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Why is gas so powerful as « industry business

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-16 浏览:148

Desperately in international oil prices rise, natural for Russia overjoyed. Rich oil and natural gas resources for the Russian straightened Yao Gan. Of you readers, you are not living in Europe, I wonder if the Europeans to act. A few years ago, we have a problem You Qizhan Lin Jie 1, affecting the entire district. No natural gas at home, we can not wash bath, can not burn rice, can not get warm, shocked the whole city. I did not expect natural gas will be so powerful.

I lived in Hamburg, Germany, the use of natural gas to the whole of Russia, the only clean, but also odorless, but also not less dangerous gas. Just use someone elses gas, you have to look at the cue. Europeans fear most is to offend Russia, where it is an angry, put off a natural gas pipeline, we are here Waner Wan has.

the past, the Soviet Union had used tanks to conquer its neighbors. Today

Ukraine was once part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Red Army development and strengthening of the military legislation of the deal in Ukraine. Ukraine, Russia brotherhood, especially in the Khrushchev era in power. He is the Ukrainian people, of course, toward the Ukraine. In his grasp the leadership of the party power, the Supreme Soviet decided to bring the Black Sea in Crimea as a gift for a very intimate brother Ukraine.

1994 presidential election in Ukraine, the newly elected Vladimir Putin the Russian government because of the absence of government support, huff, went so far said they will have to fight to join the EU and NATO. Ukraine is Russias think tank found that more than 10 years, the United States reap the opportunities of the Russian pressing harder and harder. The problem in Ukraine, Russia can no longer be compromised.

2005 year-end, are catching up with Russia to Ukraine gas contract expires. Russia immediately proposed that the future supply in accordance with international market prices, which in fact is to give Ukraine a little color and look. Ukraine since the break with Russia, the economic situation declined dramatically. Ukraine itself is no underground resources, industry is also lagging behind, a large number of the unemployed poor to travel abroad to make a living in Hamburg, Germany there is a lot of Ukrainians. Ukraine, the United States promised the money, but on condition that Ukraine must first go there, relying on the old America. Now, Ukraine has just pledged to join NATO, Russia would immediately raise the price of natural gas, the Government of Ukraine immediately soft down.

although Russia last year, the last day of the last one hour, giving Ukraine a step, the expressed willingness of natural gas through the Russia-Ukraine gas supply oil to solve the problem. However, Russias surprise move to many countries, especially those that rely on Russian gas and oil supply in the country, mainly European countries.

them from the Ukraine-Russia gas dispute in the whole process, feel that their energy can not just rely on the Russian one country. Polish Prime Minister not long ago, stand to think of every way to get rid of dependence on Russia. The German government is also determined to replace Bo Jukuan study of solar and other petroleum fuels, some government ministers have raised the possibility of the continued development of nuclear energy. But if Germany can indeed restore the development of nuclear energy, then its government will face a new political crisis, the Green Party and protector of nature will definitely not let this opportunity to expand the ranks of his own supporters.










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