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How to distinguish between a real cigarette packages? « Industry ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-04-27 浏览:220

Category:catering food

Are there any ways to quickly distinguish between a real cigarette packages?

the front of each one has a real cigarette factory yards (not Monopoly card code), gently get into the whole smoking bar code on the cellophane along the direction of push, so as tobacco and paper staggered a little, transparent on both paper and cigarette smoke barcode is true. If there is but a transparent piece of paper carton barcode must be no counterfeit cigarettes.
Each side has a true monopoly tobacco bar: If A1121001977, A tobacco company on behalf of businesses are big customers (there are B, C, D, represent the number of sales), 11 on behalf of 11 months, 21 representatives of 21, 001,977 on behalf of merchant monopoly card mantissa, if the business sold to Your smoke and exclusive card number is inconsistent, it is highly likely to be cigarette packages (proprietary cards are hung on the disgraced Office). If the bar code on the addition to the number 0 or 1 must be the beginning of counterfeit cigarettes (it will only use 01 12 at the beginning), next to the double-digit can only be 01 - 31, if not necessarily the cigarette packages. like the smoke is the B2535 ****** bar code must be cigarette packages. year 25 months, in January there were 35 days do?
tear smoke pull, pull down on the part of the transparent paper to hand, the paper posted on the side of a glass case (not on the glass case above), the paper will not fall off the real smoke, On the contrary must be cigarette packages.
are several ways to make more than 1 minute you identify genuine and fake cigarettes. I wish you good luck!

In addition to cigarettes, of varying lengths, the identification of genuine and fake cigarettes for at least another four criteria: the transparency of counterfeit cigarette paper cigarette texture is usually hard, thick. If it is recycled cigarette, cigarette flip back and there will be a crease, while the doped cigarettes cigarette Zhongzhuang cigarette packages or true branch, counterfeiting and often on both sides of the superstructure from the cigarette into cigarette packages opened branch, identification, the main look at both sides of the lid seal is opened, and identify crease. True smoke aluminum foil packaging equipment, no wrinkles, cigarette packages of the aluminum foil printing blurred, foil-point thick, there are clear network-like, mixed paper, aluminum foil cigarettes have wrinkles, uneven. Cigarette packages branch printing distortion, feel more rigid, doping cigarettes usually inserted in the back of a fake.

is currently on the market in Dalian, the packaging of counterfeit cigarettes are mainly four features, namely, waste recovery really box pretend smoke sticks; recycling boxes built really really low quality or fake cigarette cigarette cigarette case Built true, to slightly less than the real price of cigarettes sold; true built-in cigarette packages cigarette sticks really smoke for sale; doped cigarettes generally use the real cigarette, insert the number of branches in which the counterfeit cigarette.


类别: 餐饮食品





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