eat sugar, it can add boiled eggs 1.


类别: 餐饮食品













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