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Oil catalytic process technology was a breakthrough in opening a ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-15 浏览:208

If oil is the blood industry, catalytic process technology is an important guarantee for the quality of blood. 20 years ago, academicians Min Rui En Zemin to the amorphous alloy catalyst materials research as a Research Institute of Petroleum-oriented basic research focus of the work. Today, the s oil refining industry turned a new page. The technology won the State Technological Invention Prize in 2005.

According to reports, in the chemical field, the catalyst is the core, reaction engineering is the foundation. Raney nickel catalyst in the current widely used in petroleum refining, Chinas annual consumption of 1 million tons. This catalyst not only in the manufacturing process there is environmental pollution, it has used in tank-type reactor, the reaction is inefficient, difficult to separate. Therefore, catalytic materials, amorphous alloys have been home and abroad, research institutions, universities research hot spots.

break through a uniform magnetic field amplification, as well as a suitable catalytic material such difficult, by amorphous crystalline structure of the catalyst, thus enabling the production of extensive use of Raney nickel catalyst for hydrogenation to achieve a qualitative leap in performance, and the combination of magnetically stabilized bed is technically a uniform magnetic field and the magnetic properties of amorphous alloy catalyst for the formation of magnetically stabilized bed reactor technology, for the first time in the international community realized the amorphous state catalyst and magnetically stabilized bed reactor technology in industrial applications, greatly improved the reaction effect of making our hydrogenation technology to achieve leaps and bounds.

learned that at present the project has applied for 41 patents in China, of which 26 have been authorized to apply for foreign patents 4, in the United States have been authorized in order to establish a complete independent intellectual property rights protection networks. To date, the amorphous alloy catalyst has been used to Sinopec Baling Company caprolactam hydrogenation catalyst for the process of import substitution for the transformation of the foreign subsidiaries of Sinopec Shijiazhuang Refining caprolactam oxidation technology for hydrogenation, but also for a number of drugs hydrogenation of intermediates and glucose production enterprises. Amorphous alloy catalyst and magnetically stabilized bed integration have been used in Sinopec Shijiazhuang Branch. Baling Company, and Sinopec Maoming Company, Luoyang Branch conducted an industrial survey lines, respectively, and completed a pilot test.


如果石油是工业的血液,催化工艺技术,是对血液质量的重要保证。 20年前,两院院士Min芮哦嗯jzm的非晶态合金催化剂材料的研究,作为石油研究所为导向的基础研究工作的重点。今天,“非晶态合金催化剂和磁稳定床反应器技术创新和科技一体化”世界炼油业蓬勃发展翻开了新的一页。该技术在2005年荣获国家技术发明奖。




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