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Online and so on, good fun xinyang急求Department! « China tour log ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-16 浏览:144

51 xinyang friends want to come play, but I was not very familiar with the city of Xinyang, Xinyang ask where good fun? What characteristics of the East and West?

xinyang four characteristics: Bay, chicken, eight, Mao
Bay: Guide to Bay Lake. South Bay Lake is located eight kilometers southwest of Xinyang City, the lake for the Henan Province, 20 kilometers east to west, 50 km long from north to south water area 70 square kilometers. Dam on the dragon-like, looking ahead, before the vastness, emerald-like islands dotted, lake, water days connected. South Bay Lake numerous islands, large and small, form different清碧spread错落有致to the lake, as if the beautiful. Island birds everywhere see a shadow, from time to time hear birdsong, to 100,000 a year in the breeding habitat for migratory birds and the world famous. M Island on the growth of dozens of wild ms, and they all smart, mischievous and lively, deeply loved visitors. Summer performances on the island nation has a unique geographical color, snakes are also unique, such as technical performance.百鸟园in many birds and lions, ms, wild boar, camels and other animals, different posture, so that visitors eyes.
chicken: Jigongshan means. State-level key scenic spots (1982), National Nature Reserve (1988), 4A-level scenic spots. With the history of Lushan, Beidaihe, Moganshan collectively, the four major summer resort in China. Fat Kwong, sea of clouds, fog Song, Rain Song, Xiaguang, exotic flowers, wind-free days, Green is known as sub-Chu Yu-eight Jigongshan natural scenery, renowned for their and well-known.
VIII: Horseshoe Huangchuan means soft-shelled turtle, known as the tortoise spoke in their native language. So named because of the shape of horseshoe. Delicate taste of their meat, fat and not greasy, is the best type of soft-shelled turtle, the delicious feast.
hair: green means Maojian. Xinyang, Henan Province Maojian is one of the famous native products, has always been the unique style of renowned Chinese and foreign. Xinyangmaojian tea tea in the Qing Dynasty has been one of the country, won the 1915 Gold World Expo in Panama, in 1958 as one of the top ten tea is a good family and friends to send the goods. There are other good
: South Bay Lake oily fish head. Bazhen dishes, one is mainly produced in Henan Province, Xinyang City, the waters of South Bay Lake Reservoir. South Bay Lake surrounded by mountains, flows from the hills of South Bay Lake water, pollution-free, which is like mineral water, rich in the head by fattened Melatonin, protein (up to 96.8%) and a variety of high-level nutrients, with a premium kidney, beauty, Jiannao, balance the effect of human nutrition, in Xinyang a (Friends of the characteristics of the Bi-eat food, the best to the South Bay Lake, a small island to eat, fresh!)
Various Jigongshan Potherb are treasures of the mountains. Growth in Peak and Jigongshan Yamashita moist environment, are a natural formation, pollution-free green food, it is not only rich in protein, vitamins A, B, C, also contains a lot of calcium, iron, minerals, etc. with Qingre, Mingmu, stomachic, blood pressure, blood fat and so a significant effect. There are dry
1000 Gushi chicken, carrot pieces, such as Gushi

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