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杏仁有什么健康的影响« Live in China 混在中国

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-04 浏览:191


健康报消息:在对人体有什么好处共同杏仁产品的市场?在5月24日举行的“中国的2000年抗衰老,促进健康”研讨会上,美国加州杏仁商会营养专家,博士(boss)Kailunlaipu丝丽说,是反恐的核心老化发挥高营养食品的zl功能,从而达到预防疾病和寿命的影响。她最近的研究表明,共同市场,杏仁,水果和蔬菜都富含抗氧化剂,其良好的健康效益不可忽视。北京(Beijing China)大学公共卫生学院系主任营养与食品卫生学教授刘以动物和人体实验表明,该部在单不饱和脂肪酸和维生素E,杏仁在心血管健康的重要作用丰富的消费。首都医科大学营养与食品卫生研究室教授王惠琴研究证实,有杏仁,抗自由基损伤。


加州杏仁含有丰富的纤维,不仅对肠道健康大有裨益,而且有助于减少肠癌发生的机率,提高心脏的健康。纤维饮食的好朋友,因为纤维可以给人一种丰满的感觉。 20-25加州杏仁在光纤中等于一个橘子或苹果(Apple)纤维含量。


加州杏仁是维生素E的食物来源的{zg}水平。 40杏仁含有维生素E是所需要的100%天量。这些研究表明,维生素E可以预防某些疾病。目前的研究表明,杏仁含有tr抗氧化剂高水平,以帮助减缓老化过程。




的杏仁蔷薇科植物杏的种子,或山杏,由中国已发行卫生部的{dy}“不仅是医药食品”的中药材之一。杏仁,甜杏仁和苦杏仁也有分歧,前者用于人类消费,后者更作为药用。近年来发现,杏仁含有维生素B17,有反的作用老化寿命。顾方的中国将是一个健康与长寿杏仁很多。 “本草纲目”,也记录了“可以送达杏仁,令孺聪明,老和强大的,不懈的努力。”





Almond What are the health effects

Almond What are the health effects

Health News News: Market on the Common almond products on the human body What are the advantages? In the May 24 meeting of China s 2000 anti-aging, and promote health seminar, from the Almond Board of California nutrition experts, Dr. Kailunlaipu Sili said, is the core of anti-aging to play a high-nutrition food The therapeutic function, so as to achieve disease prevention and longevity effect. Her recent research has shown that the common market, almonds, fruits and vegetables are all rich in antioxidants, their excellent health benefits can not be ignored. Peking University School of Public Health Head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene Professor Liu Yi animal and human experiments indicate that the consumption of rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, almond significant role in cardiovascular health. Capital University of Medical Nutrition and Food Hygiene Research Office Professor Wang Huiqin study confirmed that there are almonds, anti-free radical damage.

Finland an eight-year, for the 29000 male smokers conducted study found that blood contains high levels of vitamin E, the subjects of lung cancer incidence will be reduced by 19% to 23%. Anti-cancer effect of vitamin E for 60 years of age, smoking less than 40 years of age and smoking more than men are obvious. This group of subjects were the incidence of lung cancer can be reduced 40% to 50%.

California almonds are rich in fiber, not only of great benefit for intestinal health, but also help reduce the incidence of intestinal cancer, and improve heart health. Fiber diet s good friend, because fiber can give people a sense of fullness. 20-25 California almonds contained in the fiber is equal to an orange or apple fiber content.

and other plants, like California almonds contain some beneficial to human health, phytochemicals , some scholars believe that these phytochemicals in resistance to cancer, protect the heart and other diseases related to aging very important role.

California almonds are the highest level of vitamin E food sources. 40 almonds contain vitamin E is the amount of days required to {bfb}. The studies have shown that vitamin E can prevent some diseases. Current research shows that almonds contain high levels of natural antioxidants to help slow down the aging process.


almonds have anti-aging effects

(2004-02-24 14:16:11)

almonds for the rose family plant the seeds of apricot, or Prunus armeniaca, issued by China s Ministry of Health The first is not only medicine is food is one of Chinese herbal medicines. Almonds, sweet almond and bitter almond are divided, the former used for human consumption, the latter more as a medicinal. In recent years, found that almonds contain vitamin B17, there is the role of anti-aging longevity. Gu Fang of China will be a lot of fitness longevity with almonds. Compendium of Materia Medica, also recorded the can be served almonds, Lingru smart, old and robust, tireless effort.

According to Wild Man Chat records, Ming-Han Lin Xinshi Johnson, a day on the places in Sichuan Qingcheng Hill homes, dream, see a Huanggu, Gu Yue: Every morning, after washing, fresh almonds, 7, and the body fluid swallowing, Japan s solar eclipse. Hanlin, such as France eat a year later Ercongmuming, imaginative agility, benefit Shou did not decline. Although this Wucongkaozheng, but also illustrates the almond to strengthen memory, relieve depression and insomnia, physical fitness, skin beauty, anti-aging has some special effects.

Modern scientific research has also shown that almonds contain rich vitamin A, is a natural rejuvenation agent, to balance the skin moisture, make skin vitality vivid distribution. Almond is also the highest content of vitamin E, one of the natural food sources, for a significant inhibitory effect of free radicals, in addition to effectively resist the external environment on the skin of the abuse, will help the body cells, anti-oxidation, prevent muscle relaxation and chloasma is generated.

almonds are rich in vitamin A, nutrients needed for healthy skin, one has to make skin smooth effect reply; and milk can not only make your skin whiter more slippery, it can also supplement skin moisture; As honey is a moisturizing and replenishment effect, long-term use can help skin was soft and shiny.

lungs, cough, phlegm.04-12-22

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