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模具的总市场规模预计将达到500.0亿元« Reuse world

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-13 浏览:186


死于主要原因行业的快速发展:首先,作为汽车的结果,电子业的快速发展,机械行业需要一个强大的拉模具自身的发展;第二,在模具工业的外国投资者数量增加,有一些工业发达国家将模具业对我国进一步明显转变。据不wq统计,中国模具生产企业已达2万多人,雇用了约5000万人,“三资”和私营部门发展迅速。从地域分布看,以珠江三角洲和长江三角洲作为对比中部和西部地区,南方比北方的发展更快的发展,东南沿海地区的中心。增长速度最快,模具生产最集中在广东和浙江两省,约占死亡该国60%以上的价值这两个省份。 2002年1月,{dy}个模具工业股票-铜陵三佳模具公司在专业模具厂数量增加,能力提高。对中国加入世贸组织面临的新形势后,从总体来说,机遇,模具工业应大于挑战。这主要是中国的模具价格比许多工业国家要低得多,有的甚至在国外,价格仅一月3日至1月5日在国际市场,有一定的竞争优势。但汽车覆盖件模具的自我中国的能力也很弱,大多数依靠进口,因此,面临的形势,更严格。

二〇 〇三年将拉




因此,信息技术和其他高科技来改造传统的生产经营模具已成为必然。在2003年一段时间,甚至未来的CAD / CAE / CAM技术,以进一步促进迅速快速原型制造和模具制造速度更快,发展高科技高速铣削和超精密加工和复杂性,进一步利用,促进热流道技术,工具和标准化程度不断提高使用,质量模具的开发和应用材料和先进的表面处理技术的发展,包括虚拟化技术,逆向工程和并行工程等,将模具行业是技术趋势,产品质量的模具。,主要是提高精度和使用寿命使用,而产品将继续成为大型,精密,多合成,gx发展,大力缩短生产周期将增至越来越重要的地位。为此,模具生产企业应注重创新,努力采用高新技术,大力提高他们的水平和产品档次,进一步缩短产品生产周期。此外,还应该加强人员培训,提高素质,进一步吸引外国投资,加强与外国企业之间的交流与合作,以加快结构改革的步伐,实施联合,走集团道路,以改善市场的竞争力。06.8.25

Die total market is expected to reach 50 billion yuan

Chinas mold production has been ranked third in the world.

die quick development of the industry by main reasons: First, as a result of automobiles, the rapid development of the electronics industry and machinery industry needs its own development of a strong pull mold; Second, foreign investors in mold industry increased in volume, a number of industrial developed countries will die industry to our country further apparent shift. According to incomplete statistics, China mold manufacturing enterprises has reached over 20,000, employing about 50 million people, s mold than many industrial countries is much lower, and some even abroad, the price is only 1/3-1/5, in the international market have a certain degree of competitive advantage . but the car cover mold self-capacity in China is also poor, the majority rely on imports, so the situation facing more stringent.

2003 years to be pulling

prospects weakened in 2003 mold the development of the industry from the market watch, relying on domestic demand to promote mold growth can not last long on the industry, the pace of development in 2003 is expected to be lower than in 2002. But the international market situation Yes, this was mainly due to mold this technology, capital, labor-intensive industries, industrialized countries is gradually shrinking, and to, including my own industrial and technological foundation of the country a better transfer. Taken together, projected market size may increase about 13% to the total reached 500 billion yuan. expected to die in 2003 the overall development of the industry growth rate can reach 12% -13%, mold GDP 400 billion. At the same time, the product structure, import and export structure has been further improved, corporate sales revenue, profit and all-personnel labor productivity with a simultaneous increase in output of basic .

existing need to be sorted out

currently exists in the industry to run some of the problems can not be ignored: 1. middle mold of intensified market competition, product prices lower over the quality of products have adverse effects, and reduce a lot of mold manufacturing enterprises benefits. 2. the private sector lending remains difficult, resulting in a slow pace of technological transformation. 3. tooling industry to further develop large-scale, precision, complex, long-life mold required large, sophisticated equipment, most still Can not meet the requirements, and pay for imports of high value-added tax and customs, which to some extent affected the molds and high-tech enterprises adoption. 4. and international levels, mold management backward than the technological backwardness . 5. the whole industry is the shortage of talent, especially in high-grade technical personnel and lack of management talent. Chinas mold industry healthy and rapid development.

Therefore, the use of information technology and other high technology to transform business mold traditional production has become inevitable. in 2003 for a period of time and even the future, CAD / CAE / CAM technology to further promote the rapid prototype manufacturing and rapid tooling manufacturing technology development of faster, high-speed milling and ultra-precision and complexity of further processing using , promote the use of hot runner technology, tooling and continuous improvement in the degree of standardization, quality mold the development and application of materials and surface treatment of advanced technology development, including virtualization technology, reverse engineering and the use of concurrent engineering, etc., will mold the industry are technical trends. in the mold product quality, the main is to improve the accuracy and service life, while products will continue to be large, sophisticated, multi-composite and efficient development, and vigorously to shorten the production cycle will be increased to more and more important position. To this end, the mold manufacturing enterprises should focus on innovation, and strive to adopt high-tech, and vigorously upgrade their levels and grades of products to further shorten the product cycle. In addition, should also strengthen personnel training, improve their quality; further attract foreign investment to strengthen and foreign exchanges and cooperation between enterprises; to accelerate the pace of structural reform, the implementation of the joint and take the group of roads to improve market competitiveness. (06-8-25)

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