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The development of recycling economy construction of a ...

作者:企业资讯策划团队 来源:rwfb 发布时间:2010-05-24 浏览:226

Yongzhou is located in southern Hunan to Wuling Mountain Range, screen, is the source of Xiaoxiang dihydrate, in beautiful mountains, fresh air can be considered an ecological barrier in southern Hunan Province, Hunan Province for the whole eco-environmental safety of great significance. of the extensive economic growth pattern and follow in order to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as the main content of the circular economy development.

one, changing the concept of development

development is the last word is our top priority in governing and rejuvenating the party. The partys overall development.

2, rationally adjust industrial structure and layout of

central current world economic development, a clear trend is that with information technology as the main indicator of high-tech revolution that sets high-tech transformation of the productive forces faster and faster. This as an opportunity to rationalize the industrial structure and layout of the city, vigorously introduce and develop high-tech industries, and greatly enhance energy and raw materials utilization, reducing resource consumption and consumption advocate in favor of saving energy resources and protecting the ecological environment of the industrial structure and consumption patterns, the full implementation of clean production and energy-saving technologies, accelerate the development of recycling economy, the development of green industries and environmental protection industries, promote the whole Yongzhou truly embark on the development of production, an affluent life and sound eco-road of civilized development, are currently important task. First of all, in the industrial economic restructuring, it is necessary to increase resource utilization efficiency as the goal, to reduce pollutant emission intensity, decisive phase out and close the waste of resources, pollution of the environment and the backward technology, equipment and business, and actively develop and promote resource conservation, alternative and recycling technologies, accelerate the pace of energy saving technological transformation, to develop low energy consumption and pollution emissions than high-tech industries. Second, the economic structural adjustment in agriculture, we should vigorously develop ecological agriculture and organic agriculture, the city is located in the humid subtropical monsoon climate zone, abundant sunshine, heat abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, four distinct seasons, combined with fertile land, crop varieties more high yield, to take full advantage of these resources is superior, focus on the building of organic food and green food base, a significant reduction in pesticide and fertilizer use. Third, we must vigorously develop eco-tourism as the leading tertiary industry. City rich in tourism resources, Xiaoxiang charm, jiuyi scenery, ancient magic but charming. Must adhere to the development and protection of equal importance, at the same time enhance tourism quality and comprehensively promote the process of urbanization and the development of tertiary industry.

Third, the establishment of technical support for the development of circular economy system

develop a recycling economy, technology is the key. Implementation of the circular economy needs a unique technical support system, the core technology of this system is technology, waste electronic products, waste electrical and mechanical products, scrap textiles, such as packaging waste recovery and recycling, as well as re-manufacturing technology, it should be encouraged, the introduction and promotion.

4, improve the promotion of circular economy development, institutions and mechanisms

one-sided pursuit of growth points of the economic system, the result will inevitably lead to resource over-exploitation and rapid depletion and cause serious environmental pollution. Therefore, to address economic development and resource environment, tolerance of contradictions, we must fundamentally change the economic system to start in the market mechanism into full play the positive role, strengthen the Government . Meanwhile, the comprehensive utilization of resources for those who are efficient, less polluting and enterprises in a policy is to provide great support, such as investment and financing environment, tax policy, etc., should be tilted.

5, a sound development of circular economy laws and regulations and standard system

improve laws and regulations, improve the combination of price reform, the implementation of the promotion of circular economy development, pricing policy and price criteria. The fourth is to be scientific. Circular economy development of local regulations and standards of science must be a comprehensive, enterprise, unit and individual actions should be binding on both the more important to have guidance. Circular economy in itself is an emerging science, the core of this scientific system refers to the human, natural resources and science and technology, a large system, in the allocation of resources, production, product consumption and waste in the entire process to continuously improve efficiency of resource use to the traditional, resource-dependent linear increase in the development of a net consumption of a change on ecological resources in the development of circular economy. Thus, both the input or output, whether consumption or waste, and regardless of efficiency or a model, circular economy has its own laws, in the development of local regulations and standards in the process of scientific expression of these laws, can we truly Yongzhou guide the economy into a highly efficient, rapid and healthy and sustainable development.

6, and organized to carry out circular economy pilot projects

circular economy pilot projects, and actively explore effective model for development of circular economy is to build a conservation-oriented society of the important channels. City to develop recycling economy, key areas and key industries should start with the idea of co-ordination with the development of socio-economic development and environmental resources to resolve the contradiction. First of all, at the enterprise level, we should actively promote clean production, according to the of the behavior of enterprises and production, particularly in the metallurgical, chemical, building materials and other industries, we should pay attention to the introduction of advanced technology, accumulation of production and conservation, recycling energy consumption experience, uphold the experimental treatment, step by step. The third is to strengthen the industrial park construction, and strengthen the pilot eco-industrial parks and promote the role of the typical model of radiation effects. Currently there are Changfeng city, Phoenix Park, Qiyang Qi Li, Ping Chau, High-Tech, San Tin Longquan, Ning Happy Rock, Road, County Industrial Park, dual-brand green industrial base model industrial parks in recent years of active exploration Under the rapid development of industrial parks, its economy will become increasingly obvious with the radiation, and further increase investment and eco-industrial park planning and management, industry and the development of recycling economy Yongzhou characteristics undoubtedly have a huge boost.

7, strengthening publicity and education

continuous publicity and education to increase awareness of conservation efforts, and actively promote conservation of cultural and save civilization, so as to effectively mobilize the positive factors to form a consensus, and form together, it will greatly speed up the economic and social Yongzhou a comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable development and people consciousness. Build a resource-saving society and environment-friendly society, both to the fundamental interests of all citizens Yongzhou and long-term interests of future generations, but also depends on the concerted efforts of all citizens Yongzhou. Only when all our mobilization, starting with ourselves, bit by bit from the actual work and life in the start, consciously saving energy and protecting the environment as a good habit to implement the work, all aspects of life and consumption in order to develop a recycling economy, build a conservation-oriented society of the work is truly implemented.


永州是湖南南部位于武陵山山脉,屏幕,是潇湘二水源美丽的山,清新的空气可以被认为是湖南省南部,湖南省生态屏障,整个生态环境安全具有重要意义。 “十一五”期间永州经济和社会发展是一个战略机遇,实现经济可持续发展永州的重要时期,必须结合永州实际,以减少资源浪费,保护脆弱的生态破坏性开发环境;必须基于科学发展观为指导,抛弃传统的“高投入,高消耗,高排放,低效率的粗放型经济增长方式”,并按照以建设资源节约型,环境友好型社会作为对循环经济发展的主要内容。


发展是硬道理,是我们的首要任务,在执政兴国的党。党的十六届三中全会明确指出:“坚持以人为本,树立全面,协调,可持续发展的概念,促进经济,社会和全面发展。”在新的历史时期,经济,社会和人类永州的顺利实现全面发展,我们必须始终保持同党中央,协议树立和落实科学发展观的高度,并采取正确的可持续发展的道路。首先,改变了国内生产总值的发展与增长之间的关系的正确观点的理解。 “发展”包括“增长”,经济增长的发展基础和必要条件,但“增长”,而不是“发展的代表。”如果经济增长对资源的浪费和环境破坏的基础上建立,那么,这个“增长”只是一个暂时的发展,其结果必将导致发展的停滞甚至倒退。因此,节约资源,保护生态,发展循环经济是永州的{wy}途径的人寻求全面发展。二,正确的资源和环境的改变是必要的资源和环境的评价系统和客观的分析,简单的了解。城市的森林资源,水资源,矿产资源,农业资源相对丰富,但工业和农业经济基础薄弱,结构差,毅力,处理和利用率低的冲突缺乏也相当突出。因此,决不能立场,“永州资源丰富,环境优美,”仅仅认识自满,而是要根据的优点和资源的利弊和科学分析和评估环境,扬长避短,以“崛起中部中国“战略为契机,大力发展循环经济实现可持续发展。第三,我们必须改变,“理论的{wy}条件”,相信“人类的努力而定。”永州市城镇化水平低,企业规模比较小,布局分散,资本投资严重不足,技术创新能力薄弱,没有大的矿井,没有大工业,在艰苦的恐惧上升。为此,永州要进一步解放思想,开动脑筋,相信依靠人类的努力,千方百计筹集资金,千方百计引进技术,尽一切可能挽救不利有限资源的使用的优势,也有利于为动力,以实现经济,社会和人的全面发展。













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