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What attention microwave point? « Industry info 工业信息

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-16 浏览:242

Category:catering food

any attention to-point microwave?

1, microwave ovens Magical seven strokes

1, food, utensils to eat leftover food disinfection to deal with it over and then placed in a microwave oven refrigerator, microwave oven heating before eating then click, you can prevent bacteria survival; on the market to buy back the cooked food, using microwave heating it over and then eat not only can maintain the original flavor of food and nutrition, but also to kill all bacteria, in addition to metal utensils can be used outside the microwave oven to carry out disinfection treatment .

2, dehydrated vegetables, dried vegetables with low-power heated to shrink into a wizened skin-like but a little soft, sealed with a plastic bag packaged preserved food cooking when you can eat after soaking, so that you can eat off season vegetables a.

3, moth mildew precious Chinese herbal medicines on the increase in the microwave to warm, cool sealed in plastic bags, can be long-term storage.

4, food re-crisp cookies, melon seeds, peanuts and other food is oxidized, with microwave treatment can be restored crisp look.

5, rag smell in the kitchen except a smell of the cloth, wash with water after the microwave heating can be disinfected.

6, squeezed fruit juices, such as the citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruit, etc. punctured, at a high temperature heat 15-20 seconds, flip cover, place 1-2 minutes after the hand-rub, cut fruit, can be pressed out of juice.

7, making scented paper towels will be sprayed on a paper towel soaked in lemon juice, placed in microwave oven heated to high temperatures within the maximum power of 20-30 seconds, remove immediately after cooling.

2, use the microwave oven 10 bogey

1, bogey timeout heating: food into the microwave thawing or heating, if forgotten out, if more than 2 hours should not throw away in order to avoid food poisoning.

2, bogey to ordinary plastic container in a microwave oven: First, hot food containers cause deformation of two ordinary plastic will release toxic substances, contamination of food and endanger human health.

3, bogey will be heated to a semi-cooked meat, then with the microwave heating: Because in the half-cooked food was not completely kill the bacteria, even if the refrigerator, the bacteria will grow, the second re-use microwave heating, the As time is short, it is impossible to kill all bacteria. Frozen meat must first thaw in the microwave oven, and then reheating cooked food.

4, bogey use metal utensils: Because the furnace into iron, aluminum, stainless steel, enamel and other metal utensils, microwave oven will be heated with electric spark generated and reflected microwave, oven damage they do both unfamiliar food.

5, bogey and then thawed frozen meat by microwaves: Because meat after thawing in the microwave oven actually has a layer of low-temperature heat outside, and at this temperature bacteria can multiply and then frozen while its propagation can be stopped is not able to kill live bacteria. The meat has been thawed in microwave ovens, and then into the refrigerator if frozen, must be heated to well-done.

6, bogey the use of closed containers: heating the liquid should be used wide mouth containers, because food heated in a closed container is not easy to distribute the heat generated, so that excessive pressure in the container could easily cause a jet blast incidents. Even in the boiling shelled food, but also advance with a needle or chopsticks to pierce the shell membrane in order to avoid heating caused by the bursting of Bengjian dirty furnace wall.

7, bogey to wrap into contact with food: Use fresh film, when, in the heating process is best not to let direct contact with food, food can be placed in large bowl with plastic wrap flat sealed sized or without plastic wrap and the direct use of glass or porcelain cover, so that water vapor can also be sealed, so that rapid heat evenly. Removed before the food can be punctured plastic wrap to prevent it from sticking to the food.

8, bogey fried foods: hot oil occur due to fire caused by flying. If in case a fire accidentally caused by the furnace, when, should not have opened the door, but should first turn off power, open the door until the fire was put out after cooling.

9, bogey the microwave out of the bedroom, while cooling on the microwave oven should be noted that window-gate will not be covered items.

10, a long time in the oven pre-bogey. Open the microwave oven, the person or persons should stay away from the microwave oven microwave oven at least 1 meter above. Pregnant women and children is best not to close to microwave ovens. On the microwave oven should always be cleaned with particular attention to remove residue on the door in order to avoid the door closed due to lax a result of microwave leakage.


类别: 餐饮食品



  1、食品、食具xd 将吃剩的饭菜用微波炉处理一下再放入冰箱,食用前再用微波炉加热一下,可以杜绝xj的生存;市场上买回的熟食,用微波炉加热一下再食用,既可保持食物原有的风味和营养,又可将xj全部杀灭,除金属制品外的食具均可用微波炉来进行xd处理。

  2、蔬菜干燥脱水 把蔬菜用小功率加热至表皮收缩成干瘪状而略软,用塑料袋包装后密封保存,食用时经浸泡即可烹饪食用,这样,就可以吃到过季的蔬菜了。

  3、yw防蛀防霉 贵重中药材放在微波炉内加至温热,冷却后密封在塑料袋中,即可长期存放。

  4、食物复脆 饼干、瓜子、花生等食物被氧化后,用微波炉处理一下即可恢复香脆。

  5、抹布除异味 厨房里有异味的抹布,用水冲洗后用微波炉加热便可彻底xd。

  6、榨果汁 将柑橘类水果如:柠檬、橙子、柚等等刺破,在高温下掀盖加热15-20秒,放置1-2分钟后用手搓,切开水果,即可榨出果汁。

7、制作香味纸巾 将浸湿的纸巾喷洒上柠檬汁,放在微波炉内{zd0}功率高温加热20-30秒,取出冷却后即可。




3、忌将肉类加热至半熟后再用微波炉加热:因为在半熟的食品中xj没有被wq杀死,即使放入冰箱中,xj仍会生长, 第二次再用微波炉加热时,由于时间短,不可能将xj全杀死。 冰冻肉类食品须先在微波炉中解冻,然后再加热为熟食。   

4、忌使用金属器皿:因为放入炉内的铁、铝、不锈钢、搪瓷等金属器皿,微波炉在加热时会与之产生电火花并反射微波, 既损伤炉体又做不熟食物。   

5、忌再冷冻经微波炉解冻的肉类:因为肉类在微波炉中解 冻后,实际上已将外面一层低温加热了,在此温度下xj可以繁 殖,虽再冷冻可使其繁殖停止,却不能将活xj杀死。已用微波炉解冻的肉类,如果再放入冰箱冷冻,必须加热至全熟。   

6、忌使用封闭容器:加热液体时应使用阔口容器,因为在封闭容器内食物加热产生的热量不容易散发,使容器内压力过高, 易引起喷爆事故。即使在煎煮带壳食物时,也要事先用针或筷子 将壳膜刺破,以免加热后引起爆裂、迸溅弄脏炉壁。   




10、忌长时间在微波炉前工作。开启微波炉后,人应远离微波炉或人距离微波炉至少在1米以上。孕妇和孩子{zh0}不要接近微 波炉。对微波炉应经常清洗,特别注意qc门上的残渣,以避免由于门关不严而导致的微波泄漏。

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