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“Time magazine”: the arrival of another energy crisis will ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-22 浏览:241

January 23 issue of the U.S. the article, the article pointed out that the U.S. natural gas shortage, the new one is coming energy crisis may be.

Bob Horton heating shop has grown from struggling with the economic downturn many times over, but now looks like this has a 40-year-old can stand the heat store last winter. Last month, the cost of his fuel bill soared to 602 U.S. dollars, but a year ago, the figure is 250 U.S. dollars. If we raise heating prices, he will lose some customers, Bob Horton tried a variety of ways to reduce his fuel costs.

This winter, and there is no colder than in the past, but such as Horton heating and homeowners who, when they opened the heating bills, when hearts are subjected to a huge cold. According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency predicts that 62 million U.S. households heat with natural gas this winter than in the past it took 35%. In the past five years, relying on gas for heating of households pay more than doubled, those who rely on propane or home heating oil situation also is not much better. Why

heating bill will be so high? Because natural gas has not only been chemical companies and other industrial companies which consume a lot. In the most recent decades, the electricity companies in environmental protection is also put under pressure from the embrace of natural gas, because it burn cleaner than coal and oil to be much more. Since the power companies, gas consumption since 1989 has risen by 76%. However, in the global market and oil can be easy to transport and trade on the different natural gas created logistical problems. It is only through the cooling liquid, natural gas can be transported by way of shipping. The United States now use natural gas, 85% of all domestic production, the remaining pipeline through Canada, less than 1% of natural gas from Trinidad and Nigeria, they are imported by tanker of liquefied later. This ratio is changing in 2005, the U.S. natural gas production fell by 5 percent, mostly due to the hurricane devastated the Gulf of Mexico natural gas harvesting equipment. At the same time Canada is consuming more gas, less and less natural gas available for export. In short, it is these reasons the United States natural gas in short supply, and this is the reason gas prices.

system, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas economist Stephen Brown predicted that high energy costs will make the United States in 2006, GDP growth rate decreased 0.5 percentage points. He said, but not enough to pull the U.S. into a recession. Of course, the low growth rate means that someone will suffer. In Iowa, the state Energy Assistance Program increased by 8%, public schools have suffered torture high heating bills, it begins to reduce the heater temperature, and in the course of field visits of students to reduce costs. Yu-Shu millet grown in Missouri, soybeans and wheat David Callis, found that natural gas production by-product - the price of fertilizer increased by 50%. Consumers but also because the same reason for the paint and plastic containers to pay higher prices. Paint manufacturer Sherwin-Williams paint has recently been the price to upgrade from 22 U.S. dollars per gallon to 26 U.S. dollars. In this crisis, the only beneficiaries are the manufacturer of thermal insulation material - their business thriving. (Li Yuan compilation)



鲍勃霍顿加热店已经从疲于应付经济低迷了许多倍,但现在看起来像这样有一个40岁的热量可以站在商店去年冬天。上个月,他的燃料成本也上涨至6020美元,但在一年前,这个数字是250美元。如果我们提高供暖价格,他将失去一些客户,鲍勃霍顿尝试了他的方法来降低燃料成本不同。 “我们必须被拖垮。”他对他在谈到当时的燃料法案说:“我实在无法负担这些费用也”。



系统,lb储备银行达拉斯经济学家史蒂芬布朗预测,高能源成本将在2006年美国的国内生产总值增长率下降0.5个百分点。 “这是,在拉动美国经济。”他说,但还不足以把他拉美国经济衰退。当然,低增长率意味着有人会受到影响。在爱荷华州,国家的能源援助计划增加8%,公立学校遭受酷刑的取暖费用高,它开始减少加热器的温度,并在实地考察学生的课程,以降低成本。于淑在密苏里州小米,大豆和小麦种植大卫卡利斯博士发现,由天然气生产的产品-对化肥价格增加了50%。消费者也因为对油漆和塑料容器同样的理由支付更高的价格。涂料生产商的Sherwin - Williams油漆最近升级的价格从22美元每加仑二六美元美元。在这场危机中,{wy}的受益者是保温材料-他们的业务蓬勃发展的制造商。 (黎吁氨汇编)06.1.28

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