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50000000000手机电池市场的幸福和忧虑« oursolo.net

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-27 浏览:164

诺基亚BL - 5C手机电池大规模召回,以及手机的反复轰炸,使小细胞从幕后到幕后手机电池的舞台,成为公众gz的热点。为什么手机电池的质量问题经常发生,手机电池产业将何去何从?
















50000000000 phone battery market of happiness and worry

Nokia BL-5C mobile phone batteries massive recall, as well as the repeated bombings of the phone, so that small cell phone battery from behind the scenes to the stage to become hot spots of public concern. Why mobile phone batteries quality problems happen frequently, mobile phone battery industry will go from here?

500 billion big market

not long ago, a friend of the trade to do the acquisition of a new N95, which is currently available in the market the most high-end Nokia phones, to mobile phones in order to provide sufficient Supporting the energy to meet its continuous Internet, photography, camera, cell phone video, e-novels, the demand for voice calls, etc., relieved him of their three cell phone battery configuration.

actually this is not an individual are a special case. At present, the functions of mobile phones has become increasingly rich in photographs, video, mobile video, e-novels, such as mobile phones have become the basic configuration, and require only about the price of 1,500 yuan. Even the underground factories producing black cell phone, but also the same features are readily available, cheaper to五六百million. From the business class, white-collar class, the students down to the middle class and migrant brothers, their hands on the phone functions have gradually narrowed the gap.

feature rich mobile phones will inevitably will increase battery consumption, a cell phone to configure the two batteries is a universal phenomenon. Therefore, a huge industry in the formation of cell phone battery market.

Ministry of Information Industry, the latest figures show that Chinas mobile phone users has more than 500 million to the average allocation of each mobile phone battery to balance the two, the market requires at least one billion batteries, it will be a 50 billion yuan market. In addition, once the 3G launch, the demand for the number of mobile phone battery consumption will reach a larger scale.

into a crisis of confidence in the market

but the process of rapid development of the high incidence of quality problems, mobile phone batteries made into an unprecedented crisis of confidence. Gansu phone

bombing, although the later was identified as an accident, but the industry is still generally agreed that non-original battery is the culprit. One time, non-original mobile phone batteries face an unprecedented crisis of confidence, many cell phone manufacturers and the media have expressed, it is necessary to use the original battery in order to maximize safety. In recent days, however

Nokia battery recall incident so that the public have had a glimmer of confusion and panic, original battery that is not necessarily safe place to be able to It actually has no absolute safety of the battery? Why an inconspicuous battery so frequent problem, what kind of mobile phone batteries can be guaranteed safe?

Although, the famous brand original mobile phone battery is not perfect, even in the presence of quality problems, nor to have serious consequences. In this regard, the industry believes that the biggest security threats, mobile phone or a large number of mobile phone batteries. Due to the high cost of original equipment batteries, counterfeit batteries for a huge market space. Counterfeit batteries manufactured in accordance with the standard do not, and there is no quality control security measures, it is prone to security issues, frequently asked questions are prone to overheating when charging phenomena, which lead to spontaneous combustion, and even bombings.

as a result of a crisis of confidence and promote public awareness of mobile phone batteries rise of brand consciousness, will be China-made mobile phone batteries are the best opportunity to break out the brand.

original battery price several hundred dollars at every turn, many mobile phone users can only heave a price they can not afford, while the price of domestic brands battery between original and counterfeit battery between the battery. At the same time, the quality can be better guaranteed. Therefore, it is foreseeable that in user security awareness of the ever-rising trend, the domestic brand batteries will be favored by the market.

and domestic battery to take advantage of this opportunity, first of all to do is straighten out the market, those inferior battery out of the market.

to restructure the market, we must first establish their own brands. After all, hundreds of millions of mobile phone batteries are for the retail public, while at the same time is only a mobile phone subsidiary accessories. At present, already have a number of stronger cell phone battery manufacturers, but they are in the publics brand awareness is not enough people.

In addition, in the current flood of inferior battery market environment, how to create better channels for consumers to purchase genuine authentic, it will be the key to open up a new situation. Brand awareness in the public increasing trend, if the domestic brand mobile phone battery can store everywhere in the country, then the fake batteries will gradually lose their living space. (07-11-13)

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