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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-27 浏览:161

之前和之后2006年7月,美国热电荧光光谱仪产品中国地区经理王建华会见了业务发展的良好机遇。欧盟RoHS指令的实施,使公司的检测仪器热电在中国销售业务1倍以上的增长速度。 “在7月之前和之后,电器及电子企业对gd仪器的需求显着增加,即使每个都超过6000万的高价,买方的利益也。”王建华说。王建华说

荧光光谱仪,是符合目前常用的符合性测试工具,这些工具可以检测出有毒有害物质含量的产品,以确定产品是否符合RoHS指令要求的测试标准的情况下- ,全球制造商的78这些文书有一次富有成效的会议。请注意企业,产品符合RoHS标准的积极态度的测试和认证,有电力企业最关心的热点问题。






但大多数企业都向记者表示,它的OEM买家,也没有具体的测试要求。产品测试,其实是对自己的要求中资企业。谁的公司坦言:“我们希望确保在欧盟市场的产品,没有问题,如果有问题,我们只能放弃欧盟市场,这是企业生存和发展无疑是一个负面影响。 “

资料表明,从发现该产品认证的成本,使生产成本增加5%机构- “今天的家电更换这么快,有一些型号很快被淘汰,我们必须使新产品测试的事,常常几十万,也许是一个产品,我们将生产出成千上万台型,成本可能要作出不回来。如果这样做,我们一定会太多了。“一个人负责空气调节业务说。

记者从业内了解到,基本上没有大的家电产品还通过了RoHS测试机。 “据我所知,中国没有空调企业对于整个测试报告的产品获得合格。”广东空调业务有关官员说。据负责人介绍,实际上,大多数企业正在测试分配给它的供应商RoHS指令-原因,零部件和原材料的检测,并与生产过程控制相结合,也有资格,然后通过检测机产品,不应当如根据。但事实上,由于零部件或原材料的认证,测试不同的公司,由于统一的标准和规则的缺乏,认证并不意味着相互承认的公司(甚至是个别认证的公司产生了自己的部分的检测报告不敢以表扬),如果自己的计算机制造商的产品做测试,然后再重新测试所有必要的原材料和零部件。 “我们有一个粗略的计算,使冷气机产品认证,大概4000万美元,这样成本太高。因此,我们不能试验机产品,通过零件和材料测试报告数百页取代,它是非常危险的事情。“这位负责人说,这种情况的电机制造企业的国家是极为不利。 “因此,我们希望欧盟能够被检测尽快统一标准。”



记者了解到,认证是目前公司的国内实验室都符合世界上现有的检测方法,一些测试有害物质,如EPA3050B,EN1122:2001,EPA3060A,EPA7196A,EPA3052,ISO3613:2001,EPA3540C, ,EPA8270D,但检测方法不适用于电气和电子产品上。例如,环保局是一个符合标准的测试土壤中重金属元素标准系列。 2006年之前和之后,中国出入境检验检疫系统也推出了行业标准的测试方法系列(共15),涵盖了6种有害物质的RoHS指令检测。这些标准是来自基本标准上述系列,只是部分修改。目前,国家出入境检验检疫局指定了26个国家检验机构采用的标准,但标准和由IEC制定的(国际电工委员会)标准(草案)在一些不同的要求。


专家还明确指出,对进入欧盟的生产企业,欧盟也不会对一项强制性的规定,{dy}方,第二个方面,包括第三方报告应该认识到,因为欧盟更关心对企业是在意识的变化,而不是测试结果来衡量,从这个角度看,IEC62321标准中未检测到的RoHS指令是电机行业{wy}的生活惊涛骇浪救命稻草。 “测试只是瞬间抽样检验,并不能保证{yj}产品的情况。当然,产品测试数据,也需要和必须具备的变化的感觉。欧盟RoHS指令要求的企业和保持产品的连续性符合要求来自欧盟国家。制衡和监督的意识方面,欧盟国家的产品进行测试,以验证一个非常小的,产品准备证明材料检查将完成欧盟的可能性是最有可能得到执行。 “

通过这些标准的测试”,测试结果只获得,企业不一定要符合欧盟指令的要求。因为产品必须符合评价标准为基础(而不是标准的测试方法),以确定是否产品符合相应的要求。“所以,{zh1},企业注重产品或符合评价标准。 “据介绍,独立选举委员会已经成立,有关工作组正在开发的产品来源符合评价标准,但具体的时间表尚未公布。





RoHS compliance: household electrical appliances should be how to solve the verification problems?

Before and after July 2006, the United States fluorescence spectrometer Thermo Electron Product China Regional Manager Wang Jianhua met a good opportunity for business development. The implementation of the EU RoHS directive, so that the company Said Wang Jianhua. Wang Jianhua said

fluorescence spectrometer is currently in RoHS compliance testing of a commonly used instruments, such instruments can detect the products content of toxic and harmful substances in order to determine whether a product complies with RoHS Directive requirements - in the absence of testing standards, the 78 global manufacturers such instruments have had a productive session. Note the positive attitude of enterprises, products RoHS compliance testing and certification, has electrical enterprises are most concerned about the hot issues.

but it is precisely the focus in this issue, the EU should not introduce delays in testing, certification standards and the implementation of the official methods of supervision. Product verification of RoHS compliance in the certification for the companies to revise their claims and related business departments or left or right guidance wavering.

Product testing: a cupboard

In the interview, more than one enterprise to the Journalist complain RoHS product compliance testing is a very thankless things : not only money, but also some third-party certification company service personnel face to detect the end, have ready a pile of information - any one of the missing information may lead to enterprises in the EU market falls, at the same time, we should also assume forward to the EU market that may arise at any time of the test data queries.

In fact, the EU directive did not require that all third-party products that have passed the relevant tests, in the EU directive requirements, but the enterprise of self-labeled products of harmful toxic substances. So, Who is asked to do all kinds of specious Enterprise Product testing it?

questions from reporters. According to the person in charge of its buyers in Europe require manufacturers to ensure RoHS compliance of products, otherwise it would not be purchasing. In this case, the finding related to certification testing companies are natural things.

but most enterprises are said to reporters that its OEM buyers and there is no specific test requirements. Product testing, are in fact Chinese enterprises for their own requests. A company who said frankly:

bodies from detection information indicating that the cost of product certification, so that production costs increased by 5% - a person responsible for air-conditioning business, said.

journalists from the industry understand that basically there are no major household electrical appliances also passed RoHS testing machine.

Detection criteria: life-saving straw?

testing standards to the EU are calling for the Chinese enterprises and even the Chinese Governments attitude, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman even used diplomatic language to express the EU - China is the largest producer of home appliances, while Chinese products also have a large part of exported to the EU, the lack of defined standards, the Chinese enterprises is undoubtedly the most unfair.

This reporter has learned that the certification is currently the companys domestic laboratories are in accordance with the world some of the existing detection methods harmful substances testing, such as EPA3050B, EN1122: 2001, EPA3060A, EPA7196A, EPA3052, ISO3613: 2001, EPA3540C, EPA8270D, but the detection method is not specifically for electrical and electronic products. For example, EPA is a series of standards for soil metal elements of a standard test. Before and after 2006, Chinese entry-exit inspection and quarantine system also introduced a series of industry standard testing methods (total 15), covers the RoHS directive of 6 kinds of harmful substances detected. These standards are derived from the above-mentioned series of basic standards, only partially modified. At present, the National Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has designated 26 national testing organizations to adopt the standards, but the standards and being developed by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)standard (draft)requirements in some different.

according to industry experts, relevant experts as a result of the EU member states are members of IEC, so IECTC111 being developed IEC62321 ultimately will recommend a standard is not mandatory uniform testing standards.

The expert also made clear that the European Union on entry to the EU

According to sources Introduction, IEC has been set up relevant working groups are developing products that meet the evaluation criteria, but specific timetable has not yet been published.

Compliance verification: where to?

by the end of June, IEC electrical and electronic products and systems environment Standardization Technical Committee (TC111)technical meeting held in the United States, Washington, Shenzhen hospital quality measurement experts Ze-Yong Chen environmental directives Engineer of the Technical Committee as a full member participation. According to Ze-Yong Chen introduction, The meeting decided to set up two special working group responsible for the formulation of Electrical and Electronic Product sample split (split samples with the standard can have standards, testing all products are built on the demolished classified as means a mechanical method can not split a single material)and in accordance with the evaluation of the technical specifications. which technical specifications split the sample in China on the basis of proposals to develop this year 10 completed and submitted on IEC. Evaluation of the Working Group by the French National Standards Committee to take the lead, China and Japan-related proposal has been absorbed into the technical specifications. At the same time, the two countries are also involved in the work of the Working Group.

Ze-Yong Chen consider, in accordance with standards and technical regulations related to the content, enterprises in responding to RoHS Directive can be guided by the following two ways: conditional large enterprises, be the first statement of self-enterprise products are in compliance with the requirements of RoHS Directive; followed by information on the intranet has been established to ensure RoHS compliance of the quality management system of technical documents; the third is to provide an effective control of supply chain documents. such as RoHS compliance supplier self-declaration, all the analysis of homogeneous material that reports on the high-risk materials analysis test and so on. and for SMEs, it is eliminated to control the supply chain materials (may not be too long supply chain), first of all self-declaration of enterprises in line with the RoHS Directive Product requirements. The second step to provide based on the products / parts technical documents. such as producers or suppliers to declare the extent of their permit the use of restricted substances to ensure / prove that the producer or supplier for each component of the material integrity of the Declaration and on the RoHS exemption from the application of classification and a reasonable explanation, components / components analysis of homogeneous materials, has proved by the above-mentioned technical documents for the credibility of the evaluation of high-risk materials, such as analysis of test reports.

close to the demand of the a variety of compliance materials, including test data, material self-affirm, risk assessment, supply chain tracking systems analysis four parts. (06-8-22)

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