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我的手和脚总是在严寒的冬天,晚上睡觉也,可有什么好方法« Live in ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-24 浏览:307


我也想你有这样的错!这里是我的问题,其他用户对我的帮助,我觉得很有道理,我们可能会与你分享! !














扩张周围血管,畅通的末梢血液循环有帮助,但维生素E的作用还比较低,并继续3个月内取得成果,每天前服用210 - 250IU不够。


提示1 -凡

提示2 -维生素B群可以帮助
合成维生素烟酸为b1,b2,B6的帮助烟酸的合成,想促进周围血管扩张,每天可以增加30 -维生素B群60毫克。

























我也一样。和人的体质,性格和其他有关吧。推荐前在夜间和脚睡觉用热水。有一点白天和服装,特别是脚。此外,口答:你是白羊座怎么办? (不要误会,我只是想看看星座,血型和其他物质条件和关系人的性格)




冬季后,往往是流感病人大幅增加,如何防范洪水? 1999年,日本名古屋大学教授,卫生和环境部医学,须藤千春发表了一份关于“空气湿度的报告和人类健康之间的关系”的研究报告,研究发现:在过去的30年,一年全球气温上升,空气湿度年逐年下降,流感,支气管xc,过敏性皮炎,对疾病,如30多年前肺气肿的发病率,30%或以上的增长。其中流感易发和低湿度有密切的关系,温暖,干燥的空气环境易于xj,病毒繁殖和传播。




















帕潘? ?绝食发冷吗?人体的热量来源,食物是很重要的哦!因此,jf毫米以上,饿了太远,或将因低血糖糖尿病患者,而手,脚冷的现象。 )






















My hands and feet are always cold in winter sleep at night too, what can be a good way to

Every winter, always cold hands and feet. Especially the feet, at night while sleeping, too, do not know why. Can control

I would also like you have this wrong! Here is my question, other User to my help, I think a very good argument, we might share it with you! !
to overcome the cold hands and feet 13 Gonglue
hate cold weather in winter, and cold hands, and even others are embarrassed to shake hands, typing, writing the most painful time; cold feet, insomnia is caused by a nightmare, this winter I do not want when the tip of beauty啦!

hands and feet always cold Ni cardiovascular weak啦!

cold hands and feet and heart, blood vessels have great relationship because of the blood sent from the heart to carry oxygen to all parts of the body, oxygen through the combustion, can generate heat, warm hands and feet only. Once the cardiovascular function of the system encountered a problem and will affect the blood running conveyor, resulting in cold hands and feet of the situation.

from the Chinese point of view, easy to cold hands and feet, numbness, mostly belonging to the wrong blood because of Qi, blood deficiency caused by poor blood run the blood under-utilized.

[the main cause of cold hands and feet]
* heart weak, can not make the blood supply to peripheral parts of the body.
* the amount of blood the body is not enough low hemoglobin and red blood cells.
* blockage of blood vessels, or fever, colds, etc. will affect the brain, central nervous system, resulting in cold hands and feet.
* sympathetic nerve function is a problem, not the cold, tight muscles to generate heat to cold.

[which are most prone to cold hands and feet of the case]

* body is too thin and small size compared with girls
thin, physical treatment of the girls most prone to cold hands and feet of the situation, because this type of person poor peripheral blood circulation , easy to make temperature regulation mechanism disorder, but cold hands and feet is the autonomic nervous system function regulation is not smooth, blood vessels caused by thinning. And toes, knees, shoulders and fingers and other parts of the joint district belongs to exercise more, as fat, blood vessels are relatively small, easy heat dissipation.

* low blood sugar or low blood pressure when
food is very important to the body heat source, if you care to lose weight too hungry, too far, so that low blood sugar, there will be the phenomenon of cold hands and feet. The hypotension, the blood circulation will be poor, fatigue, physical weakness, the blood pressure easily reduced, cold hands and feet would be Hello!

* excessive pressure when the tight
because of work pressure or the pressure of time forcing, and make cold hands and feet began to tremble, as long as the tension over this period, it will gradually restore warmth.

* not enough warm clothing and cold hands and feet
If that temperature, the average deployment of a problem, if you have more to wear several pieces of clothing, but the warmth of hands and feet has not been restored in respect of attention啦! Because many of the human form neural receptors sense the temperature of cold spots , as too slow and not feel the cold.

* cold or prolonged stay in air-conditioned room
will allow reduced blood flow, blood-line slowed down so that cold hands and feet.


cold hands and feet refused to lift the winter, cold hands and feet, it is necessary to proceed with all aspects of everyday life, quickly began to exercise, diet, eat medicated food, bubble spa, massage this winter could be the limbs Nijiu a warm, ruddy way through Hello!

. Gong Lue 1: ground movement. Qin walk away winter s morning, of course, easy to
Laichuang, but if determined to get rid of cold hands and feet, the proposed Ni may wish to get up early doing the movement, walking is the best choice Oh! Faster than with walking, running slower than the speed, stride forward, his hands by the way rejection toss, took 30 minutes to promote the blood run, the body will be nice and warm, because early in the morning let the blood circulation and metabolism speed up, so the whole days will be full of vitality, is not easy to feel cold Oh!

Why do not you try a simple stair climbing, standing jump, moving 20-minutes, with a slight degree of sweating will help to strengthen the ability to regulate body temperature. Work 40 minutes later, the best stand up and walk, Tata step, hands-on work from time to time refers to the earth, toes up can help the blood circulation.

. Gonglue 2: Multi-vitamin supplements, vitamin E can be E
expansion of peripheral blood vessels, smooth helpful for the peripheral blood circulation, but the effect of vitamin E is relatively low and have continued to 3 months to bear fruit, and every day before taking 210-250IU enough.

. Gonglue 3: Eat more foods containing niacin, nicotinic acid,
to stabilize the nervous system and circulatory system helpful, but also can improve the nervous, nervous diarrhea, skin inflammation, but also expansion of peripheral blood vessels, improving the cold hands and feet, If you take large doses, but also facial flushing, burning it!

Tips 1 - Where
niacin nicotinic acid in animal liver, eggs, milk, cheese, brown rice, whole wheat products, sesame seeds, mushrooms, peanuts, mung bean, coffee, very rich in content.

Tips 2 - Synthesis of Vitamin B group can help
vitamin niacin B1, B2, B6 can help nicotinic acid synthesis, would like to promote the expansion of peripheral blood vessels a day can add 30-60mg of vitamin B group.

. Home 4: Eat more nuts. Carrot
be routine by Sibu law, let the body warm a warm, such as the nuts of the walnut, sesame, pine nuts, etc.; vegetables such as leeks, carrots, cabbage, spinach, etc.; fruits of apricot, peach, papaya, etc. are eating the best choice, other such as beef, lamb, seafood, four gods, glutinous rice, brown rice, soybeans, tofu, sesame seeds, brown sugar, , are all hot foods, is cold hands and feet of people should be more optional ingredients.

wish to remind, easy cold hands and feet of people, throughout the year should avoid eating raw and cold foods, ice cream, or drinking cold drinks, even if the weather be hot in summer, but also kick the tires Oh!

. Gong Lue 5: develop the habit of eating spicy food
pepper, pepper, mustard, garlic, green onion, curry spice eat dumplings, when, with bowls of hot and sour soup, and virtually eat a lot of spice into the Hello!

. Gong Lue 6: Warming Food
eat, such as ginseng tea, ginger duck, longan tea, black sesame, sweet glutinous rice balls and so on, not only allowed to eat in winter warm body can achieve the effect of a supplement, hands and feet can no longer be cold.

traditional Chinese medicine there are many drugs are available to improve and prevent cold hands and feet, such as ginseng, Codonopsis, Chinese angelica, red sage root, Northern Qi, velvet, silk rabbits son, Morinda, cinnamon, cistanche, Curculigoside, cinnamon son, Gui branches, ephedra, ginger, pepper, pepper, nutmeg, cardamom grass and so on, whether it is tea, boiling down, into the food, lot of food on the right啦!

. Anti-cold hands and feet Sibu 3 posts:

* wolfberry soup
ginseng ginseng, medlar all five money, join the 1500cc of water after using the fire boil, then cook low heat 15-20 minutes, you can drink.

* Panax Ginseng 7-8 Walnut drink
film, walnut 15-20 pieces, add water, overwhelmed, with the fire after the boil, then cook low heat 10-20 minutes, warm drink before bed can be light to drink soup , but better to be boiling down to take the residue.

* red date longan drink
jujube, longan amount, add water can be boiled for drinking, particularly suitable for anemia, easy to feel dizzy people.

. Gonglue 7: Do not hungry, do not overdo
partial eclipse, excessive weight loss, let the body store more appropriate amount of fat, can help to maintain body temperature. If, prior knowledge of today s busy because of work and can not eat on time, they may first prepare some biscuits, bread, or ginseng tea in a timely manner to add heat.

. Gonglue 8: taking traditional Chinese medicine also has a fixed
prescription medicine to treat cold hands and feet, such as SDT, eight soup, Sijunzitang, 4 Wu-Tang, Li Zhong Tang, owned by Society for Jianzhong Tang, Fuzi Lizhong Tang, Gui sticks soup, Pueraria soup, ephedra soup, Angelica Sini soup, Shenqi pills, pills and so go right. These traditional Chinese medicine are usually more suitable for physical treatment of the people, not sure if you care about, but also could be invited to the opening of Chinese medicine prescriptions.

. Gonglue 9: Do not pay attention because the beauty
warm, or wear too much fear of being laughed at, but Shaochuan warm clothing, all kinds of warm measures, such as jackets, caps, gloves, scarves, masks, health, clothing, socks and so on, it is cold when you have to complete all the wear. Add a coat off is required before determining the weather has been hot up, not because of psychological irritability, tension, hot flashes, or after the event was fever, immediately took off his warm clothing.

do not wear tight clothes, tight clothes because it will hinder blood circulation. Before going to sleep at night, remember to wear warm wool socks to help cold feet, we should note that if the feet lose their temperature, is not easy to sleep啦!

. Gonglue 10: Oil Bath
are available, can be given baths and hot water by adding ginger or chamomile, basil, cinnamon, rosemary and other essential oil, pepper bath agent may apply to the promotion of blood circulation, let the body warm up.

bath can be used alternately cold and hot water shower arms and legs, a blood vessel by scaling between hot and cold to achieve the purpose of the blood flow. Bubbles in the hands and feet with hot water before going to bed, but also can promote the peripheral blood circulation, help them fall asleep. Do not forget their feet, immediately dry with a towel, and quickly put on warm socks.

Super soak hands and feet Agent:
if you care about really cold hands and feet to No, the hot water is no longer a mere WordUP, the proposed Ni to find a bucket and filled hot water + wine + ginger, hot water and rice wine ratio is 1:1, taking advantage of watching TV or relaxing soak, very effective Oh!

. Gonglue 11: acupressure
Chinese medicine recommends daily massage, cold hands and feet, and can ease the symptoms of systemic Weileng Oh!

* If the body of the phenomenon
Ni Wei Leng can massage the inside of Hoku thumbs, wrists inside the inner 3-5cm below the knee off points and 6-8cm of the full three years.

* To strengthen the foot massage warm
Ni can be located at the outer leg to the growth of the little finger and Yongquan Yin Xue, Yongquan Point is located when the toes all the bending, in the soles of the feet of people formed shaped wrinkles of the Central Office.

times Jiewei 2-3 times a day, each time pressing acupuncture points and the 40-50. Alternatively, you can rub each toe look at the root, so that legs will be very warm, and with the lotion and 宝宝 oil, the effect even better Oh!

. Gong Lue 12: carbonated hot springs bubble bar!
spring rich in carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, can promote blood circulation, lower blood pressure. Because carbonic acid spring of spring temperature than other types of hot springs is low, so even a longer soaking time, it will not because of the rapid pulse of high-temperature Er Shi accelerated, resulting in physical discomfort.

Suao Cold Spring, Lushan Hot Spring, Chihpen Hot Springs and so are carbonated springs, taking advantage of vacation during the often go to soak for cold hands and feet to improve the role of Oh!

. Gonglue 13: bedtime cup of warm milk
in the cold winter nights in the first before going to bed drink a cup of hot milk, will help Ni warm body, and help to sleep. But to note that the amount of not to drink too much, a cup 250cc most appropriate, or the warm blanket from the middle of the night frequently ran up the results of the toilet, outside cold air, which give Ni cold hands and feet, it is difficult to sleep啦!

In addition, since the drink milk, we might pay attention more! With low-fat, skim the best, if you have added fiber, digestive function can be maintained for the health of more helpful Oh!

Me, too. And human physique, personality and other relevant bar. Recommended before going to bed at night and feet with hot water. One point during the day and clothing, especially the feet. In addition, the mouth a: you are Aries to do? (Do not misunderstand, I just want to look at constellations, blood type and other physical conditions and human character of the relationship)

I am also the same, I am now sitting in bed every day, in addition to dinner time, other are all in bed reading online.
This is because our body s blood circulation is not very smooth, support make up the hands and feet nerve endings, the main method of prevention is probably to do more exercise, cold of winter, try not to eat the food, eat, hot spots such as beef, lamb what .
my experience is that each multi-bubble bath, so that for a long time will feel warmer.

This is a personal physical problems, it does not matter, you can try to do
1, you have their feet with hot water every night for 15 minutes, preferably over time, before going to bed two feet rub each other, or by hand to a foot massage, so that the blood circulation flow under their feet sleep at night will feel a lot better.
2, have time to buy some winter Qu-han of the recipes to come back, eat some of this food, it should be better, coupled with normal clothing point

Although the majority of Heating for heating the homes have been adopted, but inside the drying room, or far greater than outdoor levels. After entering the winter, many people in the office and at home will often feel dry skin, dizziness, drowsiness, reduced ability to respond, greatly increased the chance of illness, and this what reasons? Medical experts said that these are mainly caused due to air dry. It is understood that, humidity refers to the size of the water vapor contained in the air, humidity, the greater that the air more humid, water vapor from the saturation level closer. Experiments show that people living in relative humidity of 45% -65% RH, humidity index 50-60 are most comfortable environment, while the autumn and winter and central air-conditioning indoor humidity is usually only 10% -15% RH, in such a Room stay for a long time, people would be skin tight, dry and get angry, feeling unwell. Therefore, the winter of health should be valued by the people. The most prevalent respiratory diseases

winter later, often a substantial increase in influenza patients, how to prevent flooding? In 1999, Japan s Nagoya University, Professor, Department of Health and Environmental Medicine, Sudo Chiharu published a report on air humidity and the relationship between human health, the study report, the study found that: Over the past 30 years, year by year as global temperatures rise, the air humidity decreased year by year, influenza, bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, the incidence of diseases such as emphysema than 30 years ago, increased by 30% or more. One of influenza-prone and low humidity have a close relationship, warm, dry air environment, easy-to-bacteria, viruses, breeding and dissemination.

Solutions: Medical experts and anti-influenza should focus on prevention, and create a healthy indoor humidity, through appropriate diet and exercise to improve the human immune system at the same time, it can be used to improve indoor air humidification humidity, if applied with on the disinfectant will be better. In addition, improve heart and lung function, respiratory us is also a very useful exercise. Mo belittling

cold hands and feet to the winter cold hands and feet of women are out there, even in indoor Betrader dressed, thick wool socks, gloves, cotton-padded clothes, like trousers and no less, otherwise, it is necessary to fight tooth cold. This is because the nerve endings from the heart of distant, cold weather after the vasoconstriction caused by insufficient blood supply caused. In addition there is no regular exercise habit, hesitant, is the most natural reaction to the fall and winter. If chilly fairly normal reaction of the body, then if you are cold to the fingers or toes, or even feel numbness, or tingling, then look on the doctor s help.

solution: usually do not smoke, avoid excessive intake of caffeine-containing foods, such as coffee, tea, cola, etc., eat the blood circulation of warm food, many wearing warm clothes, more flexible fingers, arm circling, twisting of the toes and other warm-up exercise, to avoid prolonged stationary postures and mental concentration, in particular the continued use of the computer up to 7 hours or more. Of course, if we make their move in the wind howling up the season, but also one of the most natural and immediate effect of a good way. Joint disease to be wary of

have arthritis of the knee Jiugen observatory, as the weather cools, knees first to know. Generally speaking, the same day at 3 degrees above the temperature changes, pressure changes of greater than 10 hPa and above, the relative humidity greater than 10% or more, people will feel joint pain significantly increased recently. Muscles near the joints are mostly kin, ligaments and other small blood vessels in the organization, have been relatively insufficient blood supply, combined with limbs often exposed, it is easier heat dissipation, so that joint stiffness and pain beyond.

Solution: In addition to attention to limbs usually warm, but also can make use of knee pads, elbow pads and other supplies. Law of rehabilitation exercise can strengthen the leg muscles, promote blood circulation. In warm water pool to do water exercise, swimming is quite a good choice. Can also be based on weather forecasts before the weather changed to warm, wet drive measures.

I am also of the. Can only rely on air-conditioning, electric blanket and so on.

wear socks to bed ah

I, too, seems to be bad blood circulation.

can be solved, at night before bed and then meditate on your foot cold blanket drill. This is my personal experience.

cold hands and feet of the main reasons is because the autonomic nervous system function of regulation is not smooth, thinning caused by blood vessels. Together with toes, knees, shoulders, fingers and other joints are more exercise, fat little heat easily lost, blood vessels and fewer and easier to feel cold.

What kind of people tend to hand-foot cold?

thin women, Yi

with cold hands and feet, according to clinical experience, the more lean body, posing at the end of winter at the end of the women most likely to have cold hands and feet situation.

because most of the thin girls, poor peripheral blood circulation, easy to make the role of body temperature regulation disorder. Cold hands and feet mainly because of the autonomic nervous system function of regulation is not smooth, thinning caused by blood vessels. Together with toes, knees, shoulders, fingers and other joints are more exercise, fat little heat easily lost, blood vessels and fewer and easier to feel cold.


cold hands and feet warm is not enough that the average body temperature of the deployment problem. If you have more tim clothes, and are still hand-foot-cold, it should be noted that because many people s nerve receptors sense the body surface temperature and the cool spots are too inactive and did not know cold.

excessive pressure of work when

sense of responsibility, time pressure caused by tight, which could lead to hand, foot and shivering, cold fingers, but things had to warm slowly to resume.

low blood sugar or low blood pressure

Papan? ? The hunger-fat cold? The body heat source, food is very important to Oh! Therefore, the weight loss over MM, hungry too far, or will be diabetic patients because of low blood sugar while the phenomenon of hand, foot and cold. )

The occurrence of hypotension, on behalf of the bad blood circulation, it is often fatigue, weakness also contributed to the winter cold hands and feet causes.

housewives, hand eczema Do not ignore the

hand eczema is a common skin disease, housewives, hand eczema, often associated with contact with soap, detergents, decontamination powder and hair dyes and other relevant. In the case of long-standing soaking wet, this disease-prone and the persistent recurrence.

hand eczema more in your hands and fingertips of the palm dorsal face, back and wrist, partial to infiltration, hypertrophy, and because of the activities can generate chapped fingers, and a swelling of the skin, irregular nail growth. A small number of skin rash may occur on the palm side of the edge of the rash is not clear-cut, partial rough skin, there is a small hill herpes, itching, occurred in winter due to dry and chapped. Material frequent contact with the outside world because of his hands, so housewives hand eczema regardless of the cause to tend to be more stubborn.

in the prevention and treatment, we should first identify the causes of the disease and to be avoided, temporarily little contact or no contact with soap, detergents, hair dyes and so on, to avoid scratching, avoid using hot water wash Department. Drugs that can be used with 1% hydrocortisone 10% urea cream, or cream with corticosteroids (such as Pi Yan Ping, Picao cream, skin new song) with 10% of the black bean distillate oil ointment used interchangeably, generally do not Oral corticosteroids needed. In addition, the use of Chinese medicine formulations outside the wash soak, the effect is also very good. Formula is as follows: Cacumen Platycladi, Sophora flavescens, 100, Su Ye, rhubarb, licorice each 15 grams ~ 30 g Jianshui, fried about 15 minutes after the opening to the residue, place Wenliang, soak your hands for 10 minutes every morning and evening 15 minutes.

hands and feet to prevent the loss of heat

nutritional supplements

eat the food to promote blood circulation sesame, spinach, peanuts, tofu, fresh fish, garlic, green onion, pepper, curry.

beef and mutton in the protein, fat, vitamins B1, B2, amino acids, iron cold hands and feet can also improve the situation.

usually more exercise

exercise can help blood circulation, especially for office workers who need to sedentary office if they can maintain the standard of weight, more exercise, appropriate body weight coupled with exercise can make the body a normal cycle.

bedtime bubble bath

bedtime bubble bath, on the one hand can promote blood circulation, let the body warm up, you can also relieve stress, help you sleep oh!

warm clothing should be adequate

suggest that you prepare in the office more than a thin coat, proper warm, often because of busy forgetting to add items of clothing.

be added if the winter cold weather gloves and socks to cold. Especially should pay attention to the feet warm when sleeping, because the feet warm, it is unlikely that sleep loss may, by a warm cotton socks to help keep warm.


Yam and the springs can be carried out against the mean pressure.

Yam foot fifth toe nail growth in the outer office.

springs in the soles of the feet near the toes of the Central Office, will bend the toes all the time, in the soles of the feet wrinkles formed by a central office person-shaped.

gentle pinch to the root of each toe, so that the feet will feel warm.

may wish to use lotion or 宝宝 oil to massage hands and feet, make your skin soft, but also promote the blood circulation outside.

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