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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-27 浏览:164

然而,对气弹簧技术人员的许多设备制造商是很模糊的概念,只要有必要提供安装尺寸,有压力,常州龙翔气弹簧厂可以帮助您设计和开发,选择合适的直径关节,为了您的设备,以增加意想不到的效果。 06.8.23

Modern equipment can not be separated from new accessories - gas spring

Now compared to the previous equipment and to improve things a lot more functional at the same time, add new accessories for the equipment to add a lot of unexpected results.
gas spring, one end of the last century has been the birth of the products more and more people are familiar with, it appears in almost every industry: machinery, transportation, electronics, automotive, aircraft, vessels, toolbox, electrical cabinets, medical equipment, fitness equipment, there are many equipment manufacturers still do not know what gas spring, let us now to find out: its internal inert gas are injected through the Pistons have a flexible functional products. The work of the product without external driving force, lifting force and stability. Can freely scalable, and general features similar to the coil spring, but its merits are not be higher than an ordinary spring, and the characteristics are: the appearance of beautiful, easy installation, no need for maintenance, long life, not weak, are generally necessary to help cover open institutions, when you need to open the heavy lid or door, gas will help the busy spring. Changzhou
Longxiang gas spring manufacturing factory located in Changzhou, Jiangsu developed, production of free type gas spring using the German advanced production technology, professional development and fabrication of gas spring, in the continuous learning and research, its products in the industry leader. There are four series of more than 300 kinds of specifications, fully meet the needs of customer installations. Last year, the development of the whole stainless steel gas spring, as well as the high demand of equipment bring new hope.
However, many equipment manufacturers of the technical staff of the gas spring is very fuzzy concept, as long as necessary to provide the installation size, there is pressure, Changzhou Longxiang Gas Spring Factory can help you design and development, choose a suitable diameter and joints, in order to your device to increase the effect of unexpected. (06-8-23)

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