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作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-13 浏览:255






产品不需要在生产?墉峰塑胶有限公司陕西和河南漯河市塑料厂有关负责人wq一样的答案:公司的原因不想要设置的可降解塑料薄膜生产脚下,塑料布首先,一般持续低迷业务,不得迁入可降解塑料的研究和开发更多的钱。第二,尽管降解塑料喊了几十年,但实际经验,正由整个承认仍然非常罕见降解塑料。 2003年,数家公司曾声称对降解塑料薄膜的产品,使用后的结果,农民大呼上当。在对广大农民心中的阴影事件依然存在,如果企业可降解塑料薄膜独立的生产,将投入巨大的产品前的宣传,发展和资本,风险宣传,这资金会对塑料薄膜拉伸国内企业是不能接受的。三是真正大的规模化生产可降解塑料企业很少,企业的塑料布,甚至想从事降解农膜生产,没有足够保证的原材料。第四,可降解塑料技术和工艺路线尚未wq成熟,还没有具体的降解塑料薄膜的标准,在可降解塑料薄膜从事生产,企业将承受很大的技术风险。第五,在该国尽管鼓励降解塑料的发展,但具体的激励政策不出台,由于降解塑料薄膜的成本高,自然价格高,但根据国内市场现状现状,促进更多的困难,当时该公司将不再是政策和资金支持,必将造成巨大损失。因此,有农民热盼,企业冷漠的情况。

但专家认为,中国每年使用450多万吨塑料薄膜和超过5%的平均增长速度,这样的危险越来越膜,塑料薄膜的退化将是巨大的商业机会。特别是与国家的惠农政策不断完善,购买力和科学种田意识的增强广大农民,未来的电影市场,必将主宰的降解膜。因此,对农膜的降解塑料生产商呼吁广大人民群众的早期干预的研究和开发的专家,以便采取主动下竞争。同时,呼吁尽快鼓励发展和降解塑料生产的政策改变政府尽快为了让城市的非降解塑料薄膜产品的情况。 06.8.30

Degradation of plastic sheeting why the city has no goods

Huicong net plastic inquiry: s remarks.

Choi Fung said the After the common newspapers and television referred to the degradation of plastic sheeting, but the market is not in stock.

If one day can really见着degradable plastic sheeting, even if the price a little expensive, we are also happy to buy. Dali County of Shaanxi Province are well-known high-quality cotton base Country counties, nearly 50 million mu of cotton acreage, of plastic sheeting covering an area of 35 hectares, together with peanuts, watermelon, vegetables such as using plastic film, the annual consumption of plastic sheeting 6000 tons. Journalist in the county of West Zhai Xiang, Xiang Shanian, step-Chang Township, Township伯士survey, farmers are eager to access to save time and manpower, leaving pieces of the degradation of plastic sheeting.

Well, currently there is no degradation of plastic sheeting have in the end? Degradation of plastic sheeting production has achieved a large scale? It is understood that in our country in the last century 70s research and development of degradable plastics made gratifying progress in recent years.

currently has entered the pilot or mass production of the main species have starch-based, Canadian-type calcium carbonate filled, modified PVA, such as several ten degradable plastics, a Ningbo Cheonan Biological Material Co., Ltd., Tianjin State Rhyme Biological Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Shantou Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. in conjunction billion dozens of degradable plastics and other manufacturing enterprises, as well as the Guangdong-fang肇庆华degradable plastics company, Yantai, Shandong Yangxin Central Green biodegradable plastic company, Heilongjiang Suihua Green biodegradable plastic such as Central 1 batch degradation of film production enterprises. At the same time, China successfully developed with independent intellectual property rights, technology leader in the world of plastic APC biomass production process. Unfortunately, domestic engaged in the production of degradable plastics main production enterprise of Chinese medicine, electronics, home appliances such as value-added products, packaging, and the realization of large-scale production of degradable plastic sheeting few enterprises. Why Farmer

Product is not needed in production? Yong Feng Plastic Co., Ltd. Shaanxi and Henan Luohe City Plastic Factory relevant person in charge exactly the same answer: The reason why companies do not want to set foot in the production of degradable plastic sheeting, plastic sheeting first, the general downturn in business, no more money into degradable plastics research and development. Second, although degradable plastics are shouting for decades, but the actual experience of being recognized by the whole is still very uncommon for degradable plastics. In 2003 several companies had previously claimed their products for the degradation of plastic sheeting, the results of Farmer大呼上当after use. The incident in the shadow of the hearts of the majority of farmers still exist, if an enterprise separate production of degradable plastic sheeting, will be invested enormous Products pre-publicity, development and promotion of capital, risk, and this funding would have on the plastic sheeting stretched domestic enterprises is unacceptable. Three is the true large-scale production of biodegradable plastic rarely enterprises, of plastic sheeting business even want to engage in the production of degradable plastic sheeting, and there is not enough to guarantee the raw materials. Fourth, degradable plastics technology and process route is not yet fully ripe, are also not specifically the degradation of plastic sheeting standards, engaged in the production of degradable plastic sheeting, enterprises will be under enormous technical risk. Fifth, in spite of the country to encourage the development of degradable plastics, but the specific incentive policy is not introduced, and the degradation due to the high cost of plastic sheeting, natural prices higher, but the domestic market in accordance with the current status quo, promoting more difficult, when the company will no longer be policy and financial support, it is bound to cause enormous losses. And therefore there have been peasant热盼, corporate indifference situation.

but experts believe that Chinas annual use of more than 450 thousand tons of plastic film, and more than 5% average annual rate of growth, the dangers become more and more film, degradation of plastic sheeting will be huge business opportunities. Especially with the country Huinong policy continued to be refined, the majority of farmers purchasing power and enhancement of awareness of scientific farming, the future film market is bound to dominate the film from degradation. Therefore, the experts called for the broad masses of plastic manufacturers of plastic sheeting degradation early intervention research and development in order to take the initiative to the next competition. At the same time, appeal to the Government as soon as possible to encourage the development and production of degradable plastics policy changed as soon as possible in order to have the city of non-degradable plastic sheeting goods situation. (06-8-30)

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