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Cyberjaya - 马来西亚的新兴高科技城_冬日阳光_百度空间

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-12 浏览:759

赛柏再也(Cyberjaya) - 赛城,马来西亚的{dy}个精明城市及国内多媒体超级走廊的核心,也成为事实,这里设有一间多媒体大学,为工业界提供知识员工.赛城计划作为一个信息和通信技术和多媒体产业,研发中心,一个多媒体大学及营运总部为希望指示其全球生产和贸易活动中使用多媒体技术的跨国公司智能城市。

Cyberjaya 赛城是一个新的计划中的关键部分乡镇与科学园区为核心,形成了多媒体超级走廊在马来西亚.Cyberjaya is a new planned township with a science park as the core that forms a key part of the Multimedia Super Corridor in Malaysia.这是位于该区的雪邦,雪兰莪州和位于南部约50公里的吉隆坡 ,资本马来西亚.It is located in the district of Sepang,Selangor and is situated about 50 km south of Kuala Lumpur,the capital of Malaysia.这个镇渴望被称为马来西亚的硅谷.This town aspires to be known as the Silicon Valley of Malaysia.

在赛城正式开幕仪式举行了1997年5月由当时总理,马哈蒂尔.The official opening ceremony for Cyberjaya was held in May 1997 by then Prime Minister,Mahathir bin Mohamad.

内容 Contents [hide]
1 历史 1 History
2 物理发展 2 Physical development
2.1 办公和商业设施 2.1 Office and commercial facilities
2.2 教育设施 2.2 Education facilities
2.3 公共设施 2.3 Public facilities
2.4 游乐设施 2.4 Recreation facilities
2.4.1 公园 2.4.1 Parks
2.4.2 夜生活 2.4.2 Nightlife
2.5 运输 2.5 Transportation
2.6 居住区 2.6 Residential areas
3 人口 3 Population
4 技术特点 4 Technological features
4.1 通讯 4.1 Communications
4.2 后备电力供应 4.2 Backup electrical supply
4.3 区域供冷 4.3 District cooling
4.4 市指挥中心 4.4 City Command Centre
4.5 数据中心 4.5 Data centres
4.6 呼叫中心 4.6 Call centres
4.7 办公空间 4.7 Office space
5 参考资料 5 References

历史 || History
利用资讯科技为主题的城市理念,赛城,是出于一个由管理多媒体超级走廊顾问公司麦肯锡研究由马来西亚lb政府委托于1995年。 The idea of an IT-themed city, Cyberjaya, arose out of a study by management consultancy McKinsey for the Multimedia Super Corridor commissioned by the Federal Government of Malaysia in 1995. 该执行机构是城市和乡村规划部住房和地方政府部。 The implementation agency was the Town & Country Planning Department of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. 该催化剂是由NTT 1996年协议中的工地,一个研发中心,以现场为中心以西的新的马来西亚政府, 普特拉贾亚.The catalyst is the agreement by NTT in 1996 to site an R&D center at a site to the west of the new Malaysian administration center, Putrajaya.

多媒体发展公司(当时称为人力发展委员会),该机构监督实施的海安在赛城位于监督创造。 Multimedia Development Corporation (then known as MDC), the agency overseeing the implementation of the MSC was located in Cyberjaya to oversee the creation. 房地产实施了私有化,以Cyberview私人有限公司(Cyberview)于1997年初。 The real estate implementation was privatized to Cyberview Sdn Bhd (Cyberview) in early 1997. 当时,Cyberview成立一家合资组成,实体,如实达建筑Haruman私人有限公司(SHSB),日本电话电报公司(NTT) 金希望,MDeC,国民投资5347有限公司(PNB的)和Kumpulan达鲁尔阿尔伊赫桑有限公司(KDEB ),代表雪兰莪州政府。 At the time, Cyberview was set up a joint-venture comprising entities such as Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd (SHSB), Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT), Golden Hope,MDeC,Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) and Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB), representative of the Selangor Government. SHSB,一个财团包括玲珑,地标,MKLand和国家高地,被要求带头方面的发展。 SHSB, a consortium comprising Renong, Landmarks, MKLand and Country Heights, was asked to take the lead regarding the development. lb政府联公司马来西亚电信公司和国家能源拉夫提供电信和电力供应设施。 Federal government linked companies Telekom Malaysia and Tenaga Nasional were conscripted to provide the telecommunication and power supply infrastructure. 这个雄心勃勃的计划是发展的{dy}阶段,分别由2006年1,430 hactares,其余1460公顷,待开发后,2011年。 The ambitious plan was to develop the first phase, comprising 1,430 hactares by year 2006, with the remaining 1,460 hectares to be developed after year 2011. 工程管理顾问,Pengurusan Lebuhraya有限公司(现马来西亚收购奥珀斯国际)被任命为负责管理的公用事业和基础设施建设,监督和重大的Peremba建筑公司美国工程师马来西亚(非应邀电子讯息).The engineering management consultant, Pengurusan Lebuhraya Bhd (now acquired by Opus International Malaysia) was appointed to manage the construction of utilities and infrastructure, overseeing major construction firms of Peremba and United Engineers Malaysia (UEM).

The central theme for the development is providing a quantum jump in standards, summarized as follows:

多媒体中心的{lx1}优势,将吸引{sjj}的多媒体/资讯科技公司; a leading edge multimedia centre that will attract world-class multimedia/IT companies;
先进和完善的设施,{zxj}的集成化基础设施和IT系统;及 sophisticated and state-of-the-art integrated infrastructure and IT system; and
与公共交通重点完善和有效的运输系统 sophisticated and efficient transportation systems with an emphasis on public transport
然而,由于1997年底的亚洲金融危机中,承诺被视为不再可行,并需要政府采取的55%和15%以上由SHSB和NTT分别举行通过财务公司(财政部部长Cyberview股份公司的股份)。 However, due to the late 1997 Asian financial crisis, the undertaking was deemed no longer viable and necessitated the Government taking over of the 55% and 15% stake in Cyberview shares held by SHSB and NTT respectively via the Ministry of Finance Inc (MOF Inc). 这项交易给了财政部公司70%的股份,Cyberview一直是政府拥有的公司至今。 The transaction gave MOF Inc a 70% stake and Cyberview has remained a government-owned company ever since. Cyberview然后进入到一个与SHSB与包括绿野集团(CHHB),地标,梅纳拉恩本(1 MKLand控公司)与玲珑(股东协议,现在UEM世界)的25%相等的股份;给予SHSB赛城的发展权作为主开发商,而Cyberview成为地主。 Cyberview then entered into an agreement with SHSB with shareholders comprising Country Heights Holdings Berhad (CHHB), Landmarks, Menara Embun (an MKLand Controlled Company) and Renong (now UEM World) with equal shares of 25%; granting SHSB the right to develop Cyberjaya as the master developer, while Cyberview became the landowner. 2004年,CHHB和地标售出其在SHSB的股权MKLand控制的公司,即现代伊甸园(12.5%),令人印象深刻的电路(12.5%)和虚拟路径(25%),在MKLand控制的公司成为大股东造成对SHSB。 In 2004, CHHB and Landmarks sold their equity interest in SHSB to MKLand-controlled companies, namely Modern Eden (12.5%), Impressive Circuits (12.5%) and Virtual Path (25%), resulting in MKLand-controlled companies becoming the majority shareholder of SHSB. 由于SHSB的股东不愿注入SHSB自己的储备,该公司批出合约的做法,在高地价,SHSB不得不采取了大量dk。 Due to SHSB's shareholders' reluctance to inject their own reserves into SHSB and the company's practice of awarding contracts at high premiums, SHSB had to take up substantial loans. 这导致了其资产负债比率膨胀到不可持续的数额。 This has led to its gearing ratio ballooning to an unsustainable amount. Cyberview当时要求政府为挽救疲弱的SHSB导致Cyberview的发挥更大的作用。 Cyberview was then asked by the Government to rescue the ailing SHSB that led to Cyberview's expanded role.

Cyberview的实施起了关键作用,包括各种发展和政府的措施,而SHSB其作为主发展商的角色进行。 Cyberview's role grew to include implementing various development and government initiatives, while SHSB carried on its role as the master developer. 除了这个,Cyberview的任务还包括进行全市范围的维修和矛头投资者界面和赛城社区为中心的方案。 In addition to this, Cyberview was also tasked to undertake city-wide maintenance and spearhead investor interface and community-centric programmes in Cyberjaya.

体育发展 || Physical development
跨越约28.94(7,000英亩)平方公里的面积,这个镇的多媒体超级走廊(MSC)的细胞核或现在的海安马来西亚zm。 Spanning an area of about 28.94 square kilometres (7,000 acres), the town is the nucleus of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) or now known as MSC Malaysia. 该网站主要是为赛城未开发土地的油棕榈种植园组成。 The site for Cyberjaya was primarily undeveloped land consisting of oil palm plantations. 因为看到它包括一个精品酒店,众多的商业大厦,为MSC地位公司办事处的广泛建设活动;大学,社区俱乐部和地方当局的总部。 It has since seen extensive building activities including a boutique hotel, numerous commercial buildings, offices for MSC Status companies; universities, a community club and the headquarters for the local authority.

它建为未来的城市,但实现这个目标,没有实际的目标已经公布。 It was built to be the city of the future, but no actual goals towards this end have been announced. 多媒体发展公司(MDeC)(前MDC)的,该机构与带头MSC的进步也有其负责的赛城中心的总部。 The Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) (formerly MDC), the agency tasked with spearheading the MSC's progress also has its headquarters in the heart of Cyberjaya.

办公室和商业设施 || Office and commercial facilities

赛城。 Cyberjaya. 甲公司为海安谁奖励资格人数已迁移到赛城。 A number of companies who qualify for MSC incentives have relocated their operations to Cyberjaya. 其中包括戴尔,惠普,DHL公司,萨蒂扬,Wipro公司,汇丰银行,爱立信,摩托罗拉,华侨银行,宝马,IBM公司,壳牌公司的IT,惠普,,Vivanova系统的反洗钱网络及其他应变中心。 Among them are Dell, HP, DHL, Satyam, Wipro, HSBC, Ericsson, Motorola, OCBC, BMW, IBM, Shell IT, HP, , Vivanova Systems, the Response Centre of The Anti Money Laundering Network and others. 目前,超过500 MSC地位公司坐落在这里的业务,使乡镇迅速增长的领域。 Currently, over 500 MSC Status companies have located their operations here, making the township a rapidly growing area.

今天,赛城的数家政府机构,如马来西亚的公共服务和雪邦市议会处。 Today, Cyberjaya are home for several government agencies such as Malaysian Department of Public Services and Sepang Municipal Council.

教育设施 || Education facilities

多媒体大学.Multimedia University.早期的赛城的一个组成部分,是多媒体大学 ,当地人把它称为MMU的。 An early component of Cyberjaya was the Multimedia University,known locally as MMU. 该大学在赛城入学率目前约为20277学生。 The university's enrolment in Cyberjaya is currently about 20,277 students. 大约19%是来自80个国家的国际学生。 Approximately 19% of these are international students from 80 countries. 学院各部门包括工程,资讯科技,创意多媒体与管理。 Faculty departments include Engineering, Information Technology, Creative Multimedia and Management. 赛城一样,在2007年10 MMU的转身。 Like Cyberjaya, MMU turned 10 in 2007. 它在马来西亚赛城校园开设的{dy}个赛城智能城市,7月8日1999年。 Its Cyberjaya campus opened in Malaysia's first intelligent city of Cyberjaya, on 8 July 1999. 这个校区是第四心血结晶该国的总理 ,敦博士马哈蒂尔 ,作为该中心的学习和研究的多媒体超级走廊 (MSC)的,750平方公里的面积划为国家高技术研究和产业。 This campus was the brainchild of the country's fourth Prime Minister,Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,as a center of learning and research for the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), a 750 km² area designated as the country's high-tech research and industrial area. 海安校园之间的关系和拟相似的关系加州大学伯克利分校和斯坦福大学的分享硅谷.The relationship between the campus and the MSC is intended to be similar to the relationships UC Berkeley and Stanford University share with the Silicon Valley.后来,他要求管理人员变更名称,在Universiti电信多媒体大学。 Later, he requested the management to change the name of Universiti Telekom to Multimedia University. 在{dy}个五年成立以来,该大学的学生总人口的年增长超过1万元的两个校区。 Within the first five years of its founding, the university's total student population grew beyond 10,000 in both campuses.

这所大学是其成员老子 ,一所大学在国际{lx1}的网络欧洲和亚洲.The university is a member of LAOTSE,an international network of leading universities in Europe and Asia.

人口得到了长足的林国荣创意科技大学开幕。 The population received a boost when the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology opened. 它目前拥有大约9000名学生,包括来自60多个国家的世界各地的外国学生。 It now has about 9,000 students including foreign students from more than 60 countries around the world.

最近增加2006年的赛城包括赛城大学医学科学学院最近已开放报名。 Recent additions to Cyberjaya in 2006 includes the Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences which has recently opened for enrolment. 另外,有一个赛寇拉拿督斯里布蒂这是一个国家中全部寄宿学校(马来语:赛寇拉Berasrama Penuh)女童。 Also, there is a Sekolah Seri Puteri which is a National Secondary Full Boarding School (Malay: Sekolah Berasrama Penuh) for girls.

为了应付人口儿童失学赛城的一般,也有初级赛寇拉二者都是赛城及中学(赛寇拉Menengah赛城)在赛城提供的公立学校。 To cater for schoolgoing children of the general population of Cyberjaya, there are also primary Sekolah Kebangsaan Cyberjaya & secondary (Sekolah Menengah Cyberjaya) public schools provided in Cyberjaya. 学生人数分别为350和750为小学和中学。 The student population is about 350 and 750 for the primary & the secondary schools respectively.

公共设施 || Public facilities
作为一个新兴乡,赛城现在有一个警署,一个消防局(邦巴)。 As an emerging township, Cyberjaya now has a Police Station Complex, and a Fire Station (Bomba). 此外,其他已建成的公共设施是包括一个微小的休闲公园旁的多媒体大学 ,在赛城社区俱乐部 ,体育场馆(体育设施,它提供室外),巴士站,行人天桥及行人灯号路口横过道路和700多个免费停车泊位。 Apart from that, other public amenities which are already completed includes a small recreational park just next to Multimedia University,the Cyberjaya Community Club,the Sports Arena (which offers outdoor sports facilities), bus shelters, pedestrian walkways and signalised pedestrian crossing at road junctions and more than 700 free parking bays.

游乐设施 || Recreation facilities
公园 || Parks
在赛城湖花园是一个400英亩(1.6 平方公里 )'绿肺赛城'的。 The Cyberjaya Lake Gardens is a 400-acre (1.6 km 2 ) 'green lung' for Cyberjaya. 目前,约86英亩(35万平方米)的土地已被开发的,设施,包括访客的信息中心,浮桥了望塔,儿童游乐场,15亩(6.1万米2)主要湖泊和29英亩(120,000平方米)自然和湿地。 Presently, about 86 acres (350,000 m 2 ) of the land has been developed with facilities including Visitor's Information Centre, Boardwalk, Look-Out Tower, children's playground, 15 acres (61,000 m 2 ) of main lake and 29 acres (120,000 m 2 ) of natural and wetland. 该湖花园现在正在在本地市民的欢迎。 The Lake Gardens is now gaining popularity amongst the local community. 许多社区活动,包括钓鱼比赛,吸引了数以千计的这个湖参加。 Many community events including fishing competitions have attracted thousands to this lake to participate. 2007年9月,第50的赛城默迪卡嘉年华庆祝活动便吸引了4000多名垂钓者,它是作为由记录马来西亚{zd0}的捕鱼竞争预订登记。 In September 2007, the Cyberjaya 50th Merdeka Carnival Celebration has attracted more than 4,000 anglers and it was registered as the biggest fishing competition by the Malaysia Book of Records.

其他户外娱乐设施包括迷你公园,毗邻多媒体大学3.5公里的海滨长廊面积旁边的布城湖和体育竞技场它提供超过360免费停车泊位,1个篮球场,1个网球场,2个室内足球法庭,一个足球场和一个小食品法庭。 Other outdoor recreational facilities include the mini park, located adjacent to the Multimedia University; the 3.5 km promenade area next to the Putrajaya Lake and the Sports Arena which offers more than 360 free parking bays, 1 basketball court, 1 tennis court, 2 futsal courts, a football field and a small food court.

对于室内康乐设施,社区俱乐部的赛城,由Cyberview发展,一直是聚集点,其中有一些来自外部赛城。 For indoor recreational facilities, the Cyberjaya Community Club, developed by Cyberview, has been the point of congregation for many including some from outside Cyberjaya. 随着2五人制球场,2个羽毛球场,健身房和2个壁球场,包括篮球场,2个网球场室内和户外康乐设施,游泳池,小型赛车场和高尔夫球练习场,是蜂巢的活动,特别是在下午五时三十分。 With 2 futsal courts, 2 badminton courts, a gymnasium and 2 squash courts; all indoor and outdoor recreational facilities including basketball court, 2 tennis courts, swimming pool, a go-kart circuit and golf driving range; it is a hive of activities, especially after 5.30 pm.

夜生活 || Nightlife
虽然一些公司在赛城每天24小时运作,在赛城的夜生活可以进一步改善。 While some companies in Cyberjaya operate 24 hours a day, nightlife in Cyberjaya can be further improved. 有啤酒花和葡萄(一酒吧位于世纪广场)和Treehaus(在Cyberview别墅度假村 )。 There is Hops and Grapes (a pub located at Century Square) and Treehaus (at Cyberview Lodge Resort and Spa ). 咖啡店特许经营“ 老镇白咖啡 “也进入了在B楼及现场普瑞玛大街和其经营的24 / 7。 The Coffee Shop franchise " Old Town White Coffee " has also entered the F&B scene at Prima Avenue and its operated 24/7. 哈桑的咖啡厅和德阿里夫是其他2食肆经营的24 / 7。 Hassan's Cafe and D'Arif are the other 2 food outlets which operate 24/7.

{zx1}增加的赛城的夜景是朋友咖啡厅,Siagol,麦的,js中马驹和RIM,这是由马来西亚印度穆斯林社区拥有shoplets,他们是开放24 / 7以及。 Latest additions to the Cyberjaya night scene are Buddies Cafe,Siagol,Mak Teh,JS Maju and RIM, these are shoplets owned by the Malaysian Indian Muslim community, they are opened 24/7 as well. 人们可以享受与朋友深夜聚会,或只是简单地对许多工作餐谁在赛城周围的各跨国公司的夜班会议。 One can enjoy late night gathering sessions with friends or just simply a meal for many who work the night shifts in the various multinational companies around Cyberjaya.

交通 || Transportation
在完成的吉隆坡,布城公路 2007年12月已缩短了从吉隆坡旅游汽车赛城时间为20分钟。 The completion of the KL-Putrajaya Highway in December 2007 has cut short the travelling time by car from Kuala Lumpur to Cyberjaya to 20 minutes. 吉隆坡-布城高速公路允许路线从吉隆坡驾车沿其地方和其他各种去吉隆坡国际机场(KLIA) 30分钟内。 The KL - Putrajaya Highway allows motorists from Kuala Lumpur and various other places along its alignment to get to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) within 30 minutes. 该公路的广场结束在普特拉贾亚他马费联系起来的优秀高速公路 ,届时将让驾驶者只有10分钟到达吉隆坡国际机场。 The Highway which ends at the Putrajaya Utama toll plaza links up to the Elite Highway which will then give motorist only another 10 minutes to get to KLIA. 然而,一个仍然需要约30分钟,从赛城至吉隆坡国际机场。 However, one still needs about 30 minutes to travel to KLIA from Cyberjaya. 司机也有免费的替代路线现在随着B15座路延伸,通过Dengkil和班达尔巴鲁萨拉克吉丁宜传递完成。 Drivers also have a toll-free alternative route now with the completion of the B15 Road extension that passes through Dengkil and Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi. 南北高速公路中环线(也称为精英公路 )和北巴生谷高速公路(NKVE)将实现从赛城的行车时间,巴生港,该国的主要港口,以少于一小时。 The North-South Expressway Central Link (also known as ELITE Highway ) and the North Klang Valley Expressway (NKVE) will make the travelling time from Cyberjaya to Port Klang, the nation's main port to be less than one hour.

除了上述提到的公路,赛城也与城镇其他主要高速公路包括白沙罗,蒲种高速公路(wp课程考试),巴生谷南高速公路(SKVE)和北南高速公路(NSE)的.Other than the above mentioned highways, Cyberjaya is also linked to other major towns by expressways including Damansara-Puchong Expressway (DPE),South Klang Valley Expressway (SKVE) and the North South Expressway (NSE).

吉隆坡国际机场快捷号提供高速铁路(铁)运输服务,赛城和布城。 KLIA Ekspress provides express rail link (ERL) transit service to Cyberjaya and Putrajaya. 由于这两个城市的密切关系,两者都有同样站是在位于普特拉贾亚。 Due to the closeness of the these two cities, both share the same station which is located in Putrajaya. 有接驳巴士,从运行到休息普特拉贾亚仙特拉布城和赛城。 There are feeder buses that run from the Putrajaya Sentral to rest of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. 这些巴士定时以配合火车的服务和旅费令吉圆圈内的时间。 These buses are timed to match with the timing of the train services and cost RM1 for travel within the circle.

为了进一步改善,尤其是工作人口向城市的无障碍,Cyberview发起的赛城专用交通系统,与运行在巴生谷,万津,巴生及芙蓉重要的枢纽航线。 To further improve the accessibility to the city, especially for the working population, Cyberview has initiated the Cyberjaya Dedicated Transportation System, with routes running to important hubs within the Klang Valley, Banting, Klang and Seremban. 该服务运行24小时,每周7天的巴士与国家的{zxj}的跟踪和监测系统的设备配备,以确保该服务的及时性和乘客的安全。 The service runs 24-hours, 7 days a week and the buses are equipped with state-of-the-art tracking devices and monitoring systems to help ensure timeliness of the service and passenger safety.

为了改善市内交通系统内部,Cyberview推出了免费停车换乘系统,设有一个供那些希望停泊在指定赛城免费停车区和出入城市的各个领域可行的选择。 To improve the internal transportation system within the city, Cyberview has launched a free Park & Ride system which operates a viable alternative for those wishing to park at the designated free parking areas in Cyberjaya and commuting to the various areas of the city.

赛城还设有一个巴士站,货运站的赛城闻名。 Cyberjaya also features a single bus terminal, known as the Cyberjaya Transport Terminal. 出租车也可在赛城交通码头。 Taxis are also available at the Cyberjaya Transport Terminal.

邻近的布城仙特拉交通枢纽提供巴士路线从传统新华社万达广场 (U43)和沙登区KTM车队Komuter (U42);高速巴士路线,以惹苏尔坦穆罕默德,吉隆坡(E1)和本地总线(U429),作为从接驳服务普特拉贾亚仙特拉到赛城。 The neighbouring transportation hub of Putrajaya Sentral provides conventional bus routes from Bandar Utama ( U43 ) and Serdang KTM Komuter ( U42 ); Express Bus Route to Jalan Sultan Mohamad, Kuala Lumpur ( E1 ) and the Local Bus ( U429 ) as a feeder service from Putrajaya Sentral to Cyberjaya.

居住区 || Residential areas
截至2005年,赛城仍缺乏来自德茉莉重大公寓住宅物业外,公寓和排屋的Cyberia。 As of 2005, Cyberjaya still lacks significant residential properties apart from the D'Melor condos, the Cyberia condo and townhouses. 在去该地区的人口,这结果上班族下班回家时,每天晚上。 This results in de-population of the area when office workers commute home every night.

不过,这个问题将很快解决与900多个不同类型的经济适用房住宅单位,分别由Cyberview发射。 However, this issue will be resolved soon with the launch of more than 900 units of affordable housing comprising of various type houses by Cyberview. 这种发展,这将分期发展,预计将有超过3600名居民人口一旦得到充分发展。 This development, which will be developed in phases, is expected to have a population of more than 3,600 residents once it is fully developed.

温泉度假村的Cyberview洛奇也有一些别墅管理他们,这只是马路对面离温泉酒店。 The Cyberview Lodge Spa Resorts also have a few Villas managed by them, which are situated just across the road from the Spa Hotel. 该别墅的名称是Cyberview花园别墅.The name of the Villas is Cyberview Garden Villas.他们提供短期和长期住宿的公寓。 They offer apartments for both short and longer stays. 酒店接待了所有需要的信息。 The hotel reception has all the required information.

人口 || Population
大多数人在赛城的生活是知识工人在位于乡镇以及来自多媒体大学的学生,超过400家公司,林国荣创意科技(LUCT)和赛城大学医学科学院(CUCMS)大学。 Most people living in Cyberjaya are knowledge workers in the more than 400 companies located in the township as well as students from Multimedia University, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) and Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS).

此外,那些谁往返赛城通常生活在附近的赛城地区由于成本高。 Apart from that, those who commute to Cyberjaya normally live in the areas nearby to Cyberjaya due to high costs. 因此,许多工作或居住在赛城就读于正常Dengkil ,哥打新传统(一郊区叻丁宜 ), 沙登区,斯里兰卡Kembangan,布城,蒲种及加影.Thus, many working or studying in Cyberjaya normally live in Dengkil,Kota Warisan (a suburb of Salak Tinggi ), Serdang,Sri Kembangan,Putrajaya,Puchong and Kajang.

在赛城天人口约37,000,但越来越少,因为只有1.0万居民(当然,公司经营的知识工人'全日24小时)。 The day population in Cyberjaya is about 37,000 but the number dwindles, as there are only 10,000 residents (and of course, the knowledge workers of the companies operate 'round-the-clock). 对于一些多国经营约24小时的公司,要像往常一样工作,甚至在夜晚的宁静。 For some multi-national companies operating around-the-clock, it is work as usual even during the quiet of the night.

技术特点 || Technological features
赛城计划作为一个信息和通信技术和多媒体产业,研发中心,一个多媒体大学及营运总部为希望指示其全球生产和贸易活动中使用多媒体技术的跨国公司智能城市。 Cyberjaya is planned as an intelligent city with ICT and multimedia industries, R&D centers, a Multimedia University and operational headquarters for multinationals wishing to direct their worldwide manufacturing and trading activities using multimedia technology.

为此,使用了先进的技术,混合一些结果。 Toward this end, leading edge technologies were used, some with mixed results. 除了上述提到的赛城专用交通系统,赛城博客是另一种以技术为基础已经到位的特点成功实施的例子。 In addition to the successful implementation of the above-mentioned Cyberjaya Dedicated Transportation System, the Cyberjaya blog is another example of the technology-based features that have been put in place.

通信 || Communications
为了支持申办的愿望多媒体产业,赛城被指定的广泛和深入的光纤电缆。 To support the aspiration to host multimedia industries, Cyberjaya was specified with extensive and intensive fibre optic cabling. 作为马来西亚sqyz的资讯科技枢纽,赛城有一个通信主干上运行的赛城城域光纤网(CMFN)已知光纤为主。 As Malaysia's premier IT hub, Cyberjaya has a communication backbone running primarily on fibre optics known as Cyberjaya Metro Fibre Network (CMFN). CMFN提供了直接光纤连接的建设,在“光纤到大楼(FTTB的)”和“光纤到到户(光纤到户)”的概念。 CMFN delivers the fiber connectivity straight to the building under the concepts of “Fibre-To-The-Building (FTTB)” and “Fibre-To-The-Home(FTTH)”. 随着环拓扑结构,它保证了整个网络的wq冗余。 With the ring topology; it secures full redundancy throughout the network. 因此,许多数据中心都设在这里。 As such, many data centres are located here. 但是,一些商业和住宅单位仍使用铜线,提供“{zh1}一公里”接入的客户。 However, some commercial and residential units still use copper lines to provide "last mile" access to customers. 覆盖的无线宽带接入和固定线路是现成的。 Broadband access covering wireless and fixed line is readily available. 宽带接入服务主要由城市宽带(以太网宽带,比Fibreoptic),TMnet,MyKris,日本NTT海安(原ARCNET的) ,最近空气宽带已宣布其为试点计划测试赛城的Wimax.Broadband access is serviced primarily by City Broadband (Ethernet Broadband-Over-Fibreoptic),TMnet,MyKris,NTT MSC(formerly ARCnet) and recently Air Broadband which has announced its test pilot plans in Cyberjaya for Wimax.

备份供电 || Backup electrical supply
在赛城的规划指引强烈需要从两个不同的变电站两间电力连接。 The Cyberjaya planning guidelines strongly required two electricity connections from two separate substations. 柴油发电机满负荷高达除空调负荷()被指定要在所有商业楼宇安装。 Diesel generators up to full load (except air conditioning load) were specified to be installed in all commercial buildings. 连接电网的电力还组织,使“权力孤岛 “和支持沙登区电站.The electricity grid connection was also organized to enable “power islanding ” and supported by the Serdang Power Station.的电力服务标准是99.99%,以10秒{zd0}可用性的办公,商业领域和最多15分钟的住宅区中断中断。 The electricity service standard is set at 99.99% availability with maximum of 10 seconds interruption for office and commercial areas and maximum 15 minutes interruption for residential areas. 这些措施的梦想提供了对多媒体超级走廊以外的其他地区的相对优势,赛城。 These measures were dreamed up to provide Cyberjaya with a comparative advantage against other areas outside the Multimedia Super Corridor. 不过,国家能源扩大了同样的标准来连接到马来西亚国家电网所有城市地区。 However, Tenaga Nasional has extended the same standard to all urban areas connected to the National Grid in Malaysia.

关于2007年6月26日公布的准备,尽管,赛城经历了超过30分钟全城电力outtage。 On 26 June 2007, despite the advertised preparedness, Cyberjaya experienced a city-wide power outtage for more than 30 minutes. 官方没有说明原因的outtage。 No official reason was given for the outtage.

地区降温 || District cooling
该地区使用的冷却系统,来自中央工厂冷冻水提供空调运行,奠定了广泛的中心区。 The use of district cooling system, where chilled water from a central plant is provided to run the air conditioning, was laid extensively in the central district. 该承诺是对非高峰期用电节约使用,以夜间寒冷的白天空调用水。 The promise is the economical use of off-peak electricity at night to chill water for the air conditioning use during the day. Pendinginan Megajana私人有限公司,一期Cyberview子公司,是这项服务提供商。 Pendinginan Megajana Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Cyberview, is the provider for this service.

城市指挥中心 || City Command Centre
在隆重命名为市指挥中心( C3I系统 )计划作为控制中心,监测城市服务和市政府提供的公共服务。 The grandly named City Command Centre ( C3I ) is planned as a control centre to monitor city services and provide municipal government services to the public. 如高级系统监控系统,地理信息系统 ,市政系统和电子支付系统安装。 Advanced systems such as SCADA,GIS,municipal systems and electronic payment systems were installed. 政府现正研究改善营商模式,这一设施的执行情况。 The Government is now looking into improving the business model and implementation of this facility.

数据中心 || Data centres
几个数据中心运作,赛城。 Several data centres operate in Cyberjaya. 值得注意的是那些由壳牌,依据湾,日本NTT海安,宝马和敦豪经营。 Notable are those operated by Shell, Basis Bay, NTT MSC, BMW and DHL. 一个小规模的数据中心中小型企业(SMEs)的理想是中小企业高科技企业家中心位于赛城中小型企业的数据中心机架的位置,提供单位(RLU)空间租用和服务器托管。 A small scale Data Centre ideal for Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is located at SME Technopreneur Center Cyberjaya SME Data Centre that provides Rack Location Unit (RLU) space rental and server co-location. 也有{zd0}的运营商中立,高建数据中心的最终目的的设施,CX1和CX2赛城,中,即由脑脊液顾问有限公司管理,集团成员脑脊液脑脊液组 There is also the largest carrier neutral, high-end purpose built data centre facilities, CX1 and CX2, in Cyberjaya, that is managed by CSF Advisers, a member of CSF Group plc CSF Group

呼叫中心 || Call centres
几个呼叫中心运作,赛城。 Several call centres operate in Cyberjaya. 名人是指由经营EDS公司,IBM公司,汇丰银行和敦豪.Notables are those operated by EDS,IBM,HSBC and DHL.

办公室空间 || Office space
最初的8块建办公楼的开发商。 Initially 8 blocks of office buildings were built by the developer. 这些都是建立多媒体的目的是为公司提供额外的高度上限和地板下的中继(有一些活动地板 ), 光纤线路,双冗余电源, 不间断电源和备份马来西亚发电机为整个电力负荷,实践中常见的只有30%的负载。 These are purpose built for multimedia companies by being provided extra height ceiling and under floor trunking (some with raised floor ), fibre optic wiring, dual redundant power supply, uninterruptible power supply and back up generators for whole electricity load, which common practice in Malaysia is only to 30% load.

目前,有超过30个完成了赛城办公楼饮食多住户以及单租户。 Presently, there are more than 30 completed office buildings in Cyberjaya catering for multi tenants as well as single tenants. 政府机构的存在也将增加,一旦国家银行数据中心和道路及运输部的资讯科技中心的落成的楼宇。 The presence of Government agencies will also increase once the Bank Negara Data Centre and Road and Transport Department's IT Centre buildings are completed.

这个城市也期待着对知识型员工发展学会(KWDI)开发和创新多媒体集群,都是由Cyberview,这是在2009年完成。 This city is also looking forward to the development of the Knowledge Workers Development Institute (KWDI) and the Creative Multimedia Cluster, both by Cyberview, which are targeted for completion in 2009.

参考文献 || References
城市及乡村规划部,马来西亚(2000年), 城市设计指引赛城,吉隆坡,马来西亚 :雪兰莪州城市及乡村规划部 Town & Country Planning Department, Malaysia (2000), Urban Design Guidelines for Cyberjaya,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : Selangor Town & Country Planning Department  
多媒体发展公司(2003年),指导方针和电信基础设施及海安设施供应建筑物 吉隆坡,马来西亚 :多媒体发展公司 Multimedia Development Corporation (2003), Guidelines on Telecommunication Infrastructure & Facilities Provisioning for Buildings in MSC,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : Multimedia Development Corporation  
智能城市得到居民的赞许 ,天星,2006年11月25日 Intelligent city gets residents' thumbs up,The Star, November 25, 2006
政府就收回私人有限公司RM242万InventQjaya ,天星,2006年7月8日 Government moves to recover RM242 million from InventQjaya Sdn Bhd,The Star, July 8, 2006
CSF组,东南亚{zd0}的航空公司中性高建数据中心的最终目的 CSF Group, South East Asia's Largest Carrier Neutral High-End Purpose Built Data Center

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