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Residential investment profits investors have been moving sharply ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-20 浏览:191

2007 years 12 23, is the eastern part of the park space available for sale at shops in the official opening day. Right after 9:00, more than 500 seats have been packed, more than 500 handheld Gold customers waiting to buy shops, hope fortunate to come into their possession. An Oriental Hotel, the waiter told reporters that before the properties for sale here at the opening ceremony of recognition available, or they are so popular, but those are residential, and this is the shops. Moreover, the more significance is that this incident took place in the property market

at the scene waiting for摇号Mr. Hung told reporters that the country one after another out macro-control policies, so I decided to look for more mature shops to come and invest.

investment shops Sharp

According to have surfaced, Wenzhou investors, Shanxi coal bosses and the Shenzhen real estate were the three major real estate groups, have already shifted investment shops. Throughout the country, a number of strong financial background, Wenzhou People not only short-term, such as shops and business hotels like the relatively long-term pursuit of the property equally, usually they like to buy the entire floor, to conduct an overall package, and then large property split into small property more business opportunities.

Today, the investment inflection point is being spread to the second and third line cities. Reporter visited recently found that the overall flat sales in the residential environment, the performance of commercial real estate a great catch-up residential trend, not only in hot spot areas in the commercial package favored by investors, even once, commercial residential projects supporting shops have begun to someone cares about the.

recent investment in shops, and a considerable portion of the shift from residential investment are. In residential investment has earned the first pot of gold under Mr. Lu told reporters that he left behind is now 100,000 yuan in the stock market, other funds going to buy shops.

commercial real estate overall situation is getting better and better

2007 years 9 27, the New Deal introduced mortgages to raise more than the second set down the proportion of housing and lending rates, further reduced the profit margins of residential investment. In the meantime, commercial real estate market in the next New Deal seems subdued. In addition, many sports, catering, luxury goods and other international brands have opened the site to Wuhan, so that the rapid increase in demand for commercial space.

A lot of people started to tend to invest in shops.

from the beginning of September 2007, at Hankow Center Baoli International Plaza, 1st Floor, gold shops reached 20,000 ~ 40,000 / square meters. Optical Valley city in the world Walking Street is offered for sale, average price has reached about 25,000 / square meters, the opening day, nearly sold out.

Shenzhen World Real Estate Consultants Limited谢璋side fat that commercial business facilities will become the next hot spot for investment, and this round of reform experiments Wuhan comprehensive zone is approved, will enable business investment in the future extension of the spring even longer .

shops was optimistic about the appreciation of space

Wuhan Germany, according to the prevalence of property consultants Limited data show that in Wuhan, residential real estate, commercial real estate , industrial real estate development ratio is about three 6:3:1. Miao, general manager of the company advertised that in the future, industrial real estate and commercial real estate development will gradually increase the proportion to carry out these two types of real estate development risks will be small, the investment rate of return will also be higher.

residential investment market with the increasingly strong wait-and-see atmosphere, shops and the prospects of the investment market is even more uncertain, but also by investors. Market Research Center, Wuhan Sunco Li Dan, said: Compared with the residential, although the shop is relatively high investment capital, shops are often greater than the value of residential, residential rents are more high-level, high-input high return, low-input also has a relatively stable return. In the residential market uncertainty situation, the reliability of stronger investment shops.

Chinese version:住宅投资获利骤减 投资客纷纷转战商业地产
















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