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我的妻子要生小孩,我喜欢如何安排一顿饭? « Live in China 混在中国

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-01 浏览:314






[cf] 1。饮食方面,大米莱应多样化,粮食,肉类和蔬菜厚度混合蔬菜,蛋白质,富含维生素和矿物质(钙,镁)为。 2。卧室应该指出的是通风,保持室内空气新鲜,尤其应警惕中暑在夏季。 3。注意个人卫生。擦拭每23天的冬季身体,夏天淋浴,没有浴缸。洗澡,地面清洗外阴。 4。产后恶露不净,人们不应该有xj。会阴伤口,有产妇产道损伤,也被推迟。早期起床活动,并继续产后体操。 5。超过2个星期产后,恶露依然血性或出血如月经,应立即就医。 6。请注意乳房健康,母乳在每次或2%硼酸水喂养抹乳头出水。定期母乳喂养,与乳房泵吸,或挤压过剩的牛奶。不能让宝宝睡他的嘴,乳头或乳头浸渍并打破。如乳头破裂,50%鱼肝油铋,干在乳房,涂层,清洗前的喂养。剧烈疼痛,如母乳喂养,可用于玻璃胸罩,让宝宝直接吮吸,或牛奶挤出觅食。 (中国心理热线)



嘴! ?



1。食品必须软,可口,易于消化和吸收。 2。 Shaoliangduocan更多汤更多的食物,这将有助于母乳喂养。 3。要做到稀鲜肉,蔬菜和负担得起的组合。 4。不能食用,冷,硬食品卫生; 5。不应该迅速补品,以免得不偿失。










对大多数孕妇提供条件优惠的,从老人,长期, -谁,同事,朋友和邻居,在那里你可以听到他们,有时还在家中准备对亲人的名义。更充分的准备,更周到,更有利于分娩或母婴生活。然而,除了那些谁已经成为了所谓的“硬件的筹备工作”的经验之谈,我们还必须做的“软件”准备工作的工作:









1。 (包括粮食)400?500克







My wife going to have a 宝宝, how can I like arranging a meal?

children before and after meals by row!

eat ate whatever that before, the Health and drink after the millet gruel, eat brown sugar, drinking carp soup, black-bone chicken soup, eggs, easy to digest things.

post-partum recuperation

[masked advertising] Guo Bullard

after childbirth, in addition to the breast, the maternal全身各器官, organizations, especially the reproductive organs, should return to the pre-pregnancy state. This change was rather slow recovery needs 6 to 8 weeks to complete, this period is called postpartum. Puerperium While much shorter than the gestation period, its importance is no less than during pregnancy. Postpartum recovery is properly administered, the relationship between a lifetime. So, should pay attention to post-partum recuperation, rehabilitation.

[prescription] 1. Terms of diet, rice Lay should be diversified, with the thickness of grain, meat and vegetables mixed vegetables, is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals (calcium and magnesium) In order to. 2. Bedroom should be noted that the ventilation to keep indoor air fresh and, in particular, should be wary of heat stroke in summer. 3. Attention to hygiene. Wipe the body every 23 days in winter, summer shower, not bath. A bath, the ground washing vulva. 4. Postpartum lochia without a net, people should not have sexual intercourse. Perineal wound, there is damage in the maternal birth canal, but also to be postponed. Early to get up activities, and continue post-natal gymnastics. 5. More than 2 weeks postpartum, lochia is still bloody or bleeding, such as menstrual flow, should the doctor without delay. 6. Note that breast health, breast-feeding before each or 2% boric acid with water to wipe the water nipple. Regular breast-feeding, excess milk with the breast pump suction, or extrusion. Not allow children to sleep his mouth, nipples, or nipple maceration and break. Such as the nipple broken, coated with 50% cod liver oil bismuth, dry, in the breast-feeding before the wash. Severe pain, such as breastfeeding can be used glass bra, let the 宝宝 suck directly, or to milk squeezed out to feed. (China Psychological Hotline)

denglaibin answer is better, I think the best he not give her children to eat after a number of multi-vitamin food, the child s physical development is good.

of Health, after drinking water, add a little brown sugar, carrots, to make the stomach quickly recovering
attention to the blood and appropriate move

man and man is not the same. Some men, in the wife during pregnancy, thinking of the suffering of their own abstinence really beast. Bear Haoguai
mouth! ~
But I do not know your question is labor s diet, or post-partum. The following are some of the information normally see, collate and analyze a bit. Hope that mother and child safe, Carnival Fun!

when we saw a pregnant woman with abdominal pain, a precursor to childbirth, it was incredibly anxious, often in the absence of delicious prepared for pregnant women, nor easy to use for pregnant women to prepare, before the rush to the pregnant women admitted to the hospital.
regularly at the beginning of maternal uterine contractions from the beginning to the cervix to open wide, approximately 12 hours. If this is the beginning of maternal, non-high-risk pregnancy factors, preparing for natural childbirth, may be ready to digest absorption, less slag, tasty and delicious food such as noodles, eggs, soup, noodles, pork ribs soup, milk, yogurt, chocolate and other food, leaving women eat eat, enough to prepare for the delivery of energy. Otherwise, poor diet and lack of sleep, anxiety, easily lead to maternal fatigue, may cause uterine inertia, obstructed labor, postpartum hemorrhage and other dangerous situations.

(1) Taboo:
1, fasting cold, spicy. Post-natal multi-virtual multi-stasis should be fasting cold, cold of the goods. Multi-Shang Wei cold, cold is blood clotting, lochia high, will cause post-partum abdominal pain, body pain, and many other diseases. Postpartum blood loss disability allowance, multi-yin heat, so green onion, ginger, garlic, peppers and other spicy hot food should not eat large. If you eat spicy food, not only easily lead to constipation, hemorrhoids, etc. may also affect the 宝宝 through the breast milk of gastrointestinal function.
2, post-natal diet should not be nourishing. And animal fertility, as human beings during pregnancy has been produced ready for the future. Tonic excessive maternal susceptibility to obesity, giving rise to many diseases. Maternal obesity also can cause milk fat content increased, eventually leading to the 宝宝 s fat or diarrhea.
three, vegetables, fruits, essential. For vegetables and fruits, the conventional wisdom that the two of water gas big eat it can damage the body, does not know that fresh vegetables and fruits, not only can add meat, eggs, lack of vitamin c and fiber, but also can promote the appetite and help digestion and defecation, preventing the occurrence of postpartum constipation.
4, Chinese medicine diet also symptomatic, non-self-chaotic fill. LI Jing-Zhi, director of the view that the body does not require the normal maternal tonic medicines may be used for the symptoms of some traditional Chinese medicine, with therapeutic conditioning. Such as the lack of milk can be used Vaccaria, Tung grass, trotters, Campanulaceae, etc. in order to pass through the next milk; postpartum abdominal pain, constipation can be Zhuojia angelica, peach kernel, walnut, rice wine to blood circulation Huayu, relax bowel.

(2) Principles:
1. Food must be soft, delicious, easy to digest and absorb. 2. Shaoliangduocan more soups with more food, which will help breast-feeding. 3. To do dilute mix of meat and vegetables and affordable. 4. Inedible Health, cold, hard food; 5. Should not be quick tonic, to avoid more losses than gains.
confinement period, the maternal need for a large number of nutritional supplement consumption during pregnancy and childbirth, to promote the body s recovery, feeding the 宝宝. Special recommendation of several soup:
A. Peanut trotters soup
materials: trotters 2, peanuts 150g, salt, MSG amount.
approach: The removal of shoes trotters A and hairs, wash, and peanuts into the stew pot together, add water, amount, small fires Dunshu, add salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning can be eaten.
rating: Peanut of Sweet-ping, into the Feipi classics, its function Qi, nourishing the blood, lungs, and stomach. Trotters of sweet, salty, flat, Abdominal classics, its function blood Tongru. This soup attending a lack of maternal post-partum milk.

B. stewed chicken
raw Astragalus: Astragalus 50g, medlar 15g, jujube 10, a hen, onion 1, 2 slices ginger, salt, rice wine appropriate.
practice: Astragalus into the bag, the hens clean, boil hot, showers, cuts, onion cut into sections alternate. Join more than water, after 1 hour of small Huodun Braised salt, rice wine, can be eaten.
rating: Astragalus sweet warm, functional spleen qi, Yi Fei antiperspirant can be qi and blood to the milk, chemical and biological, civil commonly used in the treatment of postnatal lack of milk, but also tonic solid form, treatment of postpartum sweating disorder. Sex sweet hen temperature, can be warm in the spleen, replenishing qi and blood. This soup for post-natal physically weak, looking chlorosis, the milk is too small, easy-out sweating embolism.

C. trotters pass grass soup
raw materials: trotters 2, Tung grass 6g, light blue 3.
practices: the above plus three co-boiled soup flavor.
Evaluation: Pass grass with heat Tongru function. Under this soup Tongluo milk daily to three times clothes, and even served on the 3rd. Apply to post-Queru.

If caesarean section, due to wounds, while post-partum intra-abdominal pressure suddenly reduced abdominal muscle relaxation, gut peristalsis slowly, tend to have a tendency to constipation, food production and nature of the arrangements should be different from a woman in after 12 hours, you can drink a little water, to stimulate the intestines peristalsis until after the exhaust before consumption; just started eating when the liquid food should be selected, then soft foods, solid foods gradually.
1. postpartum dietary guidelines
☆ within a week after fasting eggs and milk, in order to avoid flatulence.
☆ avoid greasy food.
☆ avoid eating the food of deep pigment, so as not to scar the color deepened.
☆ Avoid coffee, tea, pepper, alcohol and spicy food.
☆ uptake can start after a week of fish, milk, chicken, meat, high-protein foods to help tissue repair.
☆ conventional wisdom is that mothers should not drink water, or in the future will be belly big Nan Xiao, when added to multi-fiber, eat more fruits and vegetables, in order to promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation.
☆ Do not eat fermented foods to avoid flatulence.
☆ is because more blood loss, maternal blood should eat foods containing iron.
☆ cold foods (cabbage, white radish, watermelon, pear ) fasted 40 days.

2. postpartum 3 weeks the first week of a supplement program
︰ to clear the lochia, promote wound healing based
☆ initially be chicken soup, broth, soup and other soups class tonic, but it can not raise the wine.
☆ liver help to lochia and blood row is the best solid caesarean section maternal food choices.
☆ dessert can also help rule out the lochia.
☆ poor maternal uterine contraction, you can take Avocado Oil to help the smooth muscle contraction and improve constipation.
☆ fish, vitamin C can help wound healing. Diet Sibu can add
☆ Astragalus, Chinese wolfberry, red dates and other Chinese herbal medicines.
the second week of ︰
☆ mainly to combat back pain, mostly in the first week of the same food, then use some medicated gutta.
︰ beginning the third week of nutrition
☆ meals can start to use alcohol.
☆ mostly in the first week of the same food can increase the number of calories, eat chicken, ribs, pig s feet and so on.
☆ thirsty, you can drink tea, wine, soup.
☆ Diet Sibu available four objects, eight, Shiquan (winter use) and other Chinese herbal medicines.

from the beginning of pregnancy is necessary to attach importance to the nutrition of pregnant women. The nutrition of pregnant women pregnant women not only to maintain their normal physiological function is necessary (such as the uterus increases, breast development, etc.), but also for improving immune function and organization of maternal metabolism of repair, to promote fetal growth and development and post-natal nutrient-rich milk feeding newborns, are of critical importance.

and post-natal maternal and child health in order to be able to produce enough milk, pregnant women during pregnancy on the need to increase the amount of food and adequate nutrition, in order to meet their nutritional needs, and fetal growth and development to create favorable conditions, but also for production continue breastfeeding after preparing the necessary nutrients, in order to ensure a rich and high-quality post-partum breast milk.

trimester fetus formation and perfection of the various organs gradually phase, in order to promote normal development of the fetus, they should begin to suitably enhance nutrition.

second trimester, fetal growth rapidly. In order to meet fetal weight had a long development of various organs, especially brain development, needs a large number of nutrients, such as protein, fats, minerals, vitamins and trace elements. As far as possible nutrition, reasonable, and have a certain scientific. To be more digestible and nutritious eating chicken, fish, meat, eggs, soy products, vegetables and fruits, staple food (rice, pasta and a small number of coarse grains) can also be a reasonable and suitable match. Avoid eat whatever on a range of eating, do not like, do not want to eat the food is not imported. This partial eclipse phenomenon will cause malnutrition and affect fetal development, but will also affect the post-lactation. Because each of the nutritional composition of different, their functions are different, there is no one food can satisfy all the needs of pregnant women and fetus. In order to achieve the rationalization of diet should be diversified diet as possible, so that different nutritional composition of food intake of the mother can, for their production and post-natal confinement feeding sister of energy reserves, but also to make the milk as a nutrient complete, with a reasonable the 宝宝 s highly nutritious food, which are very beneficial for mother and child.

contractions before labor pain, sweating and more physical exertion large, should ensure that pregnant women eat well, sleep. Eat more fruits and digestible and can heat the food, such as the large (small) gruel, noodles, soy milk, Dan Geng, jujube soup, longan soup nutritious food, so that pregnant women can have sufficient strength to give birth in order to reduction of post-partum haemorrhage, rapid recharge, and, under favorable early postpartum milk, milk more than the next.

out a note before labor
2004-03-21 Hits: 810

out a note before labor before delivery
easy to overlook the preparation
soft terms for the majority of pregnant women, from the elderly, long - who, colleagues, friends and neighbors, where you can hear them, and sometimes also on behalf of their loved ones at home to prepare. The more fully prepared, the more thorough, the more conducive to childbirth or maternal and child life. However, apart from those who have become the voice of experience of the so-called hardware of the preparatory work, we must also do a good job as the software ready to work:
1) When should call the doctor;
2) How the work of doctors and nurses can be found They;
3) is initially for a doctor to call or direct to the hospital;
4) How far is home from the hospital;
5) by what means of transport to the hospital;
6) if someone has protected the pregnant women around;
7) traffic congestion during rush hours, from home and would need some more time to reach the hospital;
8) the best practice to the hospital in advance of the distance and time;
9) to find an alternate path so that when the first road block when there is another path to choose from, as soon as possible to reach the hospital;
10) whether to arrange things at home, please people to help care for children, pets and home;
11) if things work out for them, should be allowed to boss and colleagues know that Your pre-birth. before delivery

easy to overlook the signs of

the majority of mothers can predict pre-production period of the day, but it can not predict what time. Generally speaking, about to give birth when the uterus will contract a fixed period of time. Contraction abdomen harden and stop the contraction of the uterus to relax, turn the soft abdomen. There are also some changes may not be paying attention to people, for example, are as follows:
1) maternal feeling as if the fetus to be falling, this is the maternal pelvis, fetal head was sunk. This mostly occurs in the week or a few hours before delivery.
2) increase in vaginal effluents. This is due to thick secretions accumulated during pregnancy in the cervix, due to viscous reasons, usually the same as plug will be blocked secretion. When the labor, the cervix swell, the plug would not work, so secretions will flow out. This phenomenon more than a few days before giving birth occurred before or about to give birth.
3) water sample liquid trickle or showed a jet-like outflow from the vagina. This is called amniotic membrane rupture, or rupture of membranes. This phenomenon mostly occurs in a few hours before birth or near birth.
4) spasm or after a regular back pain. This is the uterus due to alternating contraction and relaxation. As the birth approaches, this contraction will increase. As the swollen cervix and the fetus from the reproductive tract in the output, pain is inevitable. This phenomenon only occurred in the delivery starts.

to distinguish true and false birth

some mothers to give birth there will be sometimes false, or irregular uterine contractions. In general, true and false labor is difficult to discern. False labor contractions are usually irregular, and the real labor contractions less intense level. Identification approach is to check the vagina, cervix to see changes. There is a time for contraction to calculate twice the time interval between the contractions started and sustained record of one hour. The following table lists the difference between true and false labor. Identification of types of maternity leave time for real labor contractions irregular, time intervals will not be getting smaller and smaller have a fixed time interval, as time goes on, getting smaller and smaller intervals, each sustained contractions of about 30 ~ 70 seconds contractions intensity is usually weak, will not be growing stronger. Sometimes increased, but then weakened again. Contraction intensity increased steadily. Contractions are usually only in the front part of the pain start with back pain began to ache, and then transferred to the front. Maternal responses to walk after exercise or rest, after a while, and sometimes even after a change in posture would stop contractions. No matter how movement, contractions as usual.
if the following conditions, please immediately go to a hospital or a doctor:
1) did not occur even in the case of uterine contractions, rupture of membranes, amniotic fluid outflow.
2) the vagina is the outflow of blood, not blood mucus.
3) a stable and sustained contractions intensified.
4) maternal feeling of the fetus become less active.

the fetus in the mother s body growth, development, nutrition, entirely from the mother, so pregnant women need to make sure they have adequate nutrient intake. Among expectant mothers in these, there are some rather special cases of pregnant women, such as the fat mom, and their diet should be given more attention, what to eat, how to eat, can the 宝宝 be more healthy, safe then?

During pregnancy, eating the quality is more important than the quantity of food, pre-pregnancy overweight women who diet during pregnancy should raise the quality without having to increase the number of diet to avoid a further increase in body weight.

then eat what the prospective mother? First of all, we should eat less high-fat, high-calorie foods such as butter, animal oil, nuts, chocolate and sweets and so on, these high-calorie and nutritious foods is low, should not eat. Obese pregnant women should be limited to the sugar should be replaced by fruit, which can help eliminate hunger but also to meet the body s nutritional needs. Meanwhile, pre-pregnancy and first trimester (3 months) to add folic acid tablets.

for fat mothers, there is a very important point is that absolutely can not lose weight, any anti-obesity drugs are to be prohibited, and also 10 million can not be hungry way to lose weight, want to know nutrition for the unborn 宝宝 how important it is , reasonable diet, proper exercise (eg walking), weight control, speeding growth on it. Obese expectant mothers throughout the pregnancy weight gain control in 6 ~ 6.8 kilograms.

obese expectant mothers should be noted that a balanced diet, eat more fish, but do not eat more than lead-fish (fish-eating fish), fruits, vegetables, non-pregnant women, full cream milk powder and so on. The amount of food should be controlled in a day:

1. Cereals (including grains) 400 ~ 500 g

2. Legumes 50 ~ 100 grams

3. Meat, fish and poultry, 50 to 150 grams

4 . Milk 250 ~ 500 grams

5. fruits and 100 ~ 200 grams

6. vegetables 400 ~ 500 grams

7. oil (vegetable oil) 15 ~ 20 grams


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